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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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> @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

> It's a compensation gift it seems, I stand corrected. That still means that it's reimbursement.


It's not reimbursement, and Anet intentionally calls it a gift and not reimbursement, because Anet doesn't owe us any reimbursement for rollbacks or downtimes. Read the ToS.


> Asset means something that contains value, meaning things such as these rare drops you're talking about.


I'm aware what assets are, but there's a huge difference between Anet saying that they restore rare and valuable items, and saying that they'd restore _all_ assets.


> I'm quite sure the problems with missing gold will be resolved as well eventually, but they might have quite a lot of work to do so it might not happen very quickly.


Possibly, and I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt there for now, but responses in the thread I linked suggest that Anet has rejected all these requests until now.

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> @"AzureSky.3175" said:

> > @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

> > I'm quite sure the problems with missing gold will be resolved as well eventually, but they might have quite a lot of work to do so it might not happen very quickly.


> Possibly, and I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt there for now, but responses in the thread I linked suggest that Anet has rejected all these requests until now.

It's like i said before: I truly believe, that Anet meant well, and that they've initially just made a honest mistake. If so, they should _fix that mistake_ however - but so far everything seems to imply they neither intend to do so, nor even admit something might have went wrong.


And while making a mistake may (depending on said mistake, and the impact you think it had on the game and the community) not be a big issue, refusing to fix it (when it's clear the mistake is already causing problems and the community doesn;t react well to it) definitely is.

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I have an idea.

Some ppl missed the reward, i don't want to start the discussion again here, BUT

It would be nice if you make the new license 50% off the normal price for a week or something.

Then i would buy some mounts for sure. because, that's 1 + 1 for free. (for normal price) you understand me.

Anet gets my money, and we get 1 for free if we buy one. i am thinking of buying 1600 gems through ingame for 20 euro (need the gold for xiuquatl)

so i can have 8 mounts for that price

Is an awesome deal to me :)


let me read what you think about it :)

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I'm pretty sure we never have seen, nor will we ever see, Anet admitting a mistake.^^


It's always "Something went wrong", never "we kittened up". Entirely understandable from a business point of view, but the least they could do is give us some insight on _what_ went wrong. (That's just for technical issues though)

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Oh look ... another thread!

And it's a very bad idea. They might be lots of people that already bought the license at a full price. They would feel bad if it just suddenly went on sale.


I can understand that some people put the latest and newest stuff on sale. While others put old stuff on sale when new stuff gets released (with the new stuff at full price).

ArenaNet decided to use the full price. And they should stay with this until there is a special sale with lots of other stuff on sale.

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> @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> I'm pretty sure we never have seen, nor will we ever see, Anet admitting a mistake.^^


> It's always "Something went wrong", never "we kittened up". Entirely understandable from a business point of view, but the least they could do is give us some insight on _what_ went wrong. (That's just for technical issues though)


They have on plenty of occasions.


They did so quite recently on some weapon skins where they basically copy, pasted, recoloured then resold some in game skins as black lion. They admitted it was their mistake and fell below their standards


They did so during the Mordrem Invasion fiasco. Which was probably the biggest in game "kitten up" they have had since the Karka Invasion, which they also put their hands up over and said they'd got it wrong. Both of which were technical problems they failed to resolve either before or after and they admitted that


There are plenty of other examples over the years. The question has never been whether they admit mistakes because they absolutely do, it's whether they are consistent at doing it or explaining what went wrong (not that they always need to elaborate on the specifics mind you since that isn't really necessary or relevant). Their consistency in this has been a bit of a rollercoaster.

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Well actually I'm from Eu but I play on a US server, well I didn't had any issue connecting or with the rollback, I was able to do daily, WvW fight etc while my EU friends were logged off for a day, and .. i received the bonfire anyway =_=


I know that usually marketing and communication in @net it's not the best btw not giving the same "we are sorry for the problem we caused" gift to all people that play on Eu server and really had a 1 day stop not for their fault, it's an Epic Fail mainly because we are talking about immaterial stuff, digital gifts, they do not loose anything giving a skin to everyone had this problem, not only to those that connected after the reset but before the fix.


In this way not only they created a mess with the time/effort/money spent to understand who connected or not and choosing who was eligible to be gifted, but they created tons of active users upset for this treatment, all at the cost of one useless skin, great work, really :)


Just my 2c (and I'm not a communication manager but I understand it)

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[This thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/105716/players-never-received-gold-from-items-that-sold-during-the-eu-server-rollback-shutdown/) has been up for days, the issue known since Tuesday - yet no ArenaNet employee felt obliged to give us any information on the matter.


**Players demand answers.**


P.S. [The link provided here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/105294/issue-with-account-rollbacks-may-11) does not work, by the way, so I don't know whether it's related to this.

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Here is your official response...


"If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible."


That means wait for your "113 Gold". Anet CS was already backed up so wait. There are tons of accounts that CS has to go through and resolve issues for and you're not the only player, so wait.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Well, it certainly isn't going to hurt.


Well, the entire EU player base was impacted one way or another, and being annoying to anet by spamming the forums with demands isn't going to magically speed up the process for that "113 Gold".

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> @"Ashantara.8731"


> Here is your official response...


> "If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible."


> That means wait for your "113 Gold". Anet CS was already backed up so wait. There are tons of accounts that CS has to go through and resolve issues for and you're not the only player, so wait.

You probably didn't read through that other thread linked, or you'd know that there _were_ people that already submitted a ticket, and got told to take a hike, because apparently support returns only missing _items_ (and only valuable ones, like infusions or precursors), not _gold_. Even if said gold was for selling that precursor.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731"

> >

> > Here is your official response...

> >

> > "If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible."

> >

> > That means wait for your "113 Gold". Anet CS was already backed up so wait. There are tons of accounts that CS has to go through and resolve issues for and you're not the only player, so wait.

> You probably didn't read through that other thread linked, or you'd know that there _were_ people that already submitted a ticked, and got told to take a hike, because apparently support returns only missing _items_ (and only valuable ones, like infusions or precursors), not _gold_. Even if said gold was for selling that precursor.



Anet said “If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible.".


Anet will deal with stuff the way they deal with stuff. Wait in line and let CS sort things out.

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The past few weeks have shown a lot of issues with the servers but also with communication creating more frustration that necessary. Here are some suggestions:


**Information Channels:**

- use all Channels so that everyone knows whats up fast

1. The Launcher has to have the News - otherwise most ppl get random error codes and have no idea whats going on maybe even trying to fix their own router ...

2. The Main Website should also have such messages in the News until they are fixed



1. The Information given should be useful - even if its not perfectly correct it can be updated

2. The information given was pointless - it also came way to late and way to unfrequent - tell your community if the issue seems big or small, maybe even what it is to some extent and a random eta (short downtime, longer downtime expected etc.) - communication is key


**Communication Methods:**

- never and i repeat never have all stuff on the same server and affected by the same issues

1. For example the last server issues also were account issues so ppl werent able to write/sometimes access the Forums for help this shouldnt happen


**atonement Gifts:**

this is always a good idea it creates goodwill with the consumers and ensures long time support BUT:

1. try to avoid to split the community by gifts that are given out rather random give them to all that were affected by the downtime or to no one but not to a selected few this just creates angry customers


**A suggestion how it could have been handled:**

- give a random mount licence to everyone that logged in or tried to log in the past 4 days (EU-Servers) - this should be 99% of the ppl affected

- lets be honest the mount licences are pretty expensive anyways and rather cheap to produce so giving out a random mount licence is a great gift - ppl will probably not get exactly what they want - therefore not reducing future sales - still they get something nice





From my point of view most of the bad reaction of players weren't result of the actual server problems but of the way the problems were handled.






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Or hirer a community relations manager that would frequently interact with players in game and on the forum..


Oh wait... they had one who was allowed to resign without a replacement.


Also, please ensure that the information is ‘useful’ to everyone and if someone deems it even slightly useless it gets deleted. That’ll help.


Also, if people don’t log into the forums at least once a week, so that they can be privy to the information, suspend their account because we don’t want players who don’t have all the info.


And give gifts to everyone. Except the deleted accounts because they didn’t have the info.


And finally, just in case someone doesn’t get it: /s

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Or hirer a community relations manager that would frequently interact with players in game and on the forum..


> Oh wait... they had one who was allowed to resign without a replacement.


> Also, please ensure that the information is ‘useful’ to everyone and if someone deems it even slightly useless it gets deleted. That’ll help.


> Also, if people don’t log into the forums at least once a week, so that they can be privy to the information, suspend their account because we don’t want players who don’t have all the info.


> And give gifts to everyone. Except the deleted accounts because they didn’t have the info.


> And finally, just in case someone doesn’t get it: /s


thank you

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While I am fairly certain that most posters here would agree that more communication from Anet would be appreciated, the company has to be very careful about any timing and message that is put out in the public sphere that may adversely impact their investors. There are many factors that go into this decision that we players will never know.


Sometimes no communication is less damaging.

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I think this is a fine conversation to have.


Conveyance (or consolidation, I guess) of information has notoriously been a huge problem for ArenaNet, and I'm not sure why. Promotions, for example, get posted in obscure places, the awards for competitions are announced similarly (or never announced at all), the recent server issues (and server issues prior) were not explained to people in-game either in the chat box or as an in-game mail (We get a notification when there's a new build or map or inactivity logout coming, so I'm not sure why an error or maintenance notification couldn't have gone out), things slip through the cracks and don't end up in patch notes, PR issues inflate into a huge mess and at times there is either a.) No response or b.) A flimsy response that doesn't really answer what people were asking or c.) A weird response that divides the community like we saw this past weekend.


Sometimes they get things right (or I wouldn't still be here), but suggestions are important to consider for the times when they misstep. Being sarcastic to each other only illustrates some of the divisions the community has right now. If we can fix it in any way, bring on the ideas.


EDIT: This post was originally in a thread about company communication which has since been merged into this one.

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