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I cannot access my account

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Today I tried to log in, but marked it as if I had introduced the wrong password. Fearing it might have been hacked, I changed it, but it also denies me access. The error code is 3023:1012:6:353. Somehow I still have access here, but I am unable to send any tickets to support under this account because everywhere else it's blocked

I have been having some troubles buying gems, recently; tried to buy 4000 many times, my CC and PP got accepted, but in the last minute it would send me back to the front page and the purchase was cancelled. Already sent a ticket for this about 3-4 days ago, but I wonder if me trying to buy so many gems got me flagged. Has anyone got any knowledge about this? (Sorry for the English, it isn't my native language).

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Your account has been suspended by the CS Team. You will need to contact them. You can use the 'Anonymous' feature when creating a ticket.


Hmm, when the account got suspended, how can the OP still use it to post here and how could they submitted a ticket via said account?

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The previous ticket about purchasing Gems seems to have happened before the suspension, if you read the OP.

Anyone can submit a ticket using the 'anonymous' feature.

OP's credentials may be saved in their browser, and work until the next time they are asked to log in.

Being suspended doesn't always immediately affect the forum account, which is different even though it uses the same credentials.

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