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No guild hall. no storage. no glider, no gems.

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Do not read this, it is not a rant, its a sympathy plea.


The first time I tried to buy from a-net online was years ago, i wanted 18 full gw1 accts,, i already owned one and was registered on the site but I had a new email address because of ISP change (typically we swap I.S.P.'s here every 6 months chasing the half price deals and this was just after my first swap and I did not realize I would lose the old email acct.). At first, it wouldn't take my money, Canadian dollars, then it wouldn't accept my new email account, I think MAYBE because I was logged in and they did not match (of course) . I even attempted to open a bank account in the U.S., using CASH, when I was there, but we had to leave for home before the I.R.S. appointment. (America doesn't want to do business either) Since i had no access any longer to my old email acct, a-net lost that sale. Then it took a couple of years of BSing around just to get support to square the email address for the one login I have that is up-to-date.(dozens of back and forth communications involving character names and inventory and blah blah blah)


The next time, i wanted the BMP and an extra char slot for gw1 and a copy of HoT and some gems for gw2. No dice. No guild hall. no storage. no glider, no gems.


Currently, I own TWO guild wars 1 accounts that have invalid email addresses. I have tried to change them, using SUPPORT. No Dice. This is after wasting time doing things like setting up new email accts. Because those email accounts never got used, I no longer have access to them, either, and to update things, I don't see why I should have to go through the whole painful process just to have it repeat.


Sometime after this, I got caught by the 2fa bug, not only could I not log in to gw1 or gw2, I could not even connect to support I was in a panic for a week then a kind Guild Wars 1 PLAYER, intervened and with his help, we resolved things.. Some PLAYERS deserve JOBS at a-net that are currently being performed by drones. Point in case follows:


A few months ago, I couldn't log in, to either game. This was not a 2fa issue, i think it was related to the TYPE of network I was on, after a work related temporary move, instead. I got in touch with support AGAIN, and FULLY explained the issue, then watched my email like a hawk for 3 days. no reply. Then I spent 2 days without access to internet, no, I wasn't in jail, it just felt like it lol. When I checked my email late on day 5, they had sent a PASSWORD change to me (early on day 4) and a CANNED copy paste response. It was obvious that no one had even read my ticket, oh but the dude did apologize for being so tardy to respond, which of course made everything all right, amiryt?. The password was only good for 24 hours so he wasted his time anyway but got paid for it, good job a-net. So several months without the game till I moved back and got online with my old I.S.P., using my original password thank God.


At this moment I am logged in at the store trying to buy PoF and some toys to go with it. I want to use my paypal via debit. First problem is the first field of the billing section. I have NO clue what they are after and as can be seen, I am literate. It says "Address Book". Yes, I have an address book, in fact, i have several, some are even electronic. What that has to do with ME paying a-net is well above my pay grade, so far above, you can consider it to be divinely sublime; and If it is not my address book then who's is it? Let's see if I can follow instructions. Just before the billing info form I find out that apparently, according to a-net, Paypal is a credit card, so I get this:


"To complete your secure online order, please enter your billing information below. The billing information should be exactly as it appears on your credit card statement."


Well, there was, is, and never will be any address book on any bank or credit statement i have or ever have had, .but maybe SOME day, if a-net has its way, they can maybe bribe my bank to give me another one, which will promptly be file thirteened., as I already have too many. I even have one I bought from Publisher's Clearing House, using PAYPAL.

The address thingy provides a couple f choices, default and create new. Since I have too many already I select default.

Now when I signed up for paypal, they wanted a middle name. The a-net store does not require a middle name, so it cannot be "exact" as a-net specifies. and worse, at the bottom, a-net insists on the PHONE NUMBER from my billing information, which simply does not exist. first paypal did not insist on one and second i do not have a phone, i have internet instead.,

If I HAD a phone, it would be pay as you go, and therefore, under no circumstances would I distribute it to ANY commercial entity. The banks I deal with see me in person, and if they really miss me, they can always mail me snail or e idc which. So... since a-net insists on a number here, i enter one (a dummy), the format isn't specified so I have NO way to tell if its acceptable or not. And hit submit. The only result I get is flashing addresses in the status bar of the browser like facebook and double klik dot net and adserver. Very Not cool. I am not on facebook, I am not doing business with doubleklik and i don't want to be served ads, i want to be served guild wars. and if I were, I would not give any of them my phone number, which does not exist, nor would I give facebook any paypal info. wtf?

(thats not a REAL kitten)


The phone I have is supplied by my boss, is for work and emergencies only and is only used for google maps and texting. Believe me when i say that using a REAL map is faster and more accurate than googleing. also, real maps do not run out of juice.


I have heard thru younger friends that if I were to try to get a new email thru hotmail google or yahoo that i would have problems getting one because they want phone info too, but seeing as I currently have over a dozen email accts to manage, its not a concern.


I just tested my online banking, my online bill paying and my online paypal, all work fine.


Soo, what i want atmo is to get those 2 gw1 accounts on email accounts that I have access to, this is important to me because I no longer have a clue what the CD keys were., and things could REALLY get screwy if say I BOUGHT anything that required; can we all say, "EMAIL VERIFICATION? " The second thing I want is to purchase ONE full gw1 account, a PoF deluxe and a few toys, but seeing as how they get bought at two different internet locations, I fully expect that would be picking an example above and repeating it two more times.


From what I can tell, the ONLY reliable way to deal with a-net is through a third party, known as a RETAILER. That option is out due to the pandemic, so not so reliable after all. What I DO have after 7 years of gw2 is: No guild hall. no storage. no glider, no gems. and money in the bank.

What a-net has is less money and the satisfaction of knowing that their user base is supremely happy with the status quo.


Remember, I TOLD you not to waste your time reading this.


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i was right about the phone number format, it is specific.

but now a-net is telling me where i live should be a different address.

perhaps a net ers don't speak English so they never learned that English abbreviations like the one for Suite end in periods...

forced them to accept it

after submission it says billing address has not been specified, i have a screen shot in bitmap format to PROVE it was which was on the previous page or I couldn't even have gotten to this page, duh

in case anyone from a-net cares, the reference number is 17906312310

still stuck on the confirm page half a day wasted so far


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only two useful suggestions i see on google, 1 is clear the browser cache, which on windows 10 requires closing the browser. which means going thru the whole rigamarole again

or buying from the gray market like an ebay copy and take your chances of not getting a useable key...

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final update

unbelievable it was the drop down menu, i had to choose create address book NOT default, i see ppl on reddit complaining about digital river, anet should can them and hire a communications specialist lol

on to spend the rest of the night trying to do gw1

what i learned is google chrome is not a secure browser, info leaks between discreet instances, unlike gw1

bye bye chrome but hello gliders! lol


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