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Change HoT HP champs to veterans or elites

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Git gud? I'm not sure that the HPs being champs is necessarily a problem. It is different from core HPs, certainly, but making the hero points group content doesn't necessarily make them worse. It makes it so HPs are a challenge you have to approach from a different direction. If you have to use an HP train, the join it or make it. Challenge is inherently a good thing, as it forges creativity and cooperation.


I got good maybe you should get better. I think you missed the point so I would like to meme for you Git cents.

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> @Jinroh.4251 said:

> I don't know if they will ever change the mobs in HOT. I know compared to POF, the mobs can downright murder you even if they are not veterans. Hell pocket raptors STILL kill players. We can only hope one day they do change the mobs and the HPs that go with them but I doubt that. People still run HP trains in HOT content and ANET figures they would rather keep it like that. I also happened to notice that there are a few who actually like the murderous mobs. Have no clue why, you figured they'd get their difficult kicks from raids, fractals, and event bosses.


I don't do raids, I don't do fractals and I don't run boss trains...so if I want something challenging I'll tackle the so-called "murderous" mobs, which aren't murderous if you pay attention to what your doing...and people calling pocket raptors deadly is a joke, do most people know that they almost always die in just one or two hits(and this is playing as a ranger). Do I have all the HP's, no and do I need them, not in the least do I need them all, there are more HP's in this game than uses currently so there's no real reason to get them all, except for map completion rewards.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> You know they could easily set up like some of those hearts out there. Like that one bug catching one I think in Diessa and that one colosseum one in Gengardan Fields where you have to go into a pen and fight a certain enemy.


> On the HoT maps, they should allow us to interact with the hero challenge and then pick "Easy Medium Hard" on them. If you pick easy you get a Veteran, if you pick Medium it's Elite, if you pick hard you get Champion.

> Hell, you can even add a "Hardcore" option and add Legendary. That way everyone can have fun with it in however form they like.


> You may ask, "Why would anyone do the harder ones then?"

> Here you go... the harder ones might give you better drops from their daily chests. That might entice people to still do HP trains to maybe get the better loot from it.

> I say it's a win-win situation that I'm not sure anyone would disagree on unless they just don't want anyone to have choices.


> "No, they should all be hard and stay that way!" Which I think would be a bit selfish on those that just want to get the hero points and that's about it.

> Me personally would go either or. When I'm in a hero point mood, I will solo them on easy. When I'm in the mood for HP trains (which I still do from time to time for those daily chests), I would pick that hard/hardcore one.


Going off your suggestion... how about they take it one step further... when you go to activate an HP that you haven't completed yet on that character it automatically spawns a Veteran or Elite (probably Elite to preserve some of the difficulty and challenge while still being possible to solo with with any build). When you go to activate it again later on for the repeatable rewards, it spawns a Champion.


> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> and people calling pocket raptors deadly is a joke, do most people know that they almost always die in just one or two hits(and this is playing as a ranger).


I know... I've honestly only ever died to Pocket Raptors once... and it was because I accidentally dodged into a 2nd group of them then shot a 3rd group immediately after... 3 groups of those little ankle biters will certainly kill you quickly... but 1 group of them is ridiculously easy, just drop some AoE's and run around the perimeter of your AoE until they die.



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  • 1 month later...

Coming back to GW2 after many years away (last played during LS1), I absolutely hate HoT, and I'm pretty mad I spent $20 on it. It's largely un-soloable, full of Champions and Elite+ mobs, nevermind the massive amount of mobs that do impossible damage despite being non-champ/elite/etc. Oh, and it's seriously desolate. It feels like the game is actively punishing me for trying to play. I'm actually very glad the game no longer charges for armor repair, as I'd be absolutely broke otherwise. I've never died as much as I have in the last couple of days back in the game.


After being vaporized by 3 Mordrem Snipers on my yellow geared Deadeye in the first HoT mission, I nearly chalked the money up to a stupid gamble and uninstalled the game again.


Honestly if it wasn't for gliding I'd just skip over the hot mess completely, but I've spent $20 on it and now I feel like I've got to get /something/ out of it, despite the fact that it is seriously not fun at all.


I much prefer regular Tyria and PoF, as even the tough spots in PoF have been doable by myself.


The devs would be well served to fix up HoT before they lose players due to it. If my wife didn't play and warn me about how bad HoT was, I'd be lost and likely not spending any more money on/playing GW2.

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