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E-Spec Idea: Pain Gainer


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My Idea is arround giving Nerco new mechanic that calls Fade. **Fade** is new Status effect and the Main mechanic of the Espec Pain Gainer.


_**Gameplay**_ The Pain Gainer are focused on single traget dmg dancing arround enemie. Pain Gainer Grants Enemies Boons to reinforce them but on time Pain Gainer steal the Boons to Empower himself. he Gains Pistole as Midrange meele weapon with some of mobi. but losing completly the Shroud and losing Max health while equip Pain Gainer ESpec. the New F Skills

are replaced with Boon/Condition Manipulating Skills.



_**Fade**: _ While you are Faded you take 7% more dmg from any source. your attacks steal boons during you are faded (ICD: 1sec).




_**New Weapon: Main hand Pistole**_




**1 Tangled Darkness**


Shooting Dark Bullets to your Enemies. During you are faded your Bullets deals 10% more dmg and also apply 1 Confusion (2s)


Casttime: 1/2

Cooldown: Auto Attack

Range: 900

Number of tragets: 1

Finisher: projectile (20%)

Dmg: 210 (0.5)



**Rampage Move**


Spin and shoot 4 bullets to your Enemies. you can move while spinning


Casttime: 1,5 sec (spin time)

Cooldown: 4s

Range: 450

Number of tragets: 3

Finisher: whirl

Dmg: 204 (0.35) pre Bullet (814 min dmg on 1 Enemie)




Shadowstep into selected location.


Casttime: Instant

Cooldown: 30sec ( 3 Charges)

Range: 450



Main Dmg is Rampage Move with this kit you Dancing arround Enemie in mid range/meele range.


**_New F Skiils_**




Trageted ally or Enemie Gain 1 Random Boon


Casttime: Instant

Cooldown: 3 sec

Range: 900

Number of tragets: 1




Steal 2 Boons and 1 Condi of the trageted Enemie.


Casttime: 1/2s

Cooldown: 25s

Range: 900

Number of tragets: 1




Consume up to 5 Condtions. Consumed Conditions heals you 128 (0.2).


Casttime: 1s

Cooldown: 35




Shadowstep to an ally or Enemie. Shadowsteped Traget gains Regenation (5s) Fury (5s) and 3 Might (10s). after Shadowstep Gain 3s Fade


Casttime: Instant

Cooldown: 90s

Range: 1500

Number of tragets: 1




Corrupting area arround you. Enemies on Range are slowed (1s). Gain 5 sec Fade. ((Using F5 counts as Entering Shroud for 5 sec))


Casttime: 1/2

Cooldown: 55s

Radius: 450

Number of tragets: 10







**0-0: Pain Gainer: Gain access to Blackmagic and Main hand pistole. Shroud are Replaced with Boon/Condi Manipulating Skills.**


**0-1: Faded recovery** : Gain Regenation (3s) and Fury (4s) everytime you get Fade. Cooldown: 5s


**0-2: eclipse** : Blackmagic Skills has less Cooldown(20%). Using Blackmagic Skills Grants Dark Aura(2s).


**0-1: empower** : Boons you Steal has longer Duration (2s per stealed boon).



**1-0: Never Ending Darkness** : Every 10% Life force Gained are Convert into Might (7s).**


**1-1: We Go Deeper** : You take Now 12% more dmg While faded. Fade Now Removes 1 Condition and Gain Regenation (2s) + Vigor (5s) you and your allys.


**1-2: Getting Over** : Entering Darkfields Grants you and your allys Dark Aura (5s). (only 1 Dark Aura per Dark Field can gained). Dark Aura Now Blind Enemies on first Contact.


**1-3: incited Motivation** : Rampage Move has now longer Cooldown (50%). Rampage Moves Bullet Number are Increased ( 6 Bullets) and also each Bullet Bleeding Enemies. Gain Fade (1,5s) if Rampage move Ends.




**2-0: Deal with the Darkness : Lose 5000 of your Max Hit Points permantly. gain Permantly 120 precsion and 120 feroity.**


**2-1: Into the Darkness** : Everytime you gain Fade also your allys arround you gain fade for half of his duration. Radius 320 Up to 5 Allys.


**2-2: Blackout** : Entering Battle or your next hit after you gain Dark Aura Steals Life ( 255 (0.2) Dmg// Heal for 341(0.1) ) and apply 3 Poisen (4s) Slow (1s) and 2 Confusion (2s).


**2-3: Frustration** : Fade no longer Steal Boons now Corrupt Boons instead.





**_Blackmagic Utility_**



**Heal: Black Heart**


Summon a Dark Field Arround you ( field Moving with you ). Pulses 3 times (1/2s) and each pulse Heals.


Pulse1: Heal you and your allys and Remove 1 Condi 1834 (0.34)

Pulse2: Heal you and your allys and daze (0.5s) all enemies 1450 (0.54)

Pulse3: Heal you and your allys and grant Fade(2s) 1450 (0.54)


Casttime: 1/2

Cooldown: 35s

Radius: 320

Number of tragets: 5

Field: Dark



**Dark Opportunity**


Grants Fade (3s) Superspeed (3s) Quickness (5s)


Casttime: Instant

Cooldown: 55s




**Invite into the Darkness**


Pull all Enemies arround you. Pulled Enemies Gain Protection (3s) and Vigor (5s) 4 Confusion (4s) Slow (1,5s).


Casttime: 1/4

Cooldown: 50s

Radius: 320

Number of tragets: 5

DMG: 544 (0.7)





Ignites you with DarkFlames. While you are Ignited evade all attacks for 1,5 s


Casttime: Instant

Cooldown: 90s ( 2 Charges )



**Painful Choice**


Steal Boons arround you. ( up to 2 Boons per Enemie). you take Dmg for each Stealed Boon.


Casttime: 1/2

Cooldown: 30s

Radius: 450

Number of tragets: 5

DMG: 320 (0.8)

DMG Taken per Boon: 43 (0.14)


_**Elite: Final Battle**_


After Casting you Shadowstep trageted Enemie and Marks (5s) him with Black Magic Power. Marked Enemie Gain Random boons ( gain every 1 sec Boon) while Marked also neagte

all currently active Boons effects on your Marked Enemie. During your Enemie is Marked each time he gains Boon he takes dmg. also gain Fade (5s) durinng your Enemie is Marked.


Casttime: 2s

Cooldown: 90s

Range: 1200

Dmg: 122 (0.34) per Boon Gained.




sry for my bad English.


and thx for reading my Idea. :)


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