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Necromancer able to do every Thing?


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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> Necromancer can participate in all content of the game.


> It is also very strong in many areas of the game. It is superb in open world PvE, it is strong in PvP, it is quite good in WvW.


> It is just below average in Raids.


> It's not so far behind to be unplayable, but you may find it slightly harder to find a raid group than more "Meta" professions. Once you're in the group, you should have no real issues with actually completing the content (And are ironically, more likely to outperform many of the "Meta professions" due to some of them having significantly higher skill floors making them considerably worse in the hands of the average player as well as only being stronger in the presence of optimized party set ups anyway where they can get all the necessary buffs)


I really hope that Anet read those! Necromancer should be more playable with minions. Unfortunately, minions do not like being seen in fractals and raids. Please change that. Thank you.

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Necro is very good in PvE. Been playing it since release.


I play both Reaper (Zojja) and Scourge (Yassith) mostly solo and have very little troubles with map completion and fractals for instance. I prefer glass-cannon builds. Metas are fine ofc because you have all the buffs. Here are a few observations for solo-playing though:


**Power Reaper:** sick dmg when in shroud, excels at bursting down enemies, bad when fight becomes long, no sustained dmg and no DoT, can't kite, life-pool management necessary


**Condi Scourge:** good at kiting and DoT, better at high-level bosses than Reaper because of sustained dmg and condis, can be fragile, shade management necessary


Necro is not "best in class" but very fun to play. I also only have one character, so Necro is my way to go =)

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I saw some really crap advice in this thread so I’ll throw out my two cents.


You can do any game mode (Raids, Fractals, PvP, WvW, Open World, Champ Soloing, etc...) with any one class in the game. Necromancer is no exception.


First big disclaimer is that your personal skill and ability will usually have a far greater impact on your performance than what class you pick. In addition, there will not be one “overall Necromancer” build. Your build will change depending on the content you are doing and the role you will be filling.


In Raids and Fractals, Power Reaper is a good build. Is it meta? No. Is the DPS it can do far greater than the amount of DPS needed to kill the boss? Yes. The rotation is very simple and is great for new players. Condi Scourge is also a solid condi choice. It does do lower damage than other condi builds, but it being Epidemic which is phenomenal for some bosses (Soulless Horror, Mursat Overseer, etc). Support Scourge is also a good secondary healer (after Druid), especially during fights when barrier can be utilized effectively (such as Vale Guardian). Unless it’s a boss that requires something extremely specific, most people just want a warm body to come who knows what they are doing and isn’t a garbage player.


One thing for raid dps classes: the benchmarks are determined by players who are more than likely far better than you will ever be. You probably won’t have a chance of reading that top optimal dps number either due to personal skill or the rotation being far more complicated. Reaper has a very simple dps rotation that can output just as much dps as a “meta” class that you can’t play well.


I don’t have much experience with PvP, but I can guarantee they have a spot there.


In WvW, Scourge is a fantastic Zerg class due to their boon stripping. They also have various roaming builds available to them.


Literally any class works in the open world. Necromancers can easily solo champion level mobs and bosses, unlike what was previously stated in this thread. Using the 2nd grandmaster trait in the Curses line (heal for 10% of condi damage) has incredible sustain when you are using a tank condi build such as with Trailblazers.


The build diversity in this game is very large and you can almost always bring a class to any form of content as long as you have the correct build and equipment setup for the role that you are looking to fulfill.

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