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Can we get help please?! (Rollback Issues with missing Items/Gold)

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We need your help now!


I have not read about a single refund done by the support related to the Rollback issues from May 11th.

As there are many of us waiting to get some news on what is happening in this regard i logged into my account at the Supportside.

Unfortunately i saw that the ticket has been closed, without any confirmation or whatsoever. They have just closed it without saying anything.

Arenanet officially stated that we had to get into contact to the customersupport when we are still missing items and gold, and then they just close the tickets without resolving it?

This leaves me almost speechless. But i will keep fighting and hope that we get some help here.


If you also lost Items/Gold and submitted a ticket please check if your ticket is closed as well.

There is a description how to check it -> https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000308867


Please help


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My ticket is still open, but the only person who keeps updating it is me.


In a previous ticket I got a response which was a copy&paste of the article that ANet had posted on behalf of the rollback issue - that means no details on a person's particular problem, keeping people guessing (and hoping).

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My ticket is also still open. ticket hit 14days old today. Kinda sad that it takes 2 weeks for the issues to get resolved, but im guessing they are overloaded. I keep updating the ticket requesting an update, but as of today its been almost a week since Ive had any info on the progress of the ticket.

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@"Hexen.2930" yeah I'm in exactly the same situation, waiting patiently as possible although frustrated; just like all the other folk posting here, and countless more besides. I can only think the delay was due to "guesses here" literally 1000's of EU players affected with: "All manner of difference technical problems from lost Items, to Gold, to missing Gems, TP exchange problems, Achievement Rewards etc". and simply just not enough Anet Dev's working to resolve so many problems for so many affected players (i.e. not CS as they cannot influence or have authority over the tech bit: they are just the go-between).


The problem is, as players, we are faced with now is that > 2 weeks have passed, our tickets have been closed or copy 'n pasted replies etc, but we are none the wiser on what is happening over this issue from the Devs perspective and if we will even receive any compensation etc. I fully understand it maybe the case that a small team of Devs are working flat-out round the clock to resolve these complexissues, but as players we've no idea what's happening atm. Anet really should comunicate this to the playerbase, even if it's just a short sentence or paragrpah, as from our side of the fence it kinda feels this issue has been forgotten and/or swept under the carpet a little.


Many of us are left hanging our hopes on the last RB announcement posted 14 days ago now: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047546674-European-Server-Rollback-Issue-12-05-2020


But even this announcement is inaccurate as it clearly states: "We are still looking into refunding eligible purchases, restoring gems and possibly some high-level items automatically over the next few days. " ...... OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. In my book "next few days" equates to 2-3 days, no more than that.


Many of us are either i) still playing a little or very disheartened by the loss of varying amounts of Gems/Gold/Items: And some of us with some substantial amounts missing, due to this technical fault (i.e. players were in no way shape or form responsible for this and should be honourably compensated for this loss), ii) borderline about to quit or temporary quit until the issue has resolved, iii) some friends were so aggrieved over the matter that sadly they have quit: This whole incidence is thus damaging for the community and the individuals affected.


All we need is a bit of clarity in communication from Anet, that this is an ongoing WIP (work in progress) in the hands of the Devs, but it will take until ? June ? July to fully resolve, and players will be fairly compensated in some appropriate manner: That's all that players need really to feel their loss has not been forgotten. I'm also fully aware, if and when players do get compensated it will be done in batches of player accounts, as I don't think technically or either it is humanly possible there is any way the Devs can process so many problems on so many accounts simultaneously. Here's hoping!

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Same here, although my ticket is still open. Lost 1000 globs of ectoplasm and 46 mystic coins which is really a lot for me. Will be majorly disappointed if I don't get that stuff back. I had simply put buy/sell orders on the TP before the whole thing happened, and after the restore the bought items and the gold from the sold items was gone. So it's not like I played during the time that was between rollback/restore and lost things because of that either. I literally could have not logged in a single time during the whole problem and still would have lost this stuff, probably because my buy/sell orders happened to be fulfilled during the problem time.

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Thats a nice summary of my thoughts. could not have expressed my feelings any better.

Literally all of my friends are effected and most of them already quit or are borderline to do so. The only thing that keeps me logging in these days is to check if my money is back and the fact that i fight for our right of a refund. I lost more than 6000 gold because my buyorders disappeared from the Trading Post. Which was almost everything i had.

Closing tickets without even any response is beyond what i have experienced in any game so far.

Getting your ticket closed in that way feels like being punished by ArenaNet for beeing a good guy.

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I keep my ticket open bumping it every couple of days but the only response I've ever had from support since the beginning is an automated one. I've disengaged from playing since this fiasco and several friends have quit. If Anet had gone bust or were keeping silent because of a takeover/buyout or a massive data breach or something of that magnitude I could understand it.

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Just got this response on the day of the ticket submission: Nothing happend so far.




Thank you for reporting this issue regarding the recent server issues and rollbacks.


We will forward this information along to the server team and investigate what can be done to correct this issue.


Thank you for your patience. We will reply as soon as we have more information!


This Ticket is closed for comments. You can create a follow-up.*



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> @"buzzerbeater.5407" said:

> Just got this response on the day of the ticket submission: Nothing happend so far.


> Hello,


> Thank you for reporting this issue regarding the recent server issues and rollbacks.


> We will forward this information along to the server team and investigate what can be done to correct this issue.


> Thank you for your patience. We will reply as soon as we have more information!


> This Ticket is closed for comments. You can create a follow-up.*




So they've closed your ticket as well...

It is such a no go after the rollback and all the issues it caused.

And yet there is not a single official answer what is gonna happen to those who lost Items and/or gold at the trading post. I Still haven't read about a single person who has gotten a refund yet.

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I finally received an informative support message in response to my ticket that I would love to share with everyone who is in the same boat:


> Hello,


> Thank you for your patience while we made our way to your ticket. We've been experiencing a large volume of ticket submissions lately, so we've been hard at work ensuring all tickets are handled within a reasonable time. Additionally, we've been examining the scope of impact as a result of this rollback and have been determining the best course of action to take.


> As the trading post involves multiple interactions from varying users, it may take some time to address any missing items from the trading post. Rest assured, we are investigating these losses and will have more information at a later time. This ticket will remain open until a resolution is met.


> Thank you once again for your patience. If you have any other questions regarding your account outside of the losses incurred, please submit a separate ticket so we can address your concerns accordingly.


> Regards,

> [...]


That's all I needed to hear. :) So rest assured, this is definitely on the list of things from the rollback incident that they are aware of and trying to fix for everyone. Hence no need for anyone to open another ticket on the issue. :+1:

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Do you really think they gonna help you? @"Ashantara.8731"

I mean the issue is related to the rollback happened 3 weeks ago. I havent even gotten any feedback from the support apart from telling they investigate and then closing my tickets without any comment.

And it's not that difficult to check server logs. Doesnt even consume much time. But if they dont take 10 Minutes to solve our problems but keep closing tickets in a matter of seconds... well lets say i dont have any hope left :(

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> @"Hexen.2930" said:

> Do you really think they gonna help you? @"Ashantara.8731"

> I mean the issue is related to the rollback happened 3 weeks ago. I havent even gotten any feedback from the support apart from telling they investigate and then closing my tickets without any comment.

> And it's not that difficult to check server logs. Doesnt even consume much time. But if they dont take 10 Minutes to solve our problems but keep closing tickets in a matter of seconds... well lets say i dont have any hope left :(


1. Yes, I do believe they intend to help me _and_ everybody else as soon as they have figured out how.

2. Have you read their response? Three weeks, four weeks actually, it doesn't matter as it doesn't change anything about the fact that they haven't found a global solution yet. Your claim it would take only 10 mins to solve the problem is incomprehensible, because if it took only 10 mins, the issue would have been resolved by now.

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First of all why do they keep closing our tickets then? My personal belief after three weeks is to make us silent in a bad manner.

Second of all, i have gotten no response like you. Only that they need to investigate the situation. 3 Days later my ticket was closed without any word/action taken.

The same happened to the follow-up ticket i opened. Now i have a follow up - follow up ticket open, which havent even been read yet, apart from their automated support message. So yes, i lost all my hope. good for you you have yours still.

edit* and actually it matters for me how long it takes. Its a real struggle for me to even spend time on fighting here for the losses we had. Playing GW2 means logging in checking if any refund happened and logging back out. It may or may not change if a refund happened, but everyday passes the first is less likely to happen. I really love Guild Wars 2 but i simply lost more than i could handle.

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The tickets been close has nothing to do with "you" or "this" particular subject, its just how their system works.

If you just answer their last message it "update" the ticket and put it in their queue, closed tickets tho are just not in the queue anymore.

Because the answer from them is that they still investigate and blabla, basicly it mean they can do nothing for you (yet), why should the ticket be left open? that will only cluter the rest of the queue, where theres people who they can actually help right now and not related to the rollback. (turkish sms just an exemple, those guys cant even play the game at all... shouldnt they have priority over you since support cannot solve yet your issue?)

It is very likely they will make an announcement once things are solved, at that time I suppose you will just have to update your ticket... and they will do their stuff then.

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I know that there are a lot of issues ongoing right now, but you miss one fact. It's not me, its thousands of people who have the same issues.

I haven't gotten any notification that they can't resolve the tradingpost problem, only that they are looking further into this. Then closed. This is definitely not a normal behaviour. On top of that there was an official announcement made from Arenanet and Guild Wars 2 that we should get into contact with the customer support if we are still missing items.

And to be honest, for me personally there is no difference in not being able (SMS authentication) or not wanting (loosing 7 years of work) to play the game.

I really wish they can resolve all the issues within a reasonable time frame but waiting for more than 3 weeks is kind of crazy.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If it's thousands, tens of thousands, of players with the issue, and ArenaNet wants to make each one whole, I'd guess that would take quite some time.

> Unless you think they should not make all those whole at relatively the same time. I'm sure they would be accused of playing favorites, if that was the case.


If that would be the case, i wouldnt mind at all. As long as they take care of each and every one of us. But having to deal with closed tickets, where you havent even gotten any reponse yet is outrageous. As you can see in this thread i am not the only one effected by this. And the majority doenst even come to this forum.

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