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Which professions and specs play like my Axe Mirage?


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I've been playing mesmer main for quite a while, and I'm looking to switch up one of my other characters as my main for a while. I have every profession to 80. This is all in the context of mostly open world content.


I love how the axe Mirage play style involves dancing around and through opponents, frequent weapon swap and hitting utilities at the right time for multiple effects. It feels great to zip around the battle field, and if I make a mistake I do get in trouble and have to work to get myself back into flow, and sometimes I just pick up too many opponents and have to pay the consequences of a port back to a waypoint. I remember long ago dagger/dagger Ele feeling similar.


Contrast my great sword Guardian, in which I leap, pull a bunch of enemies, symbol the ground, and spin them all down.


There seems to be a third playstyle as well. My play with Revenant and Holosmith so far seem to involve a lot of toggle something off or on, at the right time toggle again. It takes more concentration than the Guardian, but doesn't feel as great as the Mirage dance.


So my question is, what other professions/specializations play like axe Mirage and dagger/dagger Ele?


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Thief is very mobile, burst-oriented, and has quick interrupts and satisfying insta-cast abilities like Mesmer.


If you hate spin-spin greatsword Guardian, you may want to give condition-hybrid Firebrand a try, actually. It gives you some nifty insta-cast and modal abilities while still delivering the group support and positional control you expect from Guardian. I've long hated most of the Guardian weapons, but both Axe and Tome of Justice feel really nice to me.

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Holo is fun massive burst w some neat utilities and you can facetank things much better than axe mirage, any form of guard too. S/D teef is allot closer to axe mirage vs p/p thief. Staff bounding DD is fun up close damage too w good evades kinda like axe mirage but with more evades than mirage. p/p DE is good in open world, but its not much like axe mirage. P/P DE is super easy low risk. I wouldnt put Axe mirage in the low risk category, that would be staff mirage.

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Some elite specs are designed to be reminiscent of the dual professions mechanic from GW1.

Looking at the mirage and their mechanics, it seems that mirage was designed to be the mesmer/thief archetype.


They took the stealth attack mechanic from thief and reworked it into ambushes, available during mirage cloak instead of stealth.

They even took the utility skill type from thief, deceptions.


So with that being said, I guess that thief should actually be the closest you can get to mirage.

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As others mentioned thief sounds like right up ypur alley. Daredevil with staff does exactly what you are looking for, but other specs can play like that.

As someone who does not appreciate thief gameplay much, I would highly suggest looking into sword weaver. It plays a bit like the dagger version, but takes it up a notch. I think weaver sword is one of the best designed weapons in the game. It offers good burst damage, leaps, evades, heals, some CC. More skills with dual attunement, interesting synergy with weaver spec and you can go slightly more defensive while still doing more damage than core dagger builds.

It is pretty much as squishy as the core version, one tiny mistake and you are downed. But it has a lot of tools to hanle most situtaions.

A recent update also allows weapon swaps (out of combat) for elementalist, making scepter more accessible for punishing melee encounters.

Sword weaver is great on both power and condi versions. The condi one allows for tankier builds while still doing good dps and decent enough burn damage (burning can be the the main damage condi).


Now I want to play my weaver again :)

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Thank you, all.


I've started into staff daredevil. Still getting used to it (dodge does damage, but half the time my dodge is away from enemies?) but I'm having a lot of fun with it so far.


Good to hear about sword weaver. It'd be fun to give new life to my elementalist after dagger/dagger for so long. Tried a little tempest, but camping in an element until I can use the storm felt pretty much opposite of what I remember d/d feeling like. I'll need to go do some hero point runs since I already invested partway into tempest.


All the feedback is greatly appreciated!

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Additional suggestion, I love mirage for the same reason. magebane-mightmakesright Spell breaker is great. Axe / dagger - mace / axe. Is physical rather than condi but you move like a viking -ballet dancer-juggernaut of death. Weaving in blocks, interrupts, leaps and spin to win, while keeping excellent sustain. Great fun.

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