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Make WvW great again (Video)


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agree 100% on being able to see names, disagree 100% on communication. Speaking to a foe may be all well and good for you and me, but imagine all the trash talk/hating (as if there isn't already enough). But WvW feels really flat to me, as a wandering type, not ever having the pleasure of recognizing names I've encountered out there before. It almost feels like fighting annoying npcs. The lack of connection I feel is the main reason I am mostly PvE here.

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I like the idea of stats and leaderboards. I too miss the old matchup threads but understand why Anet closed them. I don't think we can go back to that, as we've proven they get too toxic. The same thing goes for talking to your enemies in-game. The trash talk alone would crash the servers. ;) Rage whispers are bad enough.


I remember when Aion Online first came out each character had a wall (profile page) on the Aion website. Enemies could leave comments for you. Sometimes that was a bad thing, but it sure was fun.


Perhaps Anet would allow server+linked server threads for wvw, with access based upon your current server (and yes, I know - spies). I feel there is a real lack of communication and community between paired servers with the current link system.

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I very much liked the leader board idea, but.....Seeing the enemy wouldnt only be toxic, I always find the answer; "it will make it more toxic" as an excuse, or at the very least.....a bad way to hide an agenda. But here it is spot on, there is very few servers that do commander targets, these servers are very well known, and are looked at as being degrading for doing so, this suggestion will promote commander focus on almost every matchup, from GvG to normal raiding WvW, it might be a roaming thing, because I honestly can not see a reason for socializing with the enemy more than whispering or adding to party for 1v1, and I do believe that doing this will remove more people than actually getting people into WvW

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Leader boards would be fantastic :) Match up threads can be good too, I remember many times when a commander would get insulted and the hunt for the guild that said it was on. Pride fighting is good in a combat game. I wouldn't care about the banners but if it went that far then might as well move the lord up to the second floor again since there is so much boon protection going on these days could be interesting. I think these ideas that Op has suggested would definitely promote competition, however once competition sets in then there has to be some other issues addressed, such as **server lag** nothing worse than getting a good fight going on between 3 servers and you can taste the bags coming and then...woops...no skills work. I've seen this happen since day 1 way before the condi/boon spam happened and it was still irritating. I've seen commanders up and quit for the night many times with and apology that goes something like this " Sorry, cant lead if I cant use my abilities". The other issue is **balance**, there needs to be so much work done in this area I don't even know where to begin, but how bout this for food for thought, look at all the builds that each class has and how many of them are within 5-10% of each other dps wise and I could go on about synergy of traits and profession vs profession damage vs survivability but, we all play the game so.. I just think there is a serious budget issue going on with GW2 and I think that although Anet may have the bucks I dont think GW2 division gets the lions share of anything so I don't blame them honestly. Great ideas OP :) I hope they get approached optimistically by Anet.

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