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Pay to play WvW ?


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Hell No! if they want more money maybe fix the currencies in the gem store so everyone outside of the US doesn't have to deal with insane exchange rates. A subscription is not the answer. If you want to pay a subscription each month then just buy gems.

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I don't know where you guys are getting the idea that subscription fees to upgrade hardware will somehow solve all of wvw's lag problems.


If they want to charge a full subscription like other games $15 a month, they would have to offer full upgrades and conveniences on accounts, that means max characters slots, max bank slots, max bag slots, max storage expansion, because stuff like that is what you already get in a normal subscription in other games. If they want to charge $5 to wvw to "upgrade servers", it will still come with a big expectation to not get lag, and any little bit of it will garner complaints regardless of the game problem or not. Not to mention just chasing players away from the game, which in the short term reduces some lag anyways because less playing, but also emptier zones,, so be careful of what you ask for here. Heck they probably wouldn't even need to upgrade if they lose enough players.


Now is this really wvw only or the entire game?, because everything is shared, would it be fair to only ask for wvw to pay for server upgrades, the same ones that pve play on? We don't even know if better hardware would even do away with skill lag, there could be limitations in the game coding, they've already stated they've optimized the skills as much as they can, and the skill lag has existed for 8 years, it's not something just happening in the last two months.


The subscription model has died off, there are only a few successful games that have managed to keep a sub for a long period of time, wow and ff14 are two that come to mind immediately, wow is the surviving grand daddy at this point but on it's last legs after the last expansion and needing to put out a classic version to keep people interested. ff14 is the happy story of a developer actually taking a terribad game back to revamp and make successful, and have been putting out great pve content but their pvp is still lackluster. Most other games that tried subs either shut down in 6 months or less, or switched to store sales instead within a couple months of release. To slap a subscription on this game at this point after building it entirely around on a cash shop would be a kick that would make it lose a lot of players.


If they want a sub it better come with a lot more than just better servers.

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Well, as that open letter thread shows we now know at least one of two things:


**A large number of WvWers are fully supporting subscriptions, even if this poll will probably show a large majority against.**


**A large number of WvWers cant read.**

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IF there would be more communication, better balancing, faster fix of bugs and so on ..we could talk about this pay to play thing maybe. The way it actually is.. i would not pay anything. Even don't know if i should buy the next expansion or better find another game to play

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The real question is if wvw is still fun or are you just playing it for the fun of your groups? A lot of this current meta has pushed a lot of the player base to build the same way to time out there skills the same way its a compel malformity of the old GW2 ideal.


I am not sure money can fix a giving up a philosophy of development and balancing like we seen with gw2.

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> @"Taobella.6597" said:

> what if world vs wolrd was subscription based to get better servers.


> we know anet never upgrade them or has money probably? but the player base may have money to back better servers?


How would we ever know that really used money on those servers for improving WvW and not something else? ANet doesn't provide that kind of transparency.


Secondly the real issue seem to stem from AWS servers which also have a negative impact on PvE.


Third, what amount of subs are we talking about here? How much in local currency vs what ever ANet decide to charage? For some those amount of money can be very much when we talk about exchange rates that change day to day and with the economy in the world market being very unstable with growing unemployment and other large changes (example: import/export) that actually also can make one currency going down in just 24 hours (speculation on exchange market).

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Well, as that open letter thread shows we now know at least one of two things:


> **A large number of WvWers are fully supporting subscriptions, even if this poll will probably show a large majority against.**


> **A large number of WvWers cant read.**


How dare you talk about my mother in such a way!



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I don't want to pay for a product I paid for already. there would also be the problem with dailies. since a third of all daily achievements are locked behind a paywall players who use wvw as a leeway to do dailies will abandon it outright and propably switch to pvp. It would also be a reason to eventually completly drop gw2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Free game?


Aren't most players outside of the NA/EU already paying a subscription fee monthly for gaming vpn just to have better and more stable latency?


Let not forget the number of people who spent so much money and over killed on their hardware just so they can run gw2 with the highest fps in map blobs


All these eventually come to a waste since there are 3 way skill lag for map blobs in wvw and the classic OCX/SEA mysterious lag that has already been apparent for YEARS which ANET has no answer to.


Free indeed.....


All these server instability for those outside NA/EU eventually leads to poor quality of gaming .......alot have left due to the frustration since they can't even play properly.


Afraid its too late..



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If you want a subscription, you're free to spend any amount of money per month to buy gems. Want this to be your 5 bucks per month casual game? Sure go ahead. You want this game to be the hobby you spend hundreds of dollars on each months? Feel free to do so.

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monthly subscriptions in a game mode where:

- (playerbase <-> developers ) WvW communication is basically non-existent (and even if exist, answers are avoided even on livestream, so we are back at the "non-existent" status)

- easy bugfixes or fixes for simply broken skills takes usualy half a year in WvW (in PvE it takes usually just few hours - all of us remember PvE fixes which is fixing broken bugfix which was supposed to fix ...... etc , usually hapening right at the WvW primetime , dont we?)

- players ballance suggestions are continuously ignored for years

- if some so-called "ballance" finally happened, its done so poorly that it makes portion of WvW playerbase to completely leave the game (we do remember stability nerf, dont we?)

- currently insane lags, carefully ignored by ANet for months (and entire threads about lags being deleted by forum moderators - I know because my response in one of those threads disapeared too with that entire thread)

- even on devs livestreams, any answers about WvW carefully ignored or avoided

- promised alliances almost 3 years nowhere to be seen

- slowly dying game mode because of bad developers decisions (dont even try arguing with this, server linking once powerfull servers already proved WvW is slowly dying)

- and thats just examples which comes in my mind right at this moment ...


Pay monthly subscription for all of these?

Haha, I did not saw that quality joke for a long time : )

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