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Purchase of Gems 10 mins before crash => S3 & S4 and Salvager bought, gone, gems also not there

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Title says it all,

10 minutes before the crash i put 35 € in the game to buy Living World Seasons 3 and 4 and the Salvager Item for 800 Gems aswell. Then the Server crashed.

Then the Server got rolled back after the rollback (thank god, at least my progress hasnt gone to shit) but the Stuff i bought is still missing. The ticket is lying dormant for 5 days and each day i get up to see no email from anet, i want to play the story, so i dont want to progress after HoT zu PoF without doing S3 first (WICH I BOUGHT). Dont know how much Gold i spent on Salvage Items (BECAUSE MY UNLIMITED SALVAGER, WHICH I BOUGHT, IS STILL MISSING). And i get no response from anet.

Its not like i can pull the purchase from PayPal. And even if i could do that and order it all again it wouldnt make any diffence, because the Seasons are enabled in my Account but not active, so they want me to contact the Support (WHAT I DID).

A little more transparency would be appreciated, how long do they expect me to wait? A week, a month? Do i get my stuff at all in the near future?



Where the fuck is my stuff?

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