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Don't nerf anyone, just give me a little buff

Crab Fear.1624

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> nah


> necro, rev, guard and rangers need some extra nerfs


> I'd rather see this nerfs than any of those classes you suggested buffed


> and holo, needs a nerf too


Prot holo*

Please. Look specifically at inventions. I suggest adding an internal cooldown. Make other traits relevant lol

Alchemy is kinda dead because of the HGH reduced duration, emergency elixir +40% CD increase nerf and vigor+prot injection cooldown increases...


as damage holo I struggle. A lot. Ever since the february patch. Basically every class can 1v1 kill me even if I massively outskill them, particularly mesmer, burn guard, ranger and REV. Gosh. Revenant can burst me down in 3 seconds and heal back for the same amount through light infusion. Also they escape quite easily. Same with ranger: their maul and pet smash is unparalleled



Also..... Keeping on topic: try slightly buffing underpowered builds. That would increase diversity. Makes matches more fun and varied; allows people to kick ass with the play style that they actually enjoy playing

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