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Elite Spec Idea "Musher"


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Rangers lose weapon swapping to gain access to held weapon swapping, swapping weapons in each hand to gain new weapon skills. They also have trained their pets legs in order to gain access to a 3rd weapon, the shield.


Pet mechanic, lose f2 ability in order to gain mush, you sling out ropes to your pet and hop onto your shield giving you access to pet skills and special dismount skills. During mush you have 40% movement speed and auto run.


Ability 1: kick up dirt into nearby foes for aoe blinding


Ability 2: dismount going head first into opponent dazes you and opponent


Ability 3: dismount kicking your shield to opponent crippling them, teleport to your shield


Ability 4: let go the ropes and sling forward riding your shield


Ability 5: halt your pet in its tracks as you slide behind them launching them into their target to knock them down


What you guys think? would be super fun right?

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