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Why does chrono exist in pvp?


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Just genuinely curious how you can butcher a class in a game mode this bad?


Is its only role now just to be a condi bunker?


I've tried various power builds and they do a fraction of the damage of core mes or mirage with minimal sustain?


Shatters are practically a non-existent mechanic.


I just don't get it? It used to be so much fun and now it's just complete garbage?

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I found a semi-fun condi build that puts out a ton of conditions. It has a little bit of defense but it's more of a condi burst assassin playstyle. It's just sad having so mesmer seemingly repeatedly forced into a condition oriented spec. There's still the somewhat viable sword/focus greatsword mirage build and core shatter, but they seem significantly less effective due to a lack of sustained damage in matches.


I'm feel like we'll probably get somekind of support/bard spec in the next expansion but I'm hoping for a true power-oriented spec for once. If we don't get somekind of bow or underwater weapons like tridents/spears then I feel like hammer could be interesting.

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