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I love being a heavy support class :D


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Don't you love it that my Firebrand gives quickness, stability, aegis, and prot while being capable of 38k+ DPS, yet it is scourge who's sold as a support profession with the pitiful shade barriers and boon conversions that do nothing in PvE since mobs rarely use boons.


One day the classes will be not be designed around PvP first and PvE last.

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I was over the moon excited to be a support class, then my firebrand friend showed me just what they can do. I don't want them nerfed, thats not my point I think the amount of healing they put out is the only lifesaving point in this expansion. Every other class has been DPS related and everyone went with it. However, I had hoped that both Scourge and Firebrand could do amazing things, and...was dissapointed. Now we are indeed nerfed but so hard, that we don't have the ability to properly survive with this Sand Shroud.


I know this is a complicated issue as it impacts all three game modes but WvW and PvP suffer to. I'm Hoping with thier balance patch they won't work just on giving us decent damage, but give us teh option to be a support class. Without deathshroud, If I can't damage my enemies, I need the ability to reasonably survive and get away like every class out there.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> Don't you love it that my Firebrand gives quickness, stability, aegis, and prot while being capable of 38k+ DPS, yet it is scourge who's sold as a support profession with the pitiful shade barriers and boon conversions that do nothing in PvE since mobs rarely use boons.


> One day the classes will be not be designed around PvP first and PvE last.


See, something like nerfing Firebrand was definitely something I could get behind. As much as I love the class being up in the mid 40k's while still providing quite of bit of offensive and defensive support was too much. I get that Scourge got bug fixed, but the lack of damage is, in my opinion, completely unjustified with how weak the Elite's support tools are. I mean you got Chrono and Druid that have the worst damage, but they bring amazing support options. Scourge now has not the best damage and not the best support skills. Even if you throw in Epidemic you might as well run Reaper if damage is your focus.

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> @savacli.8172 said:

> > @Zenith.7301 said:

> > Don't you love it that my Firebrand gives quickness, stability, aegis, and prot while being capable of 38k+ DPS, yet it is scourge who's sold as a support profession with the pitiful shade barriers and boon conversions that do nothing in PvE since mobs rarely use boons.

> >

> > One day the classes will be not be designed around PvP first and PvE last.


> See, something like nerfing Firebrand was definitely something I could get behind. As much as I love the class being up in the mid 40k's while still providing quite of bit of offensive and defensive support was too much. I get that Scourge got bug fixed, but the lack of damage is, in my opinion, completely unjustified with how weak the Elite's support tools are. I mean you got Chrono and Druid that have the worst damage, but they bring amazing support options. Scourge now has not the best damage and not the best support skills. Even if you throw in Epidemic you might as well run Reaper if damage is your focus.


Guardian should be used as an example of how to balance a class overall. Even when Firebrand gets nerfed, it will have a top tier Meta Power and Condition build.


Guardian has gotten a lot of core Trait fixes, and weapon fixes. It's in a great spot now, and has been for a long time. It changed a lot for the better throughout HoT. I wish they'd give Necro similar treatment.

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Firebrand brings actual buffs (like real boons) and high dps and party buffs, heavy armor


Warrior brings "nessisary" buffs to raids especially might and banners and empower allies, heavy armor. Oh and short CD CC


We get what? Barrier? That's bugged right now because if 10 people stack and you barrier F3, with big shade it still only hits 6 people? Yea heavy support my ass.


How about we get something special when alwe add barrier, or have ANYTHING to add to our might gen or buff ability at all.



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> @Lexan.5930 said:

> Firebrand brings actual buffs (like real boons) and high dps and party buffs, heavy armor


> Warrior brings "nessisary" buffs to raids especially might and banners and empower allies, heavy armor. Oh and short CD CC


> We get what? Barrier? That's bugged right now because if 10 people stack and you barrier F3, with big shade it still only hits 6 people? Yea heavy support my kitten.


> How about we get something special when alwe add barrier, or have ANYTHING to add to our might gen or buff ability at all.


In the ideal world Shades would act as remote agents. As in, you could have groups of 5 spread out in an area, and then you along with your shades could each buff your respective groups (20 total targets).


The issue? Well, PvE doesn't place an emphasis on positioning as much as PvP and WvW does, and where positioning mattered shades got doubly nerfed. On top of that Shroud skills don't really bring anything game changing to the group. Barrier was great in concept, but the deployment feels lacking. I almost feel like it would be better to remove shades altogether and just reinvent the Shroud skills to act on the Necro alone.


That, or maybe make the shades more like spirits/Renegade allies that pulse/strike in an area when they are summoned and then go away when the skill is complete.


* Shroud 1: Summon a shade that pulses damage and applies conditions. Things like Dhuumfire, Reaper's Might and Unyielding blast would apply on each strike to mimic the frequency of other Shroud 1 skills.

* Shroud 2: Summon a shade that converts 1 condition every 1/2 seconds. The Corruption trait would corrupt 2 boons on nearby targets over the duration of this skill

* Shroud 3: Summon a shade that pulses a barrier over x seconds

* Shroud 4: Summon a shade that pulses fear in an area. Transfusion would them apply to the Shade instead of the necro making this more like Toolbelt Elixir R.

* Shroud 5: Enter a Shroud that pulses damage and applies conditions. Same as Shroud 1 but maybe more damage and/or different conditions but applies the effect to the Necro instead of summoning a shade to cause the effect.


In this case sand savant would work still work to expand the radius and target cap of each skill. You could get rid of the 3 shade system, and overlap wouldn't be an issue since each shade is unique in its effect.

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a low power on a scourge I can understand but the class should at the very least have support .all this ripping boon stuff scourge shouldn’t need . Core Necro has more than enough tools a scourge could use for striping boons if they wanted to build it like that ( trait that would make shroud 2 trait convert 2 buffs , corrupt boon , focus skill 5 and such ) .i would rather all the shades give a buff to allies and a condition to a enemy like for exsample a shads that crippled enemies and grants swiftness to allies when used . A shade that vul enemies while granting protect to allies , one that fears enemies but grants stability to allies ext ext that would make the class more support based . Maybe traits that also did things like more condition damage the more buffs the scourge has and such . Punishment skills could also have a similar effect with them able to buff allies and condition foes . This in turn would probably make for a good condition based scourge while giving it some good support options as it was advertise because In it’s current state I feel it gives some of the worse support around . Again barriers just don’t scratch it . Imagine if guardians had buffs but the only buff they could do is aegie because that’s how scourge looks to me with its barrier system .

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