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[Feedback]: DPI Scaling

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @MorganOneNine.1025 said:

> Frustrating... I still have fuzzy UI text after the patch, despite whatever UI/DPI revisions were made. Should I just assume this bug is never going to be addressed?


I wonder the same.


Resolution 1680x1050, UI size small or BIG = fuzzy text. Bug introduced with the DPI scaling patch, and it's been bad ever since.

An official response would be nice just to let us know this is how it will be from now on, or if you are actually working to fix it.

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> @"Malikah.3761" said:

> Just checked the Steam hardware survey out of curiosity and it's worse than I thought :)


> 1280 x 1024 : 1.63%

> 1680 x 1050 : 1.65%

> 1920 x 1200 : 0.51%


Indeed. Well I guess we can thereby conclude that a 16:10 aspect ratio (and possibly others) is from now on not officially supported in this game, and since we're such a small group, if the Steam hardware survey is anything to go by, they most likely won't put the resources in to fix this. :'(


And as a reminder to see what the issue looks like, I'll repost the link by MorganOneNine below



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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> I'm on a 1440p display but enabling or disabling scaling doesn't seem to do anything. Am I missing something?


So this DPI scaling change is great for high resolution users but its instability is causing full system lock ups for me. I have to disable the scaling in GW2 options then check override scaling by application in the .exe compatibility menu in Win 10. Even then the game hiccups from time to time. When the elements scale up they dont have new textures, the UI is just stretched which looks horrible. I play at 1440p for better definition of visuals not worse. So i turned it off and am happy with a smaller UI and more screen to see whats going on.


Submitted a ticket about the DPI scaling locking up my machine.


Edit: Yes it did work for me when I checked "DPI Scaling" in the graphics menu within GW2 running two 1440 monitors. Everything got larger without increasing the actual UI size.

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Currently we believe that display aspect ratio and the fuzzy text problem are unrelated. We have an active work item tracking the text issue, but at the moment there is nothing new to share.


Other changes and fixes we've added since this thread was opened:

* The state of DPI Scaling is now saved in a timely manner (among other toggles that were previously not triggering a save).

* DPI Scaling is no longer effected by graphics presets (i.e. Best Appearance, et al)

* The launcher now uses the DPI Scaling setting to adjust its size accordingly. (Windows only)

* The launcher should now center itself correctly when scaled.


For Mac users, the cursor being small when not using DPI Scaling matches the behavior of Windows.


## For anyone continuing to have fuzzy text issues

Please post your exact DPI setting along with your OS and OS version.


On Windows 10, this can be found in Display Settings; on Windows 7 & 8 it's under Appearance and Personalization; for Windows XP it's found under the Advanced part of Settings in Control Panel.


On Mac, whether your display is Retina, and what macOS version are probably sufficient.

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> @"Jon Olson.8439" said:

> Please post your exact DPI setting along with your OS and OS version.


Thanks. It's baffling that it's taken a little over 2 months to get a "no update!" update, but it's better than just ongoing silence...


It's still fuzzy for me, so:


* 1280x1024

* Windows7 64-bit

* Windows' DPI setting is "Smaller - 100% (default)"

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> @"Jon Olson.8439" said:


> Please post your exact DPI setting along with your OS and OS version.


"DPI 100% (recommended)"

Windows 10 Pro 64 bit


My resolution is 1920x1200. As far as I can tell, the fuzzy text only appears on the Gem Store/Trading Post, not on any other UI parts. It doesn't matter if I have the in-game DPI option checked or unchecked. I usually have my interface size on "small". Blurriness goes away when setting it to "normal". I want to keep it on small, so I hope it can be fixed.

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I'm running windows 10 home, 64 bit. Resolution is 3840x2060, and the scaling in windows is set to 150%.

I took a couple screen shots, and cropped them down to just the settings screen. In one case, dpi scaling is set with normal interface, the other is no scaling but larger interface. To me, the no scaling fonts looks sharper, even though it is smaller. If one takes the image and zooms in, one can see some bits ghosting on the text. It is like someone suggested - with scaling, the font is being rendered at one resolution and zoomed up, in the other, it is properly rendered. I'd actually play with dpi scaling turned off (as the font sizes are not that far apart), but what really is helpful to me with dpi scaling is the size of the cursor and the size of the mini map.

![GW Scaled](https://i.imgur.com/6a8KMTC.png "")

![GW With Native Resolution](https://i.imgur.com/cZHm563.png "")

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> @"Jon Olson.8439" said:

> Currently we believe that display aspect ratio and the fuzzy text problem are unrelated. We have an active work item tracking the text issue, but at the moment there is nothing new to share.


I'm wondering if you're able to reproduce this issue at all? I'm also wondering why this can happen even though you don't enable the DPI scaling feature ingame, what other things did you change realted to this in the "DPI scaling"-patch that introduced this bug?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Lexie.1028" said:

> I was hoping this would be fixed by now.


You and me both. I'm honestly not sure why...


> @"Jon Olson.8439" said:

> For anyone continuing to have fuzzy text issues / Please post your exact DPI setting along with your OS and OS version.


...was requested if the thread just gets swept under the rug and ignored. (Yes Anet, I'm frustrated.)

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