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Guild Halls! Decoration and updates(Eyes of the North)

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Hello! It's me again, the guy that only talks about Guilds and Guild Halls. So, the new decorations, and the fact that we are always getting them, is awsome! The new trees are awsome! Thank-you for those news itens(And the ones from the past updates!)! In the last update, with the Eyes of the North, we got the chance to upgrade for a not so expensive price, the new HUB, getting a bank, trading post, new merchants, crafting stations and portals. Those ask for specific itens, and other stuff, that, in my opinion, could be used to make, new updates for the guild halls, as they are not only super expensive, but also sadly, doesn't bring alot, for most players. I know it's only a small thing, but let's say that, they won't kill cities, otherwise, eyes of the north, and the hubs, multiple active cities, places with crafting, the pvp, wvw and everything wouldn't exist the way they do. I know a few Guilds that are on their way to craft and max their halls, but, get hold back on the idea that will still lack alot of those, basic things. I know the original idea is that the Guild halls are "Heart of Thorns" Content, but with the recent updates, giving us those new decorations, the way that players have been reacting and talking, we could start seeing new stuff, even if small things coming to the feature, updating with Icebrood Saga, and even maybe with the new expansion! Well, we could also check in new ideas, I remember a forum post with a Trello talking about ideas to guild halls upgrade aswell! We still have players asking for such updates, so, I don't see harm in adding those! Well, anyway, ty for reading this long post! And again, thank-you for the new awsome decorations! The shrines, trees and even the crystal devourer are awsome decos!

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