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Hi all.


So lately i got back to GW2. I remenber playing GW2 about 4 years ago with the same Internet provider with a stable connection, even with a bad laptop.

These days ive been having constant lags and ping issues. Constantly going above 400, not to mention the constants 1k spikes. Other games i play with no problems, league, cs, ESO and my ping is stable and enjoyable at least most of the time. But cant say the same for GW2.


Wondering what may be causing this kinda of issues. Also curious if there is anyone here from FRANCE, using FREE internet provider and having the same problem.




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I have similar problems. Played Gw2 many years ago, never had disconnects or lags back then. Now i came back, and bought the expansions and the game is unplayable. I'm getting disconnected every 10 minutes, NO JOKE! It's the only game that gives me so much lags and trouble, so i don't think this is on my end. I'm in germany and my provider is o2.


Does anet refund purchases?

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Its just recent this behavior. Turn off the monitoring tools anet! On 1st May 2020 I'm constantly dropping tried mudfish vpn also. Chat log shows everyone in my friend list disconnect. Its probably Australian bytes probably they are only 7 bits per byte here.



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> @"siggy.9521" said:

> Its just recent this behavior. Turn off the monitoring tools anet! On 1st May 2020 I'm constantly dropping tried mudfish vpn also. Chat log shows everyone in my friend list disconnect. Its probably Australian bytes probably they are only 7 bits per byte here.




Is the 8th bit used to detect whether to transmit data upside down?


Anyway, I could just do SAB dailies fine today, but now normal gameplay doesn't even load a map. Funny! The last year, it was the other way round. Always something new.

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Yeah I'm experiencing this terrible lag too. Normally I'm fine but lately I've been getting 1-2K latency which makes playing the game impossible. Please Anet fix this, or at least reply to one of these lag posts showing that you're working on a fix. I want to play but can't when I can't even use my buttons :(

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