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> @"NorthStar.9603" said:

> I had the same issue and support fixed it for me. They warned that a display name change can have some unfixable side-effects due to some things that may still be linked to the old display name. I decided to not join a guild or make a character on my GW2 account until after the display name change and doing this way I never had a single problem.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65209/choose-display-name


I'm glad your problem was able to be resolved! Congratulations =) (no I do not mean that in a sarcastic or rude way) Mine were not. I would quote the CSTeam response but I don't want to risk punishment. So I heard back from support. Once again my accounts were unable to be fixed and this is the reason for this post. Also a reason why I would have hoped AreaNet would post in here letting us know when the Dev's have helped the support team with this particular issue so that others, if they are out there(?), in my place know when we can file tickets that will get resolved. Until then submitting a ticket just results in disappointment and more work for the support team. However at least I didn't have to wait weeks or months to hear back form the CSTeam it was within 24hrs!! That's a plus!!


> @"032CA6AC-9F64-0EDB-B242-E3300069060A.7186" said:

> Problem still isn't resolved for me. I've submitted another ticket, with the same result; they told me they can't do it and to watch the forums.


Has your problem been fixed / resolved? Is this your main an alternate account?


In any case it would be nice to hear something official because all I'm am getting is: can't be done without the Development Team, sorry try again later. The best thing about this is that both the accounts with the problem are alt accounts and do not impact my main game play. Thankfully this never happened to any of our other accounts for our kids!! So whatever it is that is ruining it now vs when we upgraded prior to COVID19 I just hope it gets fixed.

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Its been 2 months now im waiting for them to relink my gw accounts, while it is likely to be the same reason (need dev), this sound quite ridiculous.

Basicly it would mean they are able to bake a new build without been at the office, bake a new ls episode, but they cannot change account name... or link account.... without been in the office? nah that doesnt even make any logical sence.

I can understand they use that as their official answer, but its unlikely to be the reality.

Sound more logic that they dont have time to deal with it, so its left for later.

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> @"arukAdo.2047" said:

> Its been 2 months now im waiting for them to relink my gw accounts, while it is likely to be the same reason (need dev), this sound quite ridiculous.

> Basicly it would mean they are able to bake a new build without been at the office, bake a new ls episode, but they cannot change account name... or link account.... without been in the office? nah that doesnt even make any logical sence.

> I can understand they use that as their official answer, but its unlikely to be the reality.

> Sound more logic that they dont have time to deal with it, so its left for later.


Of course, ArenaNet never said that was their official answer. Just some speculation from those that don't work there.

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I haven't tried it yet, and it worked prior to COVID19, but I wonder if an easier method would be to create a gw2 account with an email address AND Display Name. Then link them in the Account page? I wonder if that would fair better or wind up in the same status also?


I'm sure part of my brush off is because they are alt accounts, I can see that to some extent. The player who only has one account and THAT account is having this problem should obviously get resolved first, no problem. Especially since it can interfere with guild banking / access and other features. But if one account was fixed then others should be able to also, even if alt accounts. But not working there and having that knowledge, we can only guess at things based on our own opinions and experiences. It can't be only the alpha-codes stuck in this situation if @arukAdo.2047 has a Display Name and is needing gw1 linked to gw2. I don't have a problem waiting if it means getting a display name without the risk of fragging the account!

After all my alt accounts still generate income for them as we do buy gem store items for our alt accounts also. So there is some, albeit small in comparison, loss of $$$ by leaving even alt accounts stuck. After all they did make around $50.00 from those accounts even though they were bought on the sale weekend. So there is a monetary reason to fix them.

I would rather wait and have it fixed correctly than not have have something else get fragged on the account. So if it takes a Dev. then I guess it gets fixed on their "downtime" cuz we know there's lots of THAT going around ;) LOLZ, as if!?!

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Do you have addition Guild Wars accounts to link the alt accounts to?

> It's not possible to link more than one GW2 account to a Guild Wars account.


This has already been gone over and I know this is a 1 > 1 thing! But Yes I do have multiple gw1 accounts, I have 10 gw1 accounts at last count. No they are not all linked to their OWN gw2 account yet (I would like them to be!). Some are like my main 2. I want them all linked to remove some of the confusion of account names. If you recall and/or where involved with it there was the old NCSoft account manager that was later done away with that also required a unique email as the master account holder and THEN we had the AreaNet account or "My Account" each requiring a unique email and not one that existed before as part of the other or you would get "that name is already in use" problem. So consolidating accounts with an account system that recognized an account as having both games wasn't an easy conversion.


All that being said I'm not sure I want to send full price on trying my attempt at a work around to get them all linked up!?!?! IIRC you can't link a F2P account with a gw1 account it needs to be unlocked. I'm also not so sure the "work around" would work given I though I recalled reading others had problems linking gw1 accounts to newly created gw2 accounts so.......


Yeeperz, wait n c kinda thing

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When you have 10 you can do that


They finally did their thing, only took 2 months but they replaced the beta with my real account, meanwhile figured ive had a second beta but the rest worked just fine.

Id recommand buying when theres a promo, thats what I did.

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> @"arukAdo.2047" said:

> When you have 10 you can do that



> They finally did their thing, only took 2 months but they replaced the beta with my real account, meanwhile figured ive had a second beta but the rest worked just fine.

> Id recommand buying when theres a promo, thats what I did.


Congratz on the fix!! <3 Still waiting for a fix here though.


I'm all for multiboxing and I've done it a couple times with a couple accounts. It's not something I do unless pressed for time in RL and wanting to get dailies done. I/we 1 to 1 each login and play for 99.95% of our play time. When one of us needs to use the restroom or check on munchkins the other will use the owners mouse to click or do something to get credz or not get kicked. I'm not a pro @ it and know nothing of GW2MUltibox but it appears some of those are not 1mouse + 1 keyboard + 1 Account? NOT something I would do or even attempt. I'm not going to turn our major source of entertainment in to a work. Cool video though :)

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