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Mouse cursor is virtually invisible

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So yeah, we have a very tiny mouse cursor that's brown, on a background (usually the floor) that's brown (or similar color) as well. When in a hectic fight (especially in WvW), it is _extremely_ hard to keep track of the cursor. Is there _any_ way at all an option could be added to make the cursor a more visible color (something bright and neon-y, perhaps)? On a related note, there is an "interface size" option, but no "cursor size" one; this might be a _very_ worthwhile addition as well.


Aaaand while we're on the subject of keeping track of things, it is often times necessary to keep track of a given character (usually the leader (allied player, and no, the commander tag is not enough: it is not under our control, and half the tag colors are virtually invisible as well) or, in an escort event, the NPC to defend (and no, the shield icon is often not enough)). We used to use the call-target to indicate such a character, as it is big and clearly visible -- however, this is no longer possible in this day and age as there will always, _always_ be somebody in the party/subgroup that will call target on random nonsense. I would suggest adding a "marker" mechanic similar to the call-target or the squad markers, except that this one applies _only_ to the player that placed it. Nobody else can see it and nobody else can move it away. (And of course it should be big and bright as well... :P) Thus, this could be an entirely client-side thing with no server involvement at all (if you so wish).


Pretty pretty please?

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Hej Folks,


I'd like to jump on this train as well.


I don't like to switch on 'dpi-upscaling' since it messes with the clarity of the UI, especially the fonts become sorta blurry, wich is annoying in 2017.

I'm pretty fine with the options of choosing the size of your interface from 'small to bigger', but the cursor, well ...


I'm on a Mac and thankfully there is this feature called 'shake to find' where you shake your mouse like madness and the cursor becomes huge + visible – in case you've lost it on some external screen or so. This helps, but is clearly a work around rather then convenient. I can't count the times where only TAB or so saved me from loosing a fight, because I couldn't aim proper or aimed at an ally, so my AOE got lost and I was thrown under the bus.


So jup, that would be awesome to add ANet. :+1:



Bo :)

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I have heard of this yolomouse thing, but you know ArenaNet's stance on third-party software... That said, no offense to A'Net or anything, but it's a sad excuse to point to something like that -- this is, IMHO, a rather fundamental flaw that should be fixed rather than left to weird workarounds. (I have no clue how that program does what it does, but eyeing the source quickly, it smells a lot like DLL injection to me... So essentially the computer science equivalent of a blind surgeon taking out what he _thinks_ is your appendix -- in a shady back alley. I would feel a lot more comfortable if the game itself would just do that.)

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