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[PoC] Linking imgur-Images in Postings (Vanilla Forums Plugin)


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(( Usually I would have sent this by private message but it seems like I can't (yet?) use the private messaging system ))


This is just a **very** (VERY!) simple "Proof of concept" that it shouldn't be *that* hard to write a simple plugin for Vanilla Forums to allow users on the Forum to post links to images that are hosted on imgur. I wrote it after reading [a thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/114270#Comment_114270 "a thread") where @"Gaile Gray.6029" mentions that they don't want to allow external images because of security concerns. I guess because they don't wanna leak IP-adresses to random external websites.


Probably @"Lawton Campbell.8517" can take a look at it and think about adding something like it to the forum :smile:


$PluginInfo['ArenaExtension'] = [ 'Name' => 'ArenaNet Extensions',

'Description' => 'Very simple proof of concept for imgur-images.',

'Version' => '0.1',

'Author' => 'Tiscan.8345',

'RequiredApplications' => ['Vanilla' => '>=2.3'],

'MobileFriendly' => true,

'License' => 'Public Domain' ];


class ArenaExtensionPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {


public function Format_Links_Handler($sender, $args) {


$mixed =& $args['Mixed'];

$regexp = "]*href=(\"??)([^\" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>";


if (preg_match_all("/$regexp/siU", $mixed, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {


foreach ($matches as $match) {

if (preg_match('#http(s?):\/\/i\.imgur\.com\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,8}(\.jpg|\.gif|\.png)#i', $match[2])) {

$mixed = str_replace($match[0], ''.$match%5B2%5D.'', $mixed);










It basically turns every link in a posting that looks like an imgur link (https://i.imgur.com/2eDEevQ.png) into an img-tag. To install it, just create a file like "class.arenaextension.plugin.php" in a folder called "plugins/ArenaExtension" and thats pretty much it. Right now it turns all imgur-links into images - a better solution would probably be to only turn links into images that are surrounded by line-breaks.

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