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Holosmith - forge skills should be ONLY sword related...


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In HOT engie was pretty cool - skills were consistent with hammer, i really felt like it is step forward - with holosmith I lost it... Sword looks cool - kind of like light saber and I heard that the skills were originally suppose to be related to building my own laser sword... This was better idea - now this forge its just too much variety of weapons, instead of it being kind of support for main weapon (sword) its 5 different sets - pistol, staff, hammer etc... I think original idea and more sword support skills would be way better for immersion... Just something I wanted to share - anyone feels the same?

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Sword needs to be reworked. I get what you are saying. Scrapper made hammer be the thing, like telling you what to play with it. Holosmith though, let's you choose what to play with letting you know that you have pf at the ready for damage. Still though, sword is lacking.


Edit: Why did I craft shooshadoo? ;_; should of gone for predator.

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> @Bossun.2046 said:

> Sword needs to be reworked. I get what you are saying. Scrapper made hammer be the thing, like telling you what to play with it. Holosmith though, let's you choose what to play with letting you know that you have pf at the ready for damage. Still though, sword is lacking.


Well thats it - good point: HAMMER WAS A THING. Everything that came with it was supporting hammer playstyle - drones for example. Now we got like sword, forge with several weapons , then some skills - I would really prefer to have sword abilities after switching to forge - mechanic the same (overheating and stuff) but instead of hammer, pistol etc - only sword stuff ...

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The concept of the Photon Forge is that light itself is your weapon. It's malleable and can take whatever shape you want it to take. The Engineer utilizes lots of different weapons so being able to shape different kinds of weapons with the forge is pretty on point for the profession. Restricting such a variable weapon in a profession that uses various unconventional weapons to only having Sword-like abilities sounds so... wasteful.

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> @Nilix.2170 said:

> The concept of the Photon Forge is that light itself is your weapon. It's malleable and can take whatever shape you want it to take. The Engineer utilizes lots of different weapons so being able to shape different kinds of weapons with the forge is pretty on point for the profession. Restricting such a variable weapon in a profession that uses various unconventional weapons to only having Sword-like abilities sounds so... wasteful.


But you could be like JEDI. I think this is the best reason to do it.... Imagine being like JEDI (I am serious here). Enough said - if you want variety just stick to the core, but there should be option for total unification (hammer almost did it - hammer with potions) - now JEDI with potions, this would be the THING.

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> @maciora.9542 said:

> > @Nilix.2170 said:

> > The concept of the Photon Forge is that light itself is your weapon. It's malleable and can take whatever shape you want it to take. The Engineer utilizes lots of different weapons so being able to shape different kinds of weapons with the forge is pretty on point for the profession. Restricting such a variable weapon in a profession that uses various unconventional weapons to only having Sword-like abilities sounds so... wasteful.


> But you could be like JEDI. I think this is the best reason to do it.... Imagine being like JEDI (I am serious here). Enough said - if you want variety just stick to the core, but there should be option for total unification (hammer almost did it - hammer with potions) - now JEDI with potions, this would be the THING.


That would be pretty fun actually. Considering the fact that engineers could invest into 'physics' like Asurans, and use the 'force.'*


*Lame, I know. Lol

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Weapon-centric elite specs DON'T promote build diversity. Sword needs to be better, no doubt, but making Holo only work with sword would be an enormous mistake. It is already bad only sword has any designed synergy with PF. Scrapper was incredibly limited exactly because it was so self centered: outside Hammer it was super hard to give it any decent use.


So please, no. No more elites without synergy with the profession core weapons.

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> @Nilix.2170 said:

> The concept of the Photon Forge is that light itself is your weapon. It's malleable and can take whatever shape you want it to take. The Engineer utilizes lots of different weapons so being able to shape different kinds of weapons with the forge is pretty on point for the profession. Restricting such a variable weapon in a profession that uses various unconventional weapons to only having Sword-like abilities sounds so... wasteful.


Couldn't agree more. This is a big part of the "cool factor" of PF.

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> @maciora.9542 said:

> > @Nilix.2170 said:

> > The concept of the Photon Forge is that light itself is your weapon. It's malleable and can take whatever shape you want it to take. The Engineer utilizes lots of different weapons so being able to shape different kinds of weapons with the forge is pretty on point for the profession. Restricting such a variable weapon in a profession that uses various unconventional weapons to only having Sword-like abilities sounds so... wasteful.


> But you could be like JEDI. I think this is the best reason to do it.... Imagine being like JEDI (I am serious here). Enough said - if you want variety just stick to the core, but there should be option for total unification (hammer almost did it - hammer with potions) - now JEDI with potions, this would be the THING.


i think they were going for green lantern, in a taimi researched kind of way.


and now im just waiting for the pf skin pack to release(please please please happen soon>:D)

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> @maciora.9542 said:

> In HOT engie was pretty cool - skills were consistent with hammer, i really felt like it is step forward - with holosmith I lost it... Sword looks cool - kind of like light saber and I heard that the skills were originally suppose to be related to building my own laser sword... This was better idea - now this forge its just too much variety of weapons, instead of it being kind of support for main weapon (sword) its 5 different sets - pistol, staff, hammer etc... I think original idea and more sword support skills would be way better for immersion... Just something I wanted to share - anyone feels the same?



But could be cool if the PF skill #2 be shield related animation. A shield bash like skill with frontal block, leaving behind no longer that jump pad, but a light line instead

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If anything holomode shouldn't be sword related at all. We got a sword for a weapon already so lets start by making that good. Right now it just feels like swinging a sword one second and then swinging one of those cocktail plastic swords once you leave PF. If holo auto and leap wasn't sword based it at least it wouldn't be so obvious.

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> @insanemaniac.2456 said:

> > @RedSPINE.7845 said:

> > How about Holoforge enpowering your weapons ? So Rifle will shoot lasers, Pistols will transform into blasters, Sword as something similar for 1-3 now, and maybe shield as a big light bareer ?


> yeah cool but from and animation perspective it sounds like 4x the amount of work


And unrealistic. They still haven't fixed our issue with legendaries not showing with kits, so why would they bother?

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> @tenryuta.2014 said:

> > @maciora.9542 said:

> > > @Nilix.2170 said:

> > > The concept of the Photon Forge is that light itself is your weapon. It's malleable and can take whatever shape you want it to take. The Engineer utilizes lots of different weapons so being able to shape different kinds of weapons with the forge is pretty on point for the profession. Restricting such a variable weapon in a profession that uses various unconventional weapons to only having Sword-like abilities sounds so... wasteful.

> >

> > But you could be like JEDI. I think this is the best reason to do it.... Imagine being like JEDI (I am serious here). Enough said - if you want variety just stick to the core, but there should be option for total unification (hammer almost did it - hammer with potions) - now JEDI with potions, this would be the THING.


> i think they were going for green lantern, in a taimi researched kind of way.


> and now im just waiting for the pf skin pack to release(please please please happen soon>:D)


Yeah, I'm inclined to agree here. A jedi would be closer to... well, pretty much _any_ sword user would probably have more of a jedi feel than holosmith, but I'd probably put sword guardian, sword thief, and sword mesmer at the top of the list.

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Green Lantern, but only half the way. I truly would have prefered to see the Holomancer using holographic giant fists, holographic armor, holographic tools and even holographic sharks instead of just 32bits weapons. Hard Light Arena, the holo Elite and the jumping pad are the best in this regard, IMO. They feel like you can't make them without the holoprojector.The rest is flashy, but a bit uninspired for my taste, and could have been just a normal sword.

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So true. When witnessing the presentation video on the website for PoF announcement, I thought Holosmith would be a support spec, using hard light to create structures like walls, arenas, shields etc. Not that all of PF abilities will be damage oriented and the rest left to utility slots. It seems logical when you know the Holosmith only gain access to sword in main hand and so he nearly have only one choice for left hand : shield, which is a 100% defense weapon. I didn't expected PF to get us locked in too, just that we would have to manage our heat when building things.

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The really cool thing would be replacing holosmith weapons animations with some kind of magical like movements that could do the same but would show completely new animations - like instead of pistols some orbs coming from our hands, some laser from eyes - or shock wave from stomping etc...


Also after playing holosmith longer I have to admit that comparing to the scrapper its not good. There is too many mixture of different skills / medium / close and long range attacks , area and support etc - scrapper was a good direction to make engineer better, immersion wise and also gameplay...


Alchemy Scrapper was a great way to play / roam or pvp, now with holosmith I lost touch with the class... For necro scourge is evolution, for engieneer holosmith is just going back with another kit... This is my opinion, going back to scrapper....

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @RedSPINE.7845 said:

> So true. When witnessing the presentation video on the website for PoF announcement, I thought Holosmith would be a support spec, using hard light to create structures like walls, arenas, shields etc. Not that all of PF abilities will be damage oriented and the rest left to utility slots. It seems logical when you know the Holosmith only gain access to sword in main hand and so he nearly have only one choice for left hand : shield, which is a 100% defense weapon. I didn't expected PF to get us locked in too, just that we would have to manage our heat when building things.


Don't be daft..... Shield actually works better offensively then it does defensively. Despite lacking damage, its access to 2 more hard CC on demand (3 if you can catch someone on the static block), and punishes attackers that try to go all in. The only reason shield was never popular with Engineer is how the only other weapon it could pair with (pistol) is a ranged weapon, and all the kits do best while kiting. Even the bomb kit (which is limited to melee range) can't be used effectively in an offensive push.


Both Photon forge and Sword pair extremely well with Shield in high pressure scenarios, as it can be used before entering PF to counter opening attacks, after dropping out of PF to cover for its lack of defenses, and supplementing the sword's lack of defense options. Pistol doesn't make sense with sword, since off-hand its a condi weapon, and you'd be better off running P/P for condi builds.

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> @starlinvf.1358 said:


> Both Photon forge and Sword pair extremely well with Shield in high pressure scenarios, as it can be used before entering PF to counter opening attacks, after dropping out of PF to cover for its lack of defenses, and supplementing the sword's lack of defense options. Pistol doesn't make sense with sword, since off-hand its a condi weapon, and you'd be better off running P/P for condi builds.


Eh... a close-range Blowtorch is still a significant chunk of damage even with Berserker gear, I think. Obviously it rewards condition stats more, but if what you're looking for is pure damage, I think a blowtorch to the enemy's face every so often is a DPS boost even for power builds.

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