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Random DC, High Ping, 10-20 Sec Desync, Unable to login (Playing on NA from Asia)

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It happens at random times and places (even doing personal story instance), all kinds of connection issues.. I can understand a few DC here or there, but its getting worse the last few days to a point where I cant play the game for 10+ mins either due to Crazy 3000 Ping, or massive Desync 10-20sec to mount up.. or straight up DC and couldn't log back in..


If its just avoid prime time or avoid zerg then I can understand, but when it happens doing a personal story instance at 2am US time having connection issues for an hour, is a bit much..


I see alot of connection issues on other posts, just trying to figure out if it is server side happening to everyone or I have something to fix.

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> @"Demonhead.7584" said:

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" 'Am aware, yep. I am very well acquainted with their CS. I meant "responding" in a general sense, as in responding to the issue as a whole.


Its gotten so bad, couldn't even login for more than an hour.. there is something seriously wrong with the game server that specifically affects the Asia region harder than others

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> @"SuiciDan.2431" said:

> yes, im having this issue this week too. im from hong kong playing na


Using a free VPN to NA gave me some what stable game time for the last hour or so, from not even getting past launcher login for an hour straight..

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i cant login today, meanwhile its all good before.


The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network. For additional support, please visit http://support.guildwars2.com.


im not sure its server problem or what.....

have been checked all solvibg problem, but it seems doesnt help me to play the game FML

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