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Server Maintenance Reward is super unfair

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> @"Stormwolf.8567" said:

> > @"Azala Yar.7693" said:

> > > @"Stormwolf.8567" said:

> > > > @"Azala Yar.7693" said:

> > > > I'm pretty annoyed atm.

> > > > Got a level 80 that I'd spent a lot of time on that's now gone back to 64.

> > > > Got a level 2 back that I deleted and the level 54 that I started in its place of course is now gone.

> > > > The dinosaur mount I got from the chest yesterday will also be gone.

> > > > That's a lot of in-game hours completely wasted.

> > > > All the inventory items will be set back, all the new ones gone, lost.

> > > >

> > > > I hope they set back because this is just not on.

> > >

> > > Yes it's annoying, but in the scheme of things _it's only a game_. Remember there are people out there dying from the crappy virus that's forcing us to sit at home playing games instead of doing our day jobs, and even more people who have are working double shifts at their day jobs caring for those sick people. Perspective is important ;)

> >

> > That is a completely different issue so take your perspective and shove it.


> Okay... if they don't fix this I've lost progress on a number of quests (including a lege weapon), at least 300 gold from the weekend's raiding / fractals / trading, plus probably another 200 gold of materials that were on the TP, 2000 gems (traded for in-game gold) ...and that's a bare minimum. And while yes it sucks, it doesn't take away the fun I had playing the game on Saturday / Sunday with the only friends I get to interact with these days, nor is it all that important in anyone's real life... if it is that important to you I would say you need to get out more, but that's probably a bad idea right now :) As other people have said, anyone that's lost real money in terms of cash->gem/gold purchases; those things will be tracked independently for audit purposes, so reimbursement is almost certain. The rest of it is meaningless in the grand scheme of things.


I have 45 characters that I use, character progression is important, gold not so much. Takes time to set each character up and the logistics of getting/making the equipment needed and setting the skills to be used, I don't use other peoples set ups. If roll backs started to be a more common thing, there would be no point in playing this game.


I appreciate you have your own perspective on this matter, which is obviously not the same as mine and I don't require you to tell me how I should think, so best leave it at that.

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> @"Snow.2048" said:

> The TP didn't get rolled back but the accounts did, so anyone who picked up money from the TP during the roll back has lost that money. Figured it would be good to mention it.


Should have work the other way around as well: if you put something into the HP (or guild bank), you duped it

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Well I can hardly believe that this rollback would have been intentional because of their crap servers or anything.

Especially during these times, where sitting at home is almost mandatory for many people due to the running virus, which means a lot of people had a lot of time to progress in the game and then everything just gets wiped without any statement? I for myself grinded 5 out of 6 parts of the Aurora Achievements, an annoying task and honestly I am not in the mood to replay this.

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> @"Azala Yar.7693" said:

> > @"Stormwolf.8567" said:

> > > @"Azala Yar.7693" said:

> > > > @"Stormwolf.8567" said:

> > > > > @"Azala Yar.7693" said:

> > > > > I'm pretty annoyed atm.

> > > > > Got a level 80 that I'd spent a lot of time on that's now gone back to 64.

> > > > > Got a level 2 back that I deleted and the level 54 that I started in its place of course is now gone.

> > > > > The dinosaur mount I got from the chest yesterday will also be gone.

> > > > > That's a lot of in-game hours completely wasted.

> > > > > All the inventory items will be set back, all the new ones gone, lost.

> > > > >

> > > > > I hope they set back because this is just not on.

> > > >

> > > > Yes it's annoying, but in the scheme of things _it's only a game_. Remember there are people out there dying from the crappy virus that's forcing us to sit at home playing games instead of doing our day jobs, and even more people who have are working double shifts at their day jobs caring for those sick people. Perspective is important ;)

> > >

> > > That is a completely different issue so take your perspective and shove it.

> >

> > Okay... if they don't fix this I've lost progress on a number of quests (including a lege weapon), at least 300 gold from the weekend's raiding / fractals / trading, plus probably another 200 gold of materials that were on the TP, 2000 gems (traded for in-game gold) ...and that's a bare minimum. And while yes it sucks, it doesn't take away the fun I had playing the game on Saturday / Sunday with the only friends I get to interact with these days, nor is it all that important in anyone's real life... if it is that important to you I would say you need to get out more, but that's probably a bad idea right now :) As other people have said, anyone that's lost real money in terms of cash->gem/gold purchases; those things will be tracked independently for audit purposes, so reimbursement is almost certain. The rest of it is meaningless in the grand scheme of things.


> I have 45 characters that I use, character progression is important, gold not so much. Takes time to set each character up and the logistics of getting/making the equipment needed and setting the skills to be used, I don't use other peoples set ups. If roll backs started to be a more common thing, there would be no point in playing this game.


> I appreciate you have your own perspective on this matter, which is obviously not the same as mine and I don't require you to tell me how I should think, so best leave it at that.


No... I understand your frustration... I really do. I also have several characters (although not as many as you) and builds I'm working on and I know that sinking feeling you get in your stomach when something like this happens all too well. I was just trying to share that, whilst it is a total pain-in-the-proverbial, it's worth remembering that _it's just a game_. As everyone (on the EU servers) is affected I'm sure Anet will be doing everything in their power to get the database sorted out as soon as possible. AFAIK this is the first 'unintended' rollback that's happened in the 7-8 years I've been playing. It's not a common experience (there was one a few years ago that was necessary and announced in advance - they don't do this lightly because they're fully aware of how invested we all are in their moving pixel show).


[Edit] - after a bit of digging, the last rollback was in 2016 …


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> @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> > @"louboom.6493" said:

> > Just logged in to see my character back at level 40 even though I got to level 66 - 67 last night, really disheartening.


> Imagine winning a ascended weapon yesterday and now its gone


I can imagine! Sorry for you. :/

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I assume Anet is assessing the situation (What happend and what damage). Then they have to make a policy howto react on this (resolving and communication). This takes a while, because they have to do this decent. So in my opinion it has no added value to react in a frustrated way at something that is not yet clear, althoug I completely understand the frustration of wasted time and/or money.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Metyriel.9587" said:

> > i agree. but i think, that they're pretty much forced to undo this rollback (if possible obviously). Because i'm sure, that there are players, that spent real money in the game in these last 2 days ( like me ).


> Considering the rather low cost to buy gems with gold lately, I bet a lot of people have spent real money. That will surely be a priority.


I spent 100 euros this weekend..

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> @"gEddeh.8152" said:

> Ha I just got my skyscale this morning and now Im back to farming all the currencies xD


just finished all the jumping puzzles for the skyscale, and now it's gone :-(


Also, finished first part of IceBroad Saga with my wife, and now that is gone too.

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> @"Shiros Boss.3204" said:

> I assume Anet is assessing the situation (What happend and what damage). Then they have to make a policy howto react on this (resolving and communication). This takes a while, because they have to do this decent. So in my opinion it has no added value to react in a frustrated way at something that is not yet clear, althoug I completely understand the frustration of wasted time and/or money.


Even if they are assessing the situation they still should keep their customers informed.

Even if it just- we are aware of the issue and are trying to resolve it and will keep you informed. Even that simple statement would be better than nothing.

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> @"Maglus.2751" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > This was not their decision, it was most likely automated or done to prevent further damage.


> I don't think rollback is something that can be considered for automation,

> rollback is sort of last resort type of thing, if things goes so wrong that it's not possible to fix stuff easily and quickly.


It was and is automated, they got a primary database, and a "backup" database; in case the primary should ever crash/stop/whatever the backup will be picked up directly; That's why people could login like within 15 seconds; after the DC. So I believe currently the latest version (Monday morning) is now in "error" state and the latest database snapshot (seemingly from Saturday) is now "live".


Clearly this was a automated process to keep the server up, and should probably not have happened.


If they can undo the rollback depends on some things :

1) what is the issue with the primary server (can it be resolved, and how fast)

2) what is the latest backup (if not friday/saterday)


I assume if they got a daily backup, that should be placed back, to have reduced impact; however if friday/saterday was the latest backup there is nowhere to go back to and all in game data changes are lost since then; We need to wait to see what devops can do, and what went wrong; based on that Anet is going to have to decide what to do;


Beside, I think allot of engineers are having a horrible night/morning, adding the COVID issues I think this is a difficult time for them.

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> @"Metyriel.9587" said:

> i agree. but i think, that they're pretty much forced to undo this rollback (if possible obviously). Because i'm sure, that there are players, that spent real money in the game in these last 2 days ( like me ).


just bought gems and get expedition contracts, now it is gone

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Not sure if its been posted before, but this is pasted from the my arena.net login page under current issues.


Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020)

We've received many reports of account rollbacks, and are aware of the issue. We've alerted the server team at ArenaNet, and they are working on a resolution.


We will provide updates as soon as we receive more information.


In the meantime, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

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> @"Fuchu.3946" said:

> It was and is automated, they got a primary database, and a "backup" database; in case the primary should ever crash/stop/whatever the backup will be picked up directly; That's why people could login like within 15 seconds; after the DC. So I believe currently the latest version (Monday morning) is now in "error" state and the latest database snapshot (seemingly from Saturday) is now "live".


that is called failover, not rollback.

and if that's the case, it was failover to outdated database.

still can not image automated rollback, sorry.

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> @"Jeffrey Redoran.2081" said:

> will anything you do in the game right now also disappear/rolled back?


I guess so, yes. Considering people could accidentally dupe their gold, items etc. by putting them into the TP, which is unaffected afaik, they are kind of forced to reroll back to at least monday morning.

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