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Joined a group then lost them.

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I am a very casual player have always played solo. I figure I would just slow down other players. But recently was invited to a group and accepted, then lost the other members. I don't know where they went. I asked in chat and it was to a waypoint that I don't have unlocked so I just left the group. Is chatting the only way of finding out where your group members went? Is there some way of tracking them on the map?

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If you joined a party or a squad, you see on the left top corner, name of members green, it means you are on the same map with them. you can also notice that where would be "blue dot" on the minimap.


If you were in a party and all the name were black, either you were not on the same map with them or not in the same instance

1. not in the same map, just hover cursor to the party member, it will tell which map they are in. You have that Waypoint, teleport to that.

2. After you teleport to that map, but cant see anyone in the party there, all the names are black, you are in different instance, hover cursor over member name, right click to select "Join the ......"


And if you have not unlocked a waypoint, "Teleport to Friend" is your tool.


Have fun gaming.


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Being on the same map: hover over their names in squad interface and it will tell you which map they are on. Waypoint there.

Being in the same instance/shard: after you are on the same map right click squad member name in the squad and choose "Join instance"

Being on the same spot in the map: check map/minimap for blue dots or your commander's icon if there is a commander.

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You can also open the world map and seek for their blue dot to see where they are.

Port to the closest WP, and then, like the guys before me said, if name are grey, you'r on the good place but not the good instance.

Right clic on someone (usually the commander is in the groupe 2) and choose "join X map" and you'll be good :)


As someone who play solo a lot too, be aware than their are two type of party :

- The one who chill and farm, best group to chat and have fun

- The one who rush farm/meta, best to make money but less way fun and no time to chat (can be extremely frustrating if you don't have all mont / dont know the map)


HF ^^

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