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[EU][PvE] May Guardian Blessing You [MIKE] Looking for active players, join and have some fun!

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Do you like dungeons? How about fractals/ strikes and raids? Dear PvE players, we are looking for you! Not at that level just yet? No worries, trainings are available to your favour.

May Guardian Blessing You [MIKE] is a relatively new guild made with the aim of bridging players mainly focused on endgame PvE contents such as Dungeons, T4 fractals, Strikes and Raids… As long as you are good with what you are playing, meta or not doesn’t matter for us, welcome all!


##**What we have to offer:**

* First and foremost, a friendly community for discussions and to hang out with.

* Tired of not-so-good pugs? Come join our daily dungeon tours, T4 fractals & recs, all strike missions, weekly raid trainings and make new friends along the way!

* Still questioning about yourself? A Discord server with helpful resources is there to help, providing either tips and tricks, or off-meta builds (specifically for raids) in text or video form.

* Veteran players who are very experienced to help tackle your concerns when possible.


##**What we're looking for:**

* Our guild is looking for active players who, at minimum have their first ascended set of gear (weapons, armor and trinkets) almost fully completed, and are ready to dive inend-game activities.

* Players of most skill levels (within reason) will be accepted. However, if you find yourself constantly wiping at bosses, or if you’re too new to the game, this guild may not be for you just yet. Improve yourself and join us at a later date!

* Meta or not is just a preference. Open-minded individuals are always welcome, as long as you are confident at what you are playing.

* Motivation to improve is key. Learn with us and we will become better together.

**Note: We are also looking for experienced raiders to fill in our weekly reset raid at Monday 09:30 CEST (W1-4). More detail on requirements will be discussed via email.**


##**How to Join?**

If you're interested in joining our community or have any questions, mail us and include [your account name.####] to DeafMichael.9024.


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