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Shared inventory slot collapsed after closing and opening the inventory

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This is a bug that I have gotten after I bought the last 2 bag slots yesterday (on sale).

My shared inventory slots are at the bottom - since I found out that I could drag them to the bottom.


I have all inventory bags opened (expanded). Usually closing the inventory and opening it again ... remembers these settings.

But now the shared inventory slot always is collapsed and I need to open it first to access my salvage tools there - which is a bit annoying.


Since after buying the 2 additional slots there were 2 empty bag slots (9th, 10th) between the last bag (8th) and the shared inventory slots at the bottom. I thought it might have because of these empty slots. (System probably can't handle if there are emprty slots in between cause in the whole inventory it is shown without empty spaces.)


So after moving the shared inventory slots to the top and back down again to the bottom ... it works again. (Remebers them being expanded after closing and re-opening.)


I just wanted to leave this post/thread her for information - for others that might have the same problem. And maybe devs might fix it in the future. (Should have low priority though.)

I think this post in reddit mean the same/similar problem:


But their suggested workaround didn't help me.

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