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Server Maintenance Reward is super unfair

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> @"slayerking.3581" said:

> > @"lordkrall.7241" said:

> > I get that people are salty that only the people who logged in between the Rollback and the fix gets the Mount Licence. But lets think about it.

> >

> > While it was logical for some people to not login during that time (due to risk of losing more progress, I for one didn't touch the game at all, considering this), it was never explicitly stated anywhere by ArenaNet that you shouldn't. And those that DID login on Monday are the only ones who actually lost any major progress, so makes sense that they would get something extra as compensation.


> I was on when they went down and have got nothing. I was on every day before that too, I lost the previous 8 hours of ap grinding I was doing before they went down too.


If you got NOTHING, that simply means that either you are not on EU or they simply haven't sent out your batch yet. Things like these are always sent out in batches.

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Well, yesn't (yes, but actual no).


You guys are kinda awful here. ANet let us play the game for almost 8 years nonstop, and this is the first real problem (I won't count that 2 hours in 2016) with a 99,999% Server uptime quota. Other MMOs maintain their servers weekly for several hours and won't let you play.

If you still have a loss, write a ticket. But do not demand high "rewards" for a problem that can happen.



And for you some irony:

I demand as reward the following things:

- new title "Surviver of the crash rollback"

- 25 account points and achievement "The Rollback Surviver"

- at least 1000 gold for that shock

- one of every boosters available and all skins unlocked



My two cents.



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> @"Galmac.4680" said:

> Well, yesn't (yes, but actual no).


> You guys are kinda awful here. ANet let us play the game for almost 8 years nonstop, and this is the first real problem (I won't count that 2 hours in 2016) with a 99,999% Server uptime quota. Other MMOs maintain their servers weekly for several hours and won't let you play.

> If you still have a loss, write a ticket. But do not demand high "rewards" for a problem that can happen.



> And for you some irony:

> I demand as reward the following things:

> - new title "Surviver of the crash rollback"

> - 25 account points and achievement "The Rollback Surviver"

> - at least 1000 gold for that shock

> - one of every boosters available and all skins unlocked



> My two cents.




The most awful persons are those who be like "hehe I got something for free, others shouldnt get it".

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Well, here it is where things go in a strange way. I logged in after the rollback with my characters, checked my inventory and talked to people in map chat. But now I have no compensation in my mail box. Don't they count my 15 minutes online after rollback as a gameplay session?

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> @"Adonis.1687" said:

> Well, here it is where things go in a strange way. I logged in after the rollback with my characters, checked my inventory and talked to people in map chat. But now I have no compensation in my mail box. Don't they count my 15 minutes online after rollback as a gameplay session?


Or maybe, just maybe, they don't want to stress the system more than it already is with sending everyone out at the same time? They ALWAYS send rewards like these out in batches. Yours simply haven't arrived yet. Or did you get the Bonfire but not the Mount Skin?

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> @"Adonis.1687" said:

> Well, here it is where things go in a strange way. I logged in after the rollback with my characters, checked my inventory and talked to people in map chat. But now I have no compensation in my mail box. Don't they count my 15 minutes online after rollback as a gameplay session?


I was logged in for hours after the incident happend. Didn't got a mail either. Prolly they send it in waves.

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> @"melody.2601" said:

> Guys, dont you worry, you will get a useless Bonfire. Next time just log-in and dupe some items with Guild Bank.


That is a very bad idea. ArenaNet punishes players who use exploits, duping items through the guild bank is an exploit. In the past players received temporary and even permanent bans for this kind of behaviour. Maybe it will take a few days but I would be really surprised if nobody get banned over using exploits during the time between the rollback and the server maintenance. So don't do stupid things because you don't agree with how ArenaNet is handing out items as **compensation** for affected players.

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> @"Galmac.4680" said:

> Well, yesn't (yes, but actual no).


> You guys are kinda awful here. ANet let us play the game for almost 8 years nonstop, and this is the first real problem (I won't count that 2 hours in 2016) with a 99,999% Server uptime quota. Other MMOs maintain their servers weekly for several hours and won't let you play.

> If you still have a loss, write a ticket. But do not demand high "rewards" for a problem that can happen.



> And for you some irony:

> I demand as reward the following things:

> - new title "Surviver of the crash rollback"

> - 25 account points and achievement "The Rollback Surviver"

> - at least 1000 gold for that shock

> - one of every boosters available and all skins unlocked



> My two cents.




Yeah, 100% uptime, no issues with releases completely breaking the game, like when people couldn't play "A Bug in the System" for a day, and we barely got an acknowledgement. And i don't know what "other MMO's" you're talking about, but anything released after 2009 shouldn't have any down times for updates or maintenance.


No one's demanding high rewards, they came up with the "high rewards" themselves. But again, because Arena Net has no clue how to treat their customers respectfully, again they just shit on half their community unnecessarily. Its nothing new.

Honestly, that mount skin, is the most misjudged "reward" they could have picked, not every player (even paying players) will own mounts, since people with only core or HoT are a thing.

I just don't get how do they expect to stay in business for much longer.

They have a new expansion on the way, and they should be doing everything to make us forget episodes like this, not making it more clear who they respect.

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> @"Rose Solane.1027" said:

> > @"melody.2601" said:

> > Guys, dont you worry, you will get a useless Bonfire. Next time just log-in and dupe some items with Guild Bank.


> That is a very bad idea. ArenaNet punishes players who use exploits, duping items through the guild bank is an exploit. In the past players received temporary and even permanent bans for this kind of behaviour. Maybe it will take a few days but I would be really surprised if nobody get banned over using exploits during the time between the rollback and the server maintenance. So don't do stupid things because you don't agree with how ArenaNet is handing out items as **compensation** for affected players.


Yeah they punish maybe a few % of the people who actually do it, just like with the Karma Exploit and several other exploits shortly after release in 2012 that made so many people quit because a lot of people went unpunished and got away with having one of the first Legendary Weapons.

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> @"lordkrall.7241" said:

> > @"Adonis.1687" said:

> > Well, here it is where things go in a strange way. I logged in after the rollback with my characters, checked my inventory and talked to people in map chat. But now I have no compensation in my mail box. Don't they count my 15 minutes online after rollback as a gameplay session?


> Or maybe, just maybe, they don't want to stress the system more than it already is with sending everyone out at the same time? They ALWAYS send rewards like these out in batches. Yours simply haven't arrived yet. Or did you get the Bonfire but not the Mount Skin?


I didn't get anything, nor the Bofire neither the Mount Skin. Well, maybe I'm just standing at the end of the queue, I don't know. I'm pretty new to serious MMOs, where company ACTUALLY GIVES compensation, not just apologies.

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> @"Kaida.1478" said:

> I feel a bit cheated because people who logged in and lost nothing also get compensation, but I do not because I didn't log in during the very specific time frame they decided you have needed to. Someone who lost nothing, someone who lost 1g and someone who lost a legendary precursor all get the same compensation provided they logged in between x and y time (Granted the precursor will probably be returned after a wait of about a week or two for support to get to your ticket).

> So we're dealing with basically 4 groups -


> Lost nothing but logged in = gets mount

> Lost nothing of real value (nothing worth putting in a ticket about) = gets mount

> Lost a lot, probably will get it back from support but will have to wait = gets mount

> Didn't log in because knew about issues and thought it was the best thing to do to just wait and ticket after if anything was missing = gets only the bonfire


> I feel this sets a dangerous precedent for if anything like this happens again in the future. (I.e. People will log in just to make sure they are seen as "entitled" by the computer, which will result in even more players getting free things even though they actually weren't that affected.)



I think this post summarised it the best out of all of them.


And for the "you lost nothing for not logging in during the alternate timeline (and with the servers being down for the next day)" bunch: yes, of course we did. Two-ish days of SAB for one. Now we'll have to wait a year to do things we could have done in those two days.


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> @"Zulvio.4520" said:

> But its so simple. Compensation not a REWARD as many has stated here for the downtime is bonfire and compensation for lost progress which is actually wasted time in game is a mount skin. Simple and fair. Obviously they will not track who logged in for 1 second, who did what and how much time they lost that's why they give the skin to everyone who was online in the time frame.

The problem with that is that is, they made the "compensation" not an actual compensation, but more something like a lottery. Did you log on during some specific hours? Ding ding! You're a winner. I was one of the people who logged on for a very short time, found out things were not as they should, and logged off again. I don't deserve compensation, yet they gave me a mount skin. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the people who were online during the lost hours didn't do anything other than check their characters and engage in map chat.


I feel that if they couldn't devise a good way to determine who deserves compensation, they should just give it to everyone. The alternative, what they did now, feels less fair.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> And i don't know what "other MMO's" you're talking about, but anything released after 2009 shouldn't have any down times for updates or maintenance.


There are plenty. BDO, SWTOR, FFXIV those are the ones I've played but I'm sure there is more. On top of that in most of them you have to pay monthly subscription to play and you get no compensation for any downtime due to updates, maintenance or server bugs.




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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> I feel that if they couldn't devise a good way to determine who deserves compensation, they should just give it to everyone.


That is exactly what they did. Gave mount skin to everyone affected by the rollback and gave bonfire to everyone affected by the downtime.




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> @"Zulvio.4520" said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > I feel that if they couldn't devise a good way to determine who deserves compensation, they should just give it to everyone.


> That is exactly what they did. Gave mount skin to everyone affected by the rollback and gave bonfire to everyone affected by the downtime.


No they didn't. Read my post again. I got a mount skin for being online for a minute and making *no progress whatsoever*. I was no more affected than all of the people who didn't log on at all.

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> @"Neevha.9463" said:

> I was affected by rollback, lost gold, items, progress. Then after servers went up from crash that caused rollback around 9:50 utc i logged in and was playing. I didnt get anything, mount license or the boonfire garbage. nice


If only there weren't multiple posts in this very thread about the same things, with follow-up posts explaining why..

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> @"Zulvio.4520" said:

> You should read your own post again.

> > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > I feel that if they couldn't devise a good way to determine who deserves compensation, they should just give it to everyone.




Well, being reasonably well-versed in the English language, I know the meaning of the word "everyone". You, apparently, do not. There are many people who didn't get this "compensation" because they didn't log on for a minute. These are included in "everyone".

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