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Another idea for shade-targetcaps in wvw


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Currently it feels very unsatisfying to use your F2 or F3 to support your party in wvw because you can only support 2/5 players.

At the same time I can understand the notion that hitting too many targets with shades on range is a problem.


My idea would be:

- The targetcap for the F-skills around the scourge should be 5

- The targetcap for shades should be 2


This way you would be able to support your group as a scourge and get a reward for getting close to the enemies (being able to hit 5 enemies in melee) but you avoid having oppressive shades at range.


In total you would be able to hit 11 targets in the best case (5 on scourge and 6 more with shades (2 each))

- This would be less than previous 15 targets with small shades before the last balance patch (5 per shade)

- This would be less than the 12 targets you could hit right after the balance patch (3 on scourge and 3 per shade)

- This would be 1 more target than the 10 targets big shade hit right after the balance patch (5 on scourge and 5 on big shade) but for more effort.


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