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Trait rework suggestion

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Anyone else dislike that you have zero control over your minor traits? I would very much prefer to be able to select the minor traits as well. For more diverse build options I would love to have all the minor traits in a pool from which I can select 9.


Right now for example as a mesmer if I want to be a damage dealer with a little bit of healing, I need to go Inspiration. But I don't want that much of healing, just a little bit not to be totally glass cannon. So I would choose Healing Prism for example to gain a bit of healing power without all the other traits in Illusions. And assuming I chose Domination and Dueling as the other 2 traits, I would choose all the minor traits from these lines except for Sharper Images for example. I'd rather have the little healing instead of the extra bleeding. And this way I wouldn't need to go all over all of the runes and sigils and amulets and whatnot to achieve what I really want for my build.


Of course you couldn't choose traits from elite specs unless you use that elite spec.


Another example:


I run the classic Firebrand support build for WvW (Which you can find on metabattle. I need a little more support so I want to have Valorous Defense from the valor trait line. Now in order to get that I'd need to choose Valor line which I don't want in it's entirity. I would rather get Valorous Defense instead of Purity of Word from the Firebrand line. Well in this case this trait should be reworked so that I still have access to mantras and tomes of course. I never understood why some elite spec mechanics are binded to a trait and some others are "Proficiencies". The "virtues become tomes" mechanic should be a proficiency also, not binded to a trait line. I want to CHOOSE my own traits and if I CHOSE to be a firebrand, I did it because I want my virtues to become tomes.


Soo I hope I made my idea not too confusing, basically I'd love to be able to choose the minor traits and create more unique and diverse builds. What are your thoughts about it?

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Anet already has trouble to balance he game as it is. Making it more complex by enabling you to freely pick your minor traits isn't needed.

They just have to update underperforming trait lines.


Like I want a rework for the firearms trait line on engineer, just like they reworked explosives recently. Firearms is just terrible and weak minor traits are one reason for it. But it shouldn't get solved by allowing me to take other minor traits and never look at firearms minor traits anymore, but by changing and buffing them to actually matter.

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