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Support Tickets

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I've just come back into GW2 and am trying to update my account email for a bit more security. I've had 3 support tickets in total simply closed without response, what is the deal here? I just made a purchase of the new exapnsions and this run around for a simple update is ridiculous. Does anyone have any tips or ways to get this done quick?

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> @"Innate.8316" said:

> Unfortunately once they're closed there is absolutely no way to reply to them.


> EDIT: I should mention no way to reply to the ticket itself, however I can reply to the emails obviously.


And, that is your ticket. For many years, there was no support site page that showed the tickets; just the emails that were sent, and responded to.

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I have not been able to log into my main account due to changing my phone and not able to authenticate. No answer after a week. Is this normal? I cant believe after I work so hard on my characters that I can not access my main account.


Is there a more efficient way to communicate? All I need is to update to my present phone.

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I have been waiting for 3 whole weeks for an answer.


Actually, nevermind, its been automatically closed literally the first day with some automated message being the only answer. Worst support I have ever seen. That was the only ticket I sent about it.

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So an update to this thread just so its not left dead like most others. While the ticket was closed basically on day 1 of submissoin, I did reply via email and got no response back. Today I woke up to an email from ArenaNet with a link to update my email on my account and this was received on the new email address I requested to change to. It appears the ticket was worked and completed albeit much later than I expected but it seems like some patience and careful instruction following is needed.

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> @"Gravy.7429" said:

> I have not been able to log into my main account due to changing my phone and not able to authenticate. No answer after a week. Is this normal? I cant believe after I work so hard on my characters that I can not access my main account.


> Is there a more efficient way to communicate? All I need is to update to my present phone.


I had the same issue, it took them 9 days to get back to me, going from reddit etc thats about the given timeframe for support at the moment 7-10 days, im guessing the full support team is not working due to current world events etc.

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