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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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> @"Dekina.4759" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > Instead of be happy for other players who lost progress that they get something nice some people here only think about themselves.

> >

> > Not trying to be antagonistic here, but you're willfully ignoring the fair portion of people, who both received, and wont receive the compensation, that pointed out that there is a huge difference between both compensation, that the compensation doesn't apply fairly (is not related to progress) and mostly pointed out that it should have been handled differently. This pointing out of everyone complaining as saying "Huuuur gimme free stoof" is grating.


> I think what is mostly bugging "us on the other side", I can for sure only speak for myself but I'm guessing here, is the sense of entitlement that most of these post are smelling off, and this is a common response to that. It feels so much like the kids that got presents on their siblings birthdays and threw a hissy fit if they didn't one year, are now complaining that someone else got something they didn't.


> It's perfectly valid to be a bit upset, but it does not entilte you to anything.


Fully agreed. If I had handled it, I would have (as I repeated several times now) only extended SAB by a couple of days to make up for lost progress. SAB is the only thing that couldn't have been done again after the issue was solved, thus in my opinion it was the only thing worth extending to players.


The issue from where I stand is that not only did that Not happen, some people got something shiny for doing something counter intuitive and reckless, and the rest did not and got something most people dont spend 3 seconds on, which I do find misguided. I'd rather everyone gets the same treatment, and extending SAB was one of the easy way to do that, without handing out items.


And for the record, no, I dont have a hidden SAB agenda. I stopped playing it several days ago when I got all the boomboxes.

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To put it into my view. I am a front line worker, I work all day and then my one bit of stress reduction from these trying times is to come back and play guild wars 2. But when I get home the game is completely crashed.


It isnt just a missed daily for me, its that chance to forget about work and the pandemic, jump into Tyria and adventure around with my partner who lives in a different country (to which I haven't seen him since Febuary) who was going to surprise me with coming online.


So no, it isn't just a daily taken away from me but that chance to spend time with a loved one, friends and forget that I am risking my life to ensure others can live there's.


But hey, I get a free communal bonfire which it took me 2 months to use the last one, so I guess that's pretty neat... (sarcasum).

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

> > >

> > > I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all

> > >

> > > An absolute non-issue here

> >

> > You have to realize that the intention of he compensation won't change how players will feel about it, and trying to shoehorn a rationalization of it in their faces will only add insult to injury and make them feel like you are laughing at their faces.

> > Players who didn't log in because they thought that losing 2 gold and some spirit shards and a day of daily login reward was better than risking damage to their account now are being faced with a reality in which they would have still missed those 2 gold, a bag of spirit shards and a daily login reward but in exchange get for a free mount skin. So like it or not, they will feel like they are being punished for doing what they believe was right.

> >

> > You can't talk people out of that feeling, and telling them to suck it up will only make things worse and add insult to injury.


> Well no one has been punished. People got compensation for having progress taken away - many of which were unaware of the issues at the time. Those who didn't log in lost nothing apart from potential. Potential losses and actual losses are not equal in this case.


> If Anet gives the mount to everyone, then those who lost progress still are no better off. And we are right back to square one.


> Sadly for the rest you are right. It is unfortunate players just see the reward and not the reasoning, but human nature is what it is and the compensation culture is unfortunate. Doesnt necs mean Anet should pander to it though

I logged on, accepted the daily and got something I wasn't expecting. I checked out mapchat for a bit, and logged off. I got the contract and the bonfire. It has nothing to do with lost progress, just about when you happened to log on. Of course such arbitrariness doesn't sit well with some people.


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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > @"Dekina.4759" said:

> > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > > Instead of be happy for other players who lost progress that they get something nice some people here only think about themselves.

> > >

> > > Not trying to be antagonistic here, but you're willfully ignoring the fair portion of people, who both received, and wont receive the compensation, that pointed out that there is a huge difference between both compensation, that the compensation doesn't apply fairly (is not related to progress) and mostly pointed out that it should have been handled differently. This pointing out of everyone complaining as saying "Huuuur gimme free stoof" is grating.

> >

> > I think what is mostly bugging "us on the other side", I can for sure only speak for myself but I'm guessing here, is the sense of entitlement that most of these post are smelling off, and this is a common response to that. It feels so much like the kids that got presents on their siblings birthdays and threw a hissy fit if they didn't one year, are now complaining that someone else got something they didn't.

> >

> > It's perfectly valid to be a bit upset, but it does not entilte you to anything.


> Fully agreed. If I had handled it, I would have (as I repeated several times now) only extended SAB by a couple of days to make up for lost progress. SAB is the only thing that couldn't have been done again after the issue was solved, thus in my opinion it was the only thing worth extending to players.


> The issue from where I stand is that not only did that Not happen, some people got something shiny for doing something counter intuitive and reckless, and the rest did not and got something most people dont spend 3 seconds on, which I do find misguided. I'd rather everyone gets the same treatment, and extending SAB was one of the easy way to do that, without handing out items.


> And for the record, no, I dont have a hidden SAB agenda. I stopped playing it several days ago when I got all the boomboxes.


It's probably also worth noting that it's most likely impossible to please everyone. I understand the reasoning behind extending SAB, but it will still feel short to those who don't enjoy this at all. We're back at "So you get an extention on something you like, but I get nothing because I don't enjoy SAB"


Calling it counter intuitive and reckless is maybe a bit harsh, considering not everyone checks Discord and forums and what-not before they play. My point is, I completely understand that it can feel a little unfair, what bugs me is that there's this notion that Anet would somehow magically make everyone happy, but just chose not to. There's probably been a lot of discussion on what to do that we don't know anything about, and I'll eat my hat if there even is a solution that could make all happy.

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As a new player to the game I feel extremely disheartened by such a POOR decision. I was just as badly affected as those people yet they get such a vastly better form of compensation? I stayed offline not to make things WORSE and I logged off 30mins BEFORE the servers got rolled back. Whoever made this decision should be scrutinised...


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> @"Dekina.4759" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > @"Dekina.4759" said:

> > > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > > > Instead of be happy for other players who lost progress that they get something nice some people here only think about themselves.

> > > >

> > > > Not trying to be antagonistic here, but you're willfully ignoring the fair portion of people, who both received, and wont receive the compensation, that pointed out that there is a huge difference between both compensation, that the compensation doesn't apply fairly (is not related to progress) and mostly pointed out that it should have been handled differently. This pointing out of everyone complaining as saying "Huuuur gimme free stoof" is grating.

> > >

> > > I think what is mostly bugging "us on the other side", I can for sure only speak for myself but I'm guessing here, is the sense of entitlement that most of these post are smelling off, and this is a common response to that. It feels so much like the kids that got presents on their siblings birthdays and threw a hissy fit if they didn't one year, are now complaining that someone else got something they didn't.

> > >

> > > It's perfectly valid to be a bit upset, but it does not entilte you to anything.

> >

> > Fully agreed. If I had handled it, I would have (as I repeated several times now) only extended SAB by a couple of days to make up for lost progress. SAB is the only thing that couldn't have been done again after the issue was solved, thus in my opinion it was the only thing worth extending to players.

> >

> > The issue from where I stand is that not only did that Not happen, some people got something shiny for doing something counter intuitive and reckless, and the rest did not and got something most people dont spend 3 seconds on, which I do find misguided. I'd rather everyone gets the same treatment, and extending SAB was one of the easy way to do that, without handing out items.

> >

> > And for the record, no, I dont have a hidden SAB agenda. I stopped playing it several days ago when I got all the boomboxes.


> It's probably also worth noting that it's most likely impossible to please everyone. I understand the reasoning behind extending SAB, but it will still feel short to those who don't enjoy this at all. We're back at "So you get an extention on something you like, but I get nothing because I don't enjoy SAB"


> Calling it counter intuitive and reckless is maybe a bit harsh, considering not everyone checks Discord and forums and what-not before they play. My point is, I completely understand that it can feel a little unfair, what bugs me is that there's this notion that Anet would somehow magically make everyone happy, but just chose not to. There's probably been a lot of discussion on what to do that we don't know anything about, and I'll eat my hat if there even is a solution that could make all happy.


It's less about getting something you enjoy/dont enjoy. That'd fall into "reward". A compensation replaces something you can no longer have. If important, RNG items are lost to the rollback, then absolutely, a compensation is warranted. In the case of SAB, players were actually cut short, and the event ended before some of them could get the items they could have otherwise gotten. And the next time they can access it require them to wait a full year. In that particular case, I'd think an extension that reflects the time lost is warranted, regardless of enjoyment or not, it's a neutral compensation.


Progress on quests can be picked up again, progress on dailies can be acquired the next day, crafted items can be recrafted since the materials are back in storage. Only RNG drops and the event being shortened warrant compensation from where I stand, the rest can be picked up after the issue is solved. It's unconvenient, but it isn't "lost".

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues


> I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all


> An absolute non-issue here


But not REALLY because there was also over 15 hours of downtime. IDK about you; but if my internet was down that long, I'd have a free month.

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> @"Islyn.8019" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

> >

> > I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all

> >

> > An absolute non-issue here


> But not REALLY because there was also over 15 hours of downtime. IDK about you; but if my internet was down that long, I'd have a free month.


Good that you don’t have to pay monthly for the game.



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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> I'm usually very laid back about this kind of thing, but I have to admit that this makes me feel lousy. I followed the forum and twitter during the day and, like the op and others, refrained from logging in after work (which was about two hours before the server shut down) even though I would've loved to spend time in SAB (just for the activity itself, I don't need the baubles), just to make sure I wouldn't help creating even more of a mess. Others logged in specifically to take advantage of the situation (no matter if large or small, just stashing a few mats in guild bank or similar). Those who did get a mount license (which is something you really can't get in the course of playing), while the rest of us gets a useless bonfire????


> Sorry, I really hate feeling this way, but somehow this time the compensation feels incredibly unfair. I know I won't collect the stupid bonfire, even though the icon on the trading post will drive me nuts. I also know next to nobody will care (and it's their right to do so), but I just had to vent. I don't want any compensation (no compensation can bring back the time I would've spent having fun in SAB on monday anyway), but the way they are handling this still feels like the proverbial slap in the fact (even though I absolutely hate that comparison in relation to free game goodies).


Perfectly put. :)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues


> I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all


> An absolute non-issue here


That is not true though. I only logged in to check if I am affected too. And thanks to this decision I have a free mount. Awesome :) ....but I call it a big BS that not all players get it.... the game was offline for a whole day. And if I got that shiny new mount, I want all the EU to have it.

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Ok, I really don't get how those compensations work. I have three accounts right now. Two accounts are basically just for Dailies and that's it. Those two didn't login at the time of the rollback at all and both didn't loose anything. But still, those two got the mail with the bonfire and the adoption license. One of those accounts doesn't even have any addons/mounts.


On the other hand there's my main account. Lost a lot of progress over the weekend, was played a little bit after the rollback to see what's going on, but didn't receive anything at all. No bonfire, no adoption license. There's something off here.

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> @"Mortifer.2946" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

> >

> > I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all

> >

> > An absolute non-issue here


> That is not true though. I only logged in to check if I am affected too. And thanks to this decision I have a free mount. Awesome :) ....but I call it a big BS that not all players get it.... the game was offline for a whole day. And if I got that shiny new mount, I want all the EU to have it.


Thank you for the good words, sir ! The world will be a better place if more people think like you !

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As someone who plays online games for more than 15 years now, I decided that it would be best not to log in. Having had many experiences where logging in during a rollback / server problem would cause even more trouble and all, that was the only right decision for me. And it was clear that any progress made during this time was surely going to be lost anyway, because a rollback of such duration was very unlikely to stay this way, it was clear there must have been some more up-to-date backups, even if the last backup was corrupted. At least so I hoped - and luckily I was right.


So ... because I'm active on the forums, checking it regularly and because I had (bad) experience with such things, I decided to stay off the game and give the people working on the issue less problems, I am now ... well, calling it "punished" is probably wrong, but at least treated unfairly? Others lost the progress they made on that day, sure, and if they had checked the forums they would have known something was wrong, but those who did check the forum and did pick the sane option of not logging in in fear of causing even greater issues still lost a day.


Overall I'm happy to see some "compensation", it wasn't necessary for it to be a mount. But this is just straight up insanely unfair treatment of people who tried to help by letting the crew work on the issue without making it worse. All of us active players lost something. Yet those who are careful lose out on the greater compensation...

Not to mention the people who actively abused the problem to duplicate items also get the mount "as compensation". I can only shake my head to this, not a good decision. I was happy with how quickly the issue was resolved and thankful to the team for their good work, despite how long it took for them to take the servers offline, but this now leaves a really bad feeling for it all.



Besides, I log in every day - and I mean, literally, every day - for the dailies, yet I have not gotten either the mount or the bonfire...

Personally I think everyone who logged in in the last week should be eligble for the mount, reward those who are active, not those who abuse server issues.

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> So ... because I'm active on the forums, checking it regularly and because I had (bad) experience with such things, I decided to stay off the game and give the people working on the issue less problems


So much this. I check the forums, Reddit, and also decided it was pointless to log in and sucked it up to not log in to the game, and played another game. I also keep guildwars2 twitter on notifications, for any updates to when I could safely log in. But will get less compensation of a lost day than someone who logged in for even just a second.

I will say this again, not being able to log in for a day is still a day of progression lost. Especially as a festival was active.

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So to me the cause of the discussion is the gap between the two compensations is disproportional to the degree both parties were affected. A bonfire and a free mount skin is like to give one a cracker and the other a 3 layered chocolate cake. The Guy with the cracker is gonna look at his cracker and say: 'Sure, he is affected more then me but not that much more'.


In my opnion they should have either given a bonfire and the other partie a little better crappy useless reward around 500 gems or so. Or they should have given the free mount skin and the other party a glider skin, outfit skin or weapon skin,... Something that's closer to a mountskin in value.


Second issue I see here is that you're incentivising the wrong behaviour. Next time people will flood the servers making Anet job more difficult I imagine. Also the argument that players were unaware doesn't hold much weight to me. The minute i logged in people were talking about it in my guild and in map chat. Unless you were on a dead map you had to be made aware of it. And a stronger argument is that you logged in in different area then you logged off last time, your level changed, you lost gold, items were gone. How can you not notice this? You have to be braindead or a really younng child that doesn't know any better. Also the people who abused this situation to duplicate items are being rewarded by this. You're encouraging toxic behavior this way. What's next? Giving rewards to people who idle in pvp?


To end this i like to say that myself, I was happy how Anet dealt with the rollback untill now. They were late to notice the problem but when they did, they took swift and effective action. I didn't expect any rewards to be honest and i didn't feel salty at all. Anet shot themselves in the foot by disproportionally compensating both parties. Either you don't give compensation at all or you give it out proportionally which did not happen here and so I understand the saltyness.

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I think this is the thread we should use. I posted already in another one. (Less obvious thread title so I'm going to re-post it here again cause this thread might be "the one" used for all discussion about the issue.)




I logged in at that day. Noticed that one glitched skin was missing from SAB from my inventory. I didn't know if I accidentally salvaged it or if my mind played a trick on my and I did get one skin less. So I checked at the forums the thread where I posted my skin drop rate. Only then while checking the forums I noticed the threads about rollback and it occured to me that the rollback must have been the case for my problem. I then checked my currency (I had been farming unbound magic to buy the LS3 nodes for home instance) and noticed a definiete loss here.


I then stopped playing. I did not do much besides logging in and getting my login reward for the day. Yet I get a boostfire and a mount skin choice license.

Not a bad deal. And I doubt they can remove this from the players. (Would get you even more cries and meaning hard work for the ones that used it ... to detect which skin they got.)


I understand the people that played a lot and lost a lot of progress ... might deserve this. And it would have been hard to only select them. (Automated system probabyl can only see who logged and and who didn't. Not how much they progressed - which also is subjective. One might have done hard achievements. Another one easy stuff like farming ... but a lot of it.)


The bigger problem is with the people that did not log in at all because of the rollback (when they read about it before logging in). Or because they were at work at that time. Also US players that might think "hey why can't we get some unintentional rollback I'd like to have it if I can get free skins".


The solution is: Give everyone a free skin. EU or US ... logged in or didn't log in - should not matter. You will have the people that lost lots of progress complaining like "the other one did get more than me ... I lost progress and deserve it and he doesn't deserve to get somethign free". But that does not matter. They just need go grow up and be happy they got something. Only fix here. (Make sure to not give the rewards twice. But that one should be easy to avoid by having the logs of whoe got rewards already and who didn't.)


[i mean: We already have the thing where it is impossible to automatically assess progress made at that day and some people might deserve the "reward" less than others. So giving it to just everyone makes sense even more.]

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

All of us lost exactly the same - time. Instead of treating all of us the same, Anet sends the message that paying attention to forums and trying to act responsibly is _not_ the choice we should be making.

That's... not a good message to send.




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I am developer in real life. I logged in the game when problem happened and I saw my gold in less than was before. My first decision was: do logout and do not play until ArenaNet comments.


Well, looks like I lost only 5-7 gold when they resolved the problem.

But how about two days that I could not play the game during maintanense works. I am addicted to the game and I was being frustrated those time.

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> @"TazzDeMazz.4716" said:

> So to me the cause of the discussion is the gap between the two compensations is disproportional to the degree both parties were affected. A bonfire and a free mount skin is like to give one a cracker and the other a 3 layered chocolate cake. The Guy with the cracker is gonna look at his cracker and say: 'Sure, he is affected more then me but not that much more'.


Yep, I believe people would be much less bitter (me included, tbh) if the two compensation were a bit closer in value. Or if the smaller one was good for more than taking up inventory space.

But! I have finally come up with a way to use the bonfire. I'll place it in front of the BLTC headquarters in Lion's Arch to show Evon Gnashblade my burning passion :D

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> @"anninke.7469" said:

> > @"TazzDeMazz.4716" said:

> > So to me the cause of the discussion is the gap between the two compensations is disproportional to the degree both parties were affected. A bonfire and a free mount skin is like to give one a cracker and the other a 3 layered chocolate cake. The Guy with the cracker is gonna look at his cracker and say: 'Sure, he is affected more then me but not that much more'.


> Yep, I believe people would be much less bitter (me included, tbh) if the two compensation were a bit closer in value. Or if the smaller one was good for more than taking up inventory space.

> But! I have finally come up with a way to use the bonfire. I'll place it in front of the BLTC headquarters in Lion's Arch to show Evon Gnashblade my burning passion :D


Honestly I'm thinking to just delete the bonfire to make my point. :D Not that anet or anyone would care but we all have ourown way to cope I guess.

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