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Can we have the option to sell items in the TP directly from the mats storage?

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I would be OK with it, but my preference would be for a way to say "sell 20 of every item in storage that has more than 1900 for one cent less than the current sell price". Or "sell 100 of every item that has more than 1800". Etc.


Fill in the numbers yourself, but some way to be able to find and sell items on a bigger scale.

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> @"Parasite.5389" said:

> yes... please give me more ways to accidentally sell my entire inventory ¬_¬


You already have the option to "accidentally" buy mats from the storage...

It would be again in batches of 250 and it will (as usuall):

1st: Open the TP

2nd: You will have to press a button "sell instantly" or list item.


It is not like you press a key by mistake and sell something by accident - there are additional actions required before it is sold.

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