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Remove duoq

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Just fought a 4 man premade of plats in unranked.




Remove any group queues outside of 5v5 in all game modes imo.


And if we're going to balance pvp let's just remove the choice to pick a class. Just make everyone play necro. This class ruins this game mode and always has.

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Here we go again with the duoQ debacle.


The community voted to bring back duoQ and so they did. Back when we had only soloQ for however many seasons that was, it was like pulling teeth because the Matchmaker had an easier time balancing teams, but more often than not you get a plat 2+ player matched with 3 plat 1s and a bronze or silver to fill in the gap, vs say a team of 4 plat 1s and a Goldie. So games were even more unbalanced than they are now, because the low bracket player would either be new or just not have a good understanding of Conquest, effectively making the game a 4v5 for its duration.

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> @"ThatOtherAlt.2984" said:

> Here we go again with the duoQ debacle.


> The community voted to bring back duoQ and so they did. Back when we had only soloQ for however many seasons that was, it was like pulling teeth because the Matchmaker had an easier time balancing teams, but more often than not you get a plat 2+ player matched with 3 plat 1s and a bronze or silver to fill in the gap, vs say a team of 4 plat 1s and a Goldie. So games were even more unbalanced than they are now, because the low bracket player would either be new or just not have a good understanding of Conquest, effectively making the game a 4v5 for its duration.


The vote to bring back DuoQ _just barely_ passed, and that wasn't even considering things like how most of the very top% of players(The only ones that really benefit from merged Solo/DuoQ) have like 10-20 different alt accounts and could easily rig a poll.


It shouldn't be a shock that people are still complaining about it, being such a close poll means it's a real moot point. A very big change that; in all honesty, should have probably required like 3/4ths the vote to come back.


And Matchmaking is objectively better/was better when the game was SoloQ-only.

Bronze and silvers hardly if ever appeared in plat matches. That's just disingenuous.


Matchmaking for one person is infinitely easier than matchmaking for two, especially when those two can be wildly different ratings. Or when those two are literally the rank 1 and 2 players in the game. There's a very small handful of top players capable of mirroring that, and you know all of them are specifically avoiding eachother when they queue.

**THAT** is when the matchmaker starts reaching as low as bronze/silver to try and make powerstacked DuoQ's less overpowered.

That's the entire reason Arenanet restricted DuoQ to begin with.


**Remove or Split DuoQ into its own separate queue, and then permaban all the fraudulent top players that resort to wintrading once their crutch is gone.** ?

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im plat 2 playing mesmer on offmeta build. no its not duoQ abuse holding you back, if you are good you will climb, stop complaining about non issues.

the only place where duoq might matter is the fight for top 5/10 spots where wintraders win anyways. buckle up learn to play and climb instead of complaining

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Honestly dont mind duoQ. I am plat 1-2 usually duo or solo, it doesnt matter. But in a game where one team has 5 players, the idea of duoQ implementation is pretty weird. Imagine if every single player decided to duo with his/her buddy. How will the games work then ? The only reason duoQ works right now is because there are solo players. I know the argument isn't logical cos there will always be solo players, but there is still this "what if " which questions Anet's idea for introducing duoQ.

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