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2 class combo coming into the game?

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Hello all,

A friend and I will be picking up GW2 for the first time. I've been trying to pick through guides and everything to figure out classes we might like, but honestly it gets confusing with the specialized specs after the initial specs available. Personally i enjoy tanking in most games, but this one doesn't seem to use the normal heal/tank/dps so would anyone be able to recommend something that would have a lot of synergy with another class and create these combos I've read about? Honestly I'd say I enjoy fluid game play rather then just high dps numbers.

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Guardian+Revenant which would lead into the current meta support setup for 5 man groups (Firebrand and Renegade, aka Firebrigade).


Mesmer+Ranger for the classic Chrono+Druid setup which still sees a lot of use in 10 player content and is perfectly fine for 5 man content, though high end challenge mode fractals will benefit the Firebrigade.


Otherwise just go with what you enjoy class wise. The most important aspect is to actually enjoy what you are playing.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Guardian+Revenant which would lead into the current meta support setup for 5 man groups (Firebrand and Renegade, aka Firebrigade).


> Mesmer+Ranger for the classic Chrono+Druid setup which still sees a lot of use in 10 player content and is perfectly fine for 5 man content, though high end challenge mode fractals will benefit the Firebrigade.


> Otherwise just go with what you enjoy class wise. The most important aspect is to actually enjoy what you are playing.


Gotta second this, probably the best class combo there is right now.

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**Mesmer (Chronomancer)** :is hands down the best tank in the game, and one of the best supports in the game. Combined, its really in a tier of its own and represents the foundation most pug groups are built on. It's definitely one of the more difficult classes to learn and gear up for, but if you take the time to learn the rotations, it is incredibly rewarding and you'll find that you will always be needed in any LFGs. Chronomancer basicially synergizes with everything since they can provide every single boon in the game, combo fields, and alacrity which gives universal Cool down reduction. If you ever feel like playing more dps, Chronomancer also has really good DPS builds so you can swap some armors around and get really great dps as well.


Another tank that I personally enjoy as well is Revenant (Renegade); however, it takes a little more effort to play efficiently and really needs a Firebrand support to shine.


Aside from those options, what you want to run as a pair is really up to you. All classes have some sort of dmg option/support skils/ and combo fields that benefit with other class interactions.


If you feel you need some healing: Druid, Elementalist, Revenant, Off-meta mantra chronomancer

If you want some dps: Really any class, you can find a build here: https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/. Keep in mind some are a bit more complicated than others in terms of getting used to.


What I would suggest. For base tyria gameplay (game before expansion content starts) anything works. Once you get into HOT content, the difficulty ramps up a bit and you may want to consider a support/dps combo if duoing everything.


Overall in GW2, i'd say offence is your best defense so prioritize being able to kill something over general tankiness. Once you learn enemy mechanics, survive-ability becomes all about dmg avoidance (dodges, blocks, in-vulnerabilities etc.) so have some focus towards dmg. Once you get into raids and endgame 5-man/10-man content, then you can start focusing on specializing into supports etc.

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All the advice are solid but keep in mind that these are for end game instanced content. For going through the game for the first time I would recommend you pick whatever feels most fun to you. During leveling and open world content in general you will have more fun and success with a balanced build that is capable of standing on his own than with a min/max character. There are some professions that bring more to the group play though, like guardian.

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