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Is there a way to change race of a character in gw2

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I was just wondering if there is any way to change the race of a character other than rolling a new toon. You see when i started playing this game i thought asura were a cool race but after some time playing this game i came to realize i hate the fish goblins. Anyways i have some toons that are asura that i don't really play anymore because they are asura and I hate looking at them, but i also have a lot of hours on those toons and i don't want to just delete them.

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A Total Makeover Kit can do wonders, even making an asura cute (almost). This wouldn't change the fact that they kill other species for their experiments, but at least the appearance could be improved.

I suggest you to keep 1 of them (there are some achievements that require an asura - Hero tab) and delete the others, if you can't stand them. You can also cover their head with a big helm, like I did (the flame helm you get after few AP).

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Unfortunately there is no way to change character races, due to the shortsighted lack of inclusion of a feature which many other MMOs have, and GW2 now apparently cannot add because of how individual characters are embedded in their personal stories.

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Yeah, like others mentionned, you can't change races mostly because of the personal story.


However, I would recomend deleting your character only if you ran out of character slot (like others said, birthday gift, etc...)


The "truth" about asura beeing goblin-fish super ugly sounds rather subjective. At first, Yeah, I didn't like them in general, but once I saw some other asuras characters, I was like; what if I try to create a cool look? I tried, spent a lot of time doing so but managed to create a unique character design that I really like and never regretted.

You really can't say an entire race (specie) is ugly, that's extremely subjective. There are uglies and beautifuls in each of the race and even in that, this is subjective too.

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I agree that Asura can be very odd-looking yet there are some that are cute. While you can't change a character's race, you can change gender with a Total Makeover Kit, and I think the female are much better-looking, or they can be. Don't mean that as sexist or anything, it's merely my opinion based on the available faces.

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