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Add anti-leeching mechanic to Forging Steel to prevent afking in tank

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As a squad commander I'd like to focus on playing the game instead of constantly having to monitor for leechers afking in the tank hoping nobody notices. It has gotten so bad there's at least one every run, today we had 3. Three!


I can only guess how bad it is in public squads or squads with no commander. Please provide a mechanic that would punish people for spending more than 30s in the tank and prevent them from entering the tank after it's triggered, like "heat stroke: you've spent too much time in hot enclosed space and need some fresh air". There's no reason to ever be in the tank outside when the game makes you, and the 2 miniboss encounters for breakbar - skill 1 has laughable 2k dps and skill 2 is ineffective against moving enemies. I think 30s timer is enough.


Make it stack so it's a bigger penalty next time, or just force kick people out of the tank every 30s. Anything to prevent people from afking in there so we commanders can actually focus on gameplay. Please?


Or even better, just make the tank interactable only when it's actually required... maybe add a big arrow so people know they can get in.

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doesn't change anything...you can also just WP back and hide somewhere if you do not want to be seen and even if you come now with a afk timer....you can go arround that too if you really want to afk.


if people afk in missions they shouldn't be punished for that, but rather think of making a mission so its engageable so you do not want to be afk. its the mission design that is faulty, not that there is no punishment for being afk.

the design would be okay for a simple story step, but not for a mission you want to repeat...i would afk to for the rewards i get. especially when i know that people at the end can't even use the cc and oneburn shit so it takes even longer. but yeah, not doing it at all is the better idea, just skip it.

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People slacking outside your minimap are easier to spot than people slacking on a moving icon inside the bounds of your minimap. But, fine then, copy the frostbite effect from drizzlewood and add it behind the tank as the map progresses. "The storm is getting worse" after all, no?

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do you really think people will change if there is some punishment for afking...because there is nothing that can prevent from going afk. the only thing you can do is kick people from the squad if you go in with a squad in the first place.

the mission is so boring with no loot, you won't stop people from afking. like who cares if he is seen or not, or dead or not. do you really think that would have any impact?


the right thing would be to change the mission design for strikes so its shorter or add some new mechanics with rewards along the way. then people will not go afk in the first place...at the moment its just 20 min wasted for doing nothing. the event chain is not even fun in particular nor engaging at all.

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Yes, adding mechanics designed to actively prevent afk leeching tends to... prevent afk leeching. I know, it's a surprising outcome.


Again, the problem aren't people who afk in the beginning of the instnace. They're easy to spot and kick. The problem are people who afk in the tank because --


1. their player models disappear

2. other people moving around tank make it harder to spot

3. tank moving makes it harder to spot

4. multiple people can sit in tank and you can't tell who without clicking through their squad icons


Can we move on?

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Dont hold your breath on this one. Many rewards in the game are designed to be afked while carried by the few or simply designed to be completable for afkers. The proper way to address this is to make a participation bar for the mini events leading to the final boss. Getting participation from the boss fight itself cashes in your progress for full rewards.


Until they implement something like this I see no reason to not afk.

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> @"rune.9572" said:

> I can only guess how bad it is in public squads

When I'm going to play FS in public PuGs I'm more worried about whether or not ~50% of the players are going to do the BB during the bossfight then I am about one or two leeches.

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