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Unstable framerate

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Hello there,

I can't seem to keep a steady framerate. When I am alone and in a field I get an average of 65 fps but when I enter a city or go on WvW I get 40 fps. I know it's a matter of tweaking the graphic settings but I don't know what to specifically change.

My PC specs:

Geforce RTX 2060

Ryzen 5 2600

16 gb of ram

I will post the graphic settings on GW2 in the comments since I can't seem to attach them to this post.



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Here's some good settings that won't change much the quality but will improve performance:

Animations : Medium

Antialiasing : SMAA Low, looks better than FXAA and has super low performance impact, unless is set on High.

Postprocessing : Off

Best texture filtering : Off

High-res character texture : optional, but honestly off helps in some cases, especially on mid-low spec PC.


Before you do what i typed below, try setting the frame limited only from ingame settings, see how that works. Then try what i said below, see what works best for you.

Ultimately set the frame limiter on your GPU driver (not ingame options) to match your monitor refresh rate.

Example: 60hz monitor > frame limit 58

Why 58? Because we want to avoid stuttering. If you want to know more about this you can google it.

No need for vsync, neither ingame or driver.

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> @"Gundahar.2765" said:

> Here's some good settings that won't change much the quality but will improve performance:

> Animations : Medium

> Antialiasing : SMAA Low, looks better than FXAA and has super low performance impact, unless is set on High.

> Postprocessing : Off

> Best texture filtering : Off

FXAA works better with the supersampling option as it handles the 1.5x supersampled edges better than smaa. But it's a little more blurry which can be solved with the image sharpening option in the driver.


> High-res character texture : optional, but honestly off helps in some cases, especially on mid-low spec PC.

Why do you recommend to turn off GPU intense settings? He has an RTX2060! He can crank every GPU setting up and will still be CPU bound all the time. The only things he should lower are CPU intense settings (shadows, reflections, character limit). Everything else will just lower his image quality at no performance benefit.


> Before you do what i typed below, try setting the frame limited only from ingame settings, see how that works. Then try what i said below, see what works best for you.

> Ultimately set the frame limiter on your GPU driver (not ingame options) to match your monitor refresh rate.

> Example: 60hz monitor > frame limit 58

> Why 58? Because we want to avoid stuttering. If you want to know more about this you can google it.

> No need for vsync, neither ingame or driver.

That is the dumbest thing he could do. And you are mixing things here, that have nothing to do with each other.


Let's assume he has an old school fixed refresh rate 60Hz monitor:

- A 58fps cap and no vsync results in super annoying tearing moving from the top of the screen to the bottom non-stop.

- On such a monitor every framerate that does not match the display refresh rate will stutter. 58 fps on a 60Hz monitor will produce 2 stutters each second (simple math!).

- If you enable vsync, these two stutters are very well noticeable

- If you don't enable vsync the stutters are hidden behind the tearing (the tear is technically a stutter between 2 frames, that ignore the refresh cycle)


What you are talking about, is that you can lower the input lag of vsync via capping the framerate slightly below the monitor refresh rate. But you said he should disable vsync, so your advice does not make any sense.


If you want to minimize your vsync input lag, then you should absolutely not limit your fps to 58 or 59, as this will produce one or two stutters every second. You have to use a program like RTSS that can limit your fps to 59,9 fps. This means you have a stutter every 10 seconds, which might be acceptable for many players (not for me!).


If you have a freesync of gsync monitor, then just cap your framerate 2 frames below your maximum refresh rate to avoid that vsync kicks in at your mximum refresh rate, which would result in inconsistant input lag. These monitors do not produce stutters due to the nature of adaptive sync.


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Right, but then again it may vary depending on the hardware. For me it worked what i said above better than what you recommend. I looked up this topic for few hours straight a while ago, some people had slightly different results with the same settings. But its cool you added all this, it helps. Cheers.


Driver FXAA is not supported for this app in some cases, such as mine, tho its available for most other games, so in this case SMAA low is the best way to go, unless ingame FXAA + image sharppening like you said. In my case, FXAA + img sharp caused more fps loss than SMAA low alone and the quality difference is unnoticeable for me atleast.

The input lag i get with max frame rate + vsync is way too big for me, so vsync off doesn't cause tearing nor stutter, unless i set the game on high.

While all this may not make sense to you, it is real for me.


OP what i suggest is experiment with settings until you hit your hardware sweet spot.

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> @"StormBolterGuy.3479" said:

> Hello there,

> I can't seem to keep a steady framerate. When I am alone and in a field I get an average of 65 fps but when I enter a city or go on WvW I get 40 fps. I know it's a matter of tweaking the graphic settings but I don't know what to specifically change.

> My PC specs:

> Geforce RTX 2060

> Ryzen 5 2600

> 16 gb of ram

> I will post the graphic settings on GW2 in the comments since I can't seem to attach them to this post.

> Thanks!



I recommend giving the DX9 to DX12 API a go. Make sure you read through the guide and installation process. There are quite a few benchmarks on YouTube with comparisons but the best way is to run tests in game in CPU limited scenarios and note the difference! The RTX 2060 is quite beefy so you shouldnt hit too many GPU limited scenarios. Let me know how you go :)


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