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Can we get help please?! (Rollback Issues with missing Items/Gold)

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I have gotten exactly the same reponse as @"Ashantara.8731" a few days ago. Seems they copy and paste the same text to everyone involved. At least it seems they keep their promise to leave the ticket open this time as its not closed yet, unlike the ones before.

Apart from that nothing yet. No refund, no timeframe


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Has anyone else given up yet? i personally have stopped playing entirely.

There is not a single line about the topic anymore in any official website. It seems they are sweeping this topic under the carpet and forgetting about us customers entirely

Sad but true

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The german support told me twice now that there won't be any help/compensation for missing items/gold in general. We got the mount skin and the bonfire and that is all there is to it. They won't offer any compensation apart from the skin/bonfire.


Edit: Now, another two weeks later, i've got back about half of the items i lost during the rollback.

Edit2: I did not receive the missing items, but i got some gems (as compensation) i think. Because i did not receive another mail from support i am not entirely sure but anyway: thank you for taking the time and going through all of those cases of missing items (mine included).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just received 69 Gold, 19 Silver and 77 Copper from support.


The exact a earnings from Friday (the day to which my account was rolled back) till Monday (the day the rollback happened) that were lost, however, are 113 Gold, 53 Silver and 36 Copper.


I expect to receive the remaining 44 Gold, 33 Silver and 59 Copper as soon as possible. This is not a satisfactory result. :angry:

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Update a few minutes ago, Support has replaced what looks like the correct amount of missing gold so well done and thank you whoever figured it out, good job hopefully there's a method in place now if it ever happens again. Any players with open tickets don't give up.

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> @"Lysica.1027" said:

> Update a few minutes ago, Support has replaced what looks like the correct amount of missing gold


Lucky you. I bet I am not the only one who only received a portion of their lost earnings. But support was generous and compensated me in a different way, so I can't complain. ;)


In any case, as Lysica wrote, rest assured that they are working on the issue and you won't be left out.


**Update:** I was informed that in some cases they might not be able to send you all the gold at once. Have patience and faith. :)

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They did refund on my account as well. I dont know when exactly but it was within a week from today. I logged in today and had several mails from the support with all my gold missing. More or less the amount i was missing i think.

I have no idea how you sorted the data for each player individually, but keep up the work @ customer support. We as community still need your help.

I hope there are good news for all the other open tickets in that regard as well.

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