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I am looking for a WvW Guild


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Hi all. Is there an active WvW Guild I can join please? I am new to WvW and I want to join a coordinated group to play with.

Server is: Ring of Fire, EU

Time zone is (GMT+1) I work from home and can choose what hours I work so I can block some time off any time of the day.

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I'm in NA but I can tell you this much... If you go into WvW during your choice of times, pick different times if you're flexible, and ask in Map/Team chat if any guilds are open to new players that want to get into this game mode. It might take a few times of going in before you get a hit, and you might get a response right away. Just have to keep trying.


Aside from that you can go into the borderlands and look for a tag that's open and see if you can get in the squad as a new player. Usually you will be expected to run a comms package like Teamspeak or Discord. Just ask and see what is required/requested.


Typically people like the team members to run builds that are designed for different types of support or damage etc in wvw. You can get good starting builds from the metabattle . com web site.


Hope that helps a little bit. ;)


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