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I Love This Game

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Hey, it's pretty good. Been playing on and off since open beta. I can only say that about this game and Planetside 2. The devs should be proud they can pull that kind of thing off. Most games of this genre just jump out of the nest and break their necks.

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I had a love for Lineage II in the past for its world alone, I still feel nostalgic about it :3 But there was a point I coudnt continue playing through the grind. When I compared its gaming elements with those of GW2, I was amazed at the innovation. GW2 has been first (and last) mmo Ive played that really feels like a journey. Its a beautiful game :)

I still need to try GW1 when I have a time .)

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I love GW1 to death...


GW2 I like so far.. but so far, not being able to reach the highest end of PvE content (raid) really bugs me. I wish there's a dedicated guild to give ropes to those who want to try raiding without jumping in naked at a risk of getting spammed or yelled at.


I am really giving it a try for another month, learning my profession and gearing up properly. But if thats still cant get me into raid, I will be moving on. I am due to come back to FF XIV, partly because couch gaming is the best..


on the other hand.. if I can get into raid and experience it, even if I dont like it, it will give me satisfaction and I will try to stick with GW2. Even going to get a proper gaming chair to make the whole experience more enjoyable.

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I love this game too. The world is large. For a "causal" game it has thousands of hours of content that it would take me years to play 80% of it as a hobby. The story isn't bad. Exploration is really fun and rewarding. I also like how I can just randomly stumble across a world boss and begin attacking it with a bunch of other people, a truly open world in that sense. I can play by myself I can play with other people and I never really feel like I am doing some monotonous grind. There always seems to be some world event going on. All of that content and that is only the PvE portion of the game. I don't really play much PvP because I'm mainly interested in the story and world environment. It's the only MMO I've played that feels like a game and not a job. Haha.


> @"Bealis.6023" said:

> I had a love for Lineage II in the past for its world alone, I still feel nostalgic about it :3 But there was a point I coudnt continue playing through the grind.


You and me both!



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