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Dumb mistake with Level-80 Boost

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I use to play the game with my wife, and recently she also bought the expansions so that we can do more stuff together. And recently I was talking with her about the importance of the Level-80 Boost and how quickly it can get your alt character ready to go. And then, we noticed that her 2 Level-80 Boost were **gone**... and she had no idea of what she had done.


Apparently when she first acquired the expansion (2 or 3 weeks ago) she started opening stuff and had a full inventory, and she's not even sure she has either destroyed or used the item (her character was already level 80)... she still seems to have some of the items that were included in the package, which I can assume she may have used at least one of them (if they actually came from the package, also it's weird that she has only 1 shared slot on her inventory).


she said she was like: I was level 80, I thought I didn't need this...

me: OH GOD WHY, WHY :'( :s :'(


I understand that it was weeks ago, and it was something like really dumb since there's even confirmation :/ ... but I ask you, is it possible to revert this in some way?


Thanks! <3 :'(

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Hi, thanks!

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" Probably! I checked here and maybe only back then you would get 2 boosts from buying both expansions separated, now with the PoF standard it's probably 1. (Which makes sense, since it got cheaper)


@"Dayra.7405" I'll ask her, I hope it works =)

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