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No sense of progression makes me dont wanna play longer.

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> @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2


> And that's why I don't feel like playing anymore. I just counted. I've not started the latest LS yet (I tried, quit after 5 minutes of mute movements), but as of now, I'll need 20 more mastery points. And I don't see any I can get without having to do things over and over and over and over and over and over again. Especially if those things take an hour or more to do.


> > @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> > With ep 3 and 4 of ibs, you get the waystations, which you can buy portable ones and take anywhere. You can get medizookas, emp pulse skills, and land mines, which are a nice thing to be able to use in any map. Ep 4 brings a new mount skill that makes you invis, for whatever that’s worth to you. They even have brought back mushrooms, which I use a lot still, and the ley energy gliders which I use also rather than mounts sometimes. The new essence skills are use widely across ibs maps and strikes, so I get a lot of use of them, as clunky as they may be. It really helps big time having those masteries leveled up, imo.


> So, I don't even have those waystations, because I don't have the mastery points to get them. I presume that mount skill also needs mastery points and will be added to the end of the list because I don't see it in my list of masteries I don't have.


Theres far more mastery points than needed in core, hot or pof. So far only icebrood saga has been stingy with them. So you can pick and choose what fits you best to pursue.

Ive each and every mastery line completed

Spare core Tyrian x23

Spare HoT x20

Spare PoF x18

Spare IBS x2


Only really Icebrood saga has taken a lot more effort. But still quite doable, and allowed me to skip the worst of them.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

> >

> > And that's why I don't feel like playing anymore. I just counted. I've not started the latest LS yet (I tried, quit after 5 minutes of mute movements), but as of now, I'll need 20 more mastery points. And I don't see any I can get without having to do things over and over and over and over and over and over again. Especially if those things take an hour or more to do.

> >

> > > @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> > > With ep 3 and 4 of ibs, you get the waystations, which you can buy portable ones and take anywhere. You can get medizookas, emp pulse skills, and land mines, which are a nice thing to be able to use in any map. Ep 4 brings a new mount skill that makes you invis, for whatever that’s worth to you. They even have brought back mushrooms, which I use a lot still, and the ley energy gliders which I use also rather than mounts sometimes. The new essence skills are use widely across ibs maps and strikes, so I get a lot of use of them, as clunky as they may be. It really helps big time having those masteries leveled up, imo.

> >

> > So, I don't even have those waystations, because I don't have the mastery points to get them. I presume that mount skill also needs mastery points and will be added to the end of the list because I don't see it in my list of masteries I don't have.


> Theres far more mastery points than needed in core, hot or pof. So far only icebrood saga has been stingy with them. So you can pick and choose what fits you best to pursue.

> Ive each and every mastery line completed

> Spare core Tyrian x23

> Spare HoT x20

> Spare PoF x18

> Spare IBS x2


> Only really Icebrood saga has taken a lot more effort. But still quite doable, and allowed me to skip the worst of them.


After IBS episode 4 there are more mastery points left over. Currently I am working toward my last mastery, and I will have 3 left over afterwards. I don’t even have all the mastery points you can get from achievements let, so I think after ep 3, they decided to give more seeing as people spoke up and said they wanted more.


It all comes down to you need to choose the mastery line you want and play that expansion/lw to get the mastery points you want. I know it’s a lot to choose from if you just started, but that’s the kind of thing that should make the game fun and interesting. You can play in one expac for a while, then switch to another to level another mastery, or you can do it progressively like I have done with each release. Don’t overwhelm yourself, just pick something and play.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

> >

> > And that's why I don't feel like playing anymore. I just counted. I've not started the latest LS yet (I tried, quit after 5 minutes of mute movements), but as of now, I'll need 20 more mastery points. And I don't see any I can get without having to do things over and over and over and over and over and over again. Especially if those things take an hour or more to do.

> >

> > > @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> > > With ep 3 and 4 of ibs, you get the waystations, which you can buy portable ones and take anywhere. You can get medizookas, emp pulse skills, and land mines, which are a nice thing to be able to use in any map. Ep 4 brings a new mount skill that makes you invis, for whatever that’s worth to you. They even have brought back mushrooms, which I use a lot still, and the ley energy gliders which I use also rather than mounts sometimes. The new essence skills are use widely across ibs maps and strikes, so I get a lot of use of them, as clunky as they may be. It really helps big time having those masteries leveled up, imo.

> >

> > So, I don't even have those waystations, because I don't have the mastery points to get them. I presume that mount skill also needs mastery points and will be added to the end of the list because I don't see it in my list of masteries I don't have.


> Theres far more mastery points than needed in core, hot or pof. So far only icebrood saga has been stingy with them. So you can pick and choose what fits you best to pursue.

> Ive each and every mastery line completed

> Spare core Tyrian x23

> Spare HoT x20

> Spare PoF x18

> Spare IBS x2


> Only really Icebrood saga has taken a lot more effort. But still quite doable, and allowed me to skip the worst of them.


Central Tyria: 18

HoT: 20

PoF: 13

Icebrood Saga: so far -20


And I can only see 6 that are not "the worst of them" (the 5 new insights and finishing the story) "Doable" is a relative term.


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> @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > @"Mahou.3924" said:

> > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

> > > > >

> > > > > no it literally isnt lol

> > > >

> > > > Then you have no idea what you are talking about. With the masteries you open up the maps with your new skills. A player with full souped up mounts and gliding makes hot and other areas a total breeze. While newcomers can only watch as the skyscales and griffons soars above. That -IS- progression. It will take a long time for someone open the Skyscale for example, and a longterm goal to work towards and earn.

> > >

> > > "I have full masteries. So im literally more progressed than others,im a very decent player cuz i did cold war 50 times and done some meta event 20 times. I also climed this mountain to get this mastery point so im a good player for sure. I HAVE PROOOOGREESSED"

> > > You are probably this type of person. Keep up progressing mate! But ur progression is limited. My one isnt :) and im just progressing everyday. Learning new stuff everyday. Trying new stuff. Doing diffrent gamemodes. Learning new builds,classes,compositions,usage of my class,getting experience on the contents i dont know how they work.

> > > Keep up gathering those mastery points and add golden numbers next to ur character name and call it progression

> >

> > When MMO players talk about progression, they talk about character progression---not player progression which seems to be what you are suggesting. Character progression thus IS either better gear or an increasing number of mastery points, achievement points or whatever there is. Hence, vertical vs. horizonal progression not being about becoming a better player, but being a better player will help you in horizonal (fashion wars, MP, KP, whateverP) or vertical progression (in other MMOs, better gear / gear level).


> Well... character progression in gw2 is limited. You can gear your character to full ascended of any stat in less than a week

> Masteries are simply just tools

> Just buy the expansion and do what u did before. Get EXP and upgrade your mastery

> While u are in maps also do some ez achivments or go to X place to gain mastery points

> The player and skill progression in gw2 is NOT limited. You literally get a better player but u still have the same gear as someone else

> In raids a 50 LI player has the same stats as a 250LI player and a 2k LI player. But a 250 LI player does 4 times the dmg of the 50 LI player on the same build they are trying to learn.

> A raid/fractal player does the same dmg as 20 casual pve players in a squad at a meta event boss

> Bec they are confident with what they are playing and know how to dmg the boss. Where to stand. How to cc. How their skills work. So they canreach the maximum potential of their class/build.

> The thing im trying to say is:

> Masteries,achivments,amount of skins unlocked,mounts unlocked, map completaion are in the side progression of the player

> Skill and game knowlege and map knowlege (for pvp i guess) and class and game mechanics knowlege increase is the main progress and is meaningful. It comes with experience and training. You cant buy it ( maybe u can buy some boss strategies *shrug* )



Yes exactly,your point is clear. I am not talking about player progression. That is something you do by yourself and you certainly have so many things to learn if you are more or less new to the game, or at least not a veteran. I certainly tried so many specs, pvp/wvw/pve in normal or more hardcore environemnt and the combat system gives you so much room to improve by yourself in fact, that's great. Same thing applies for general knowledge, explorations, achievements, or masteries, these last ones i mean they are cool of course but after long time they don't make that your character is progressing in any way. Especially because, i know i said it like 3 times, but new masteries are bound only to certain maps and that is just limitating. I'm not against all masteries, some are cool but i think they should stop at some point and perhaps find another way to make the characters somehow evolve. Also becasuse here the gear system it's pretty straight forward, you don't have to hunt for rare stuff like in another games. And on a side it's great, take the PvP or WvW, side for istance i think this is the best system that there can be around, fair for everyone and it's just skill based and not gear based, which is terrible in my honest opinion, I like this GW2 system a lot. On the PvE side instead it would be certainly more interesting to have rare gear for example, but I'm fine with this as it is as classes take long to know and master, you can always improve, and plus they are flexible which is fantastic. But because of this, why not looking for another way to progress? But progress as in character evolution.. not only via fashion, I mean not all games have to be the same, they could come out with something different i think. After all when GW2 came out i was amazed, it took the best from different mmos and put them in one. This is still my favourite game no doubt, Just now after a while I think it needs a refresh in certain aspects.

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I am 1000000% with the Original Poster. I am a day 1 player, have all the anniversary rewards to show it. I have over 2K hours played on my main and have 10 characters in total with each race and most of the advanced professions. I only share that to convey I love the game and have spent a near decade loving it. And I still love it. And I enjoy achievements hunting and exploring the Living Worlds as they come out. And am looking forward to the new Expansion very much.


But....and it's finally time to have the "but" conversation..And that BUT is that many players feel stuck at level 80 with no real progression (AND ARE BORED). We need something In the form of gear, levels or some sort of compelling goal that will make our characters advance. Now as said, I've been around since day one - I am intimate with the arguments made against constant gear leap frogs and how skill, playtime, dedication and love of the craft is THE design parameter for GW2 - and that what makes it different than WOW< FF etc. I am not advocating we make GW2 like them.


Got it. Solid argument that made sense......for a decade. But for the vast majority of dedicated players we have seen it all 10,000 times. All the fractals, dungeons, zones, raids, world events etc. We have all the timers to do meta events, we have the legendaries we want and have achieved a skill level that is most likely capped with our level and gear.


I think it's time for GW2 and the next expansion to move the level cap to 160, and have some process that allows us to turn our existing legendaries into Artifact status and give us a new scale for gear.


We can then keep the new system for another 10 years.....it's time. The game's long in the tooth. It's great. But needs an overhaul to keep its base strong. It's my $.02.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I'm pretty confident that a lot of regular Gw2 players will tell you to take a break if you're bored.


> I've been there many times over the last 8 years as well, it's good to just step back from GW2 every once in a while and play some other games.

> No sub and all that makes it very easy to come back whenever you like :D


I've been playing for 5 years now and my usual method of taking a break is to take a few weeks off running events, achievements and such and focus on crafting for gold, or collecting volatile/unbound magic for gold. Now Drizzlewood Coast killed the prices on all the mats and that's not even fun at the moment. Pretty sure I'll be dusting off some Xbox games for a bit. Time to take a real break from the game.

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> @"Mikeysway.2680" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I'm pretty confident that a lot of regular Gw2 players will tell you to take a break if you're bored.

> >

> > I've been there many times over the last 8 years as well, it's good to just step back from GW2 every once in a while and play some other games.

> > No sub and all that makes it very easy to come back whenever you like :D


> I've been playing for 5 years now and my usual method of taking a break is to take a few weeks off running events, achievements and such and focus on crafting for gold, or collecting volatile/unbound magic for gold. Now Drizzlewood Coast killed the prices on all the mats and that's not even fun at the moment. Pretty sure I'll be dusting off some Xbox games for a bit. Time to take a real break from the game.


My method is to pretty much just do dailies and farm my home instance and guildhall :)

Sometimes I'll pop on another character and play a bit or spend a little longer in WvW but I got other games on the go atm as well (replaying Skyrim SE, Tombraider 1 original, Temtem and replaying Jurassic World Evolution) and that's just on PC XD

It's always good to take breaks when you don't have much to do in gw2, I can't wait for the voice acting to come in on those last 2 episodes, can't wait to play them.

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> @"Tasty Beats.5093" said:

> I mean can you honestly expect to be entertained by something you very obviously have spent SO MANY hours playing? This would be the case for any video game OR activity. I doubt there's anything 'fun' left in GW2 for you. I'd suggest detoxing from video games in general.




As i said mine is mostly a feedback for anet as a veteran player that really like the game. I made a list of points that made me disappointed and that's it and just hope to see changes at some point. For the rest I have my life don't worry :D Can't I make a critic? Then if you want you can explain how you came to your brilliant conclusion xD

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> @"Mamma il Dio.2074" said:

> > @"Tasty Beats.5093" said:

> > I mean can you honestly expect to be entertained by something you very obviously have spent SO MANY hours playing? This would be the case for any video game OR activity. I doubt there's anything 'fun' left in GW2 for you. I'd suggest detoxing from video games in general.

> >

> >


> As i said mine is mostly a feedback for anet as a veteran player that really like the game. I made a list of points that made me disappointed and that's it and just hope to see changes at some point. For the rest I have my life don't worry :D Can't I make a critic? Then if you want you can explain how you came to your brilliant conclusion xD


I'm an average player who plays a few hours a week at most (if I'm really into it), haven't even bought the latest expansion and was curious to check out the forums. When I see a post outlining how endgame content is lacking because x,y,z it kind of upsets me. People dedicate so much of their time playing a video game that doesn't benefit their real life AT ALL. I know the irony of myself posting on a game forum, taking up such time, but you get my point.


If you're itching for an enhanced dopamine fix off a game you've spent possibly thousands of hours playing, it just seems like such a waste of your personal life. I'm projecting some misguided anger towards you, as I have friends in RL that have utterly wasted their life playing video games, so sorry. Sometimes people deserve a wake-up call to take a break.

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> @"SolidTx.3249" said:

> I think it's time for GW2 and the next expansion to move the level cap to 160, and have some process that allows us to turn our existing legendaries into Artifact status and give us a new scale for gear.


> We can then keep the new system for another 10 years.....it's time. The game's long in the tooth. It's great. But needs an overhaul to keep its base strong. It's my $.02.


I disagree. I really would not like to see this type of update. I also don't agree that the base is not already strong and that an overhaul is needed. If anything, GW3 would be that overhaul, and that assumes that the studio would even want to take that route rather than something completely new. My $0.02 :)

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I've just been playing for slightly less than 4 years

For myself, one of the only ways to breathe new life into the game on its current track would be a new race or a new world entirely

Maybe the Asurans are aliens so we go their homeworld

I get that ArenaNet has their vision but it feels like we have been lead into a corner for want of a better term

Fashion wars as endgame is not really appealing to me.

I have a bunch of skins I don't use because I think they are part of the performance problem which is another contributor to my malaise ingame

Turning down visual settings to make a visual game run better does not compute either

Like yourself I focus on dailies as well as snailing my way through eventual map completion & collections

Maybe a snail mount?

I liked what another poster said about Mentoring but that is just my thinking as something different



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

> >

> > no it literally isnt lol


> Then you have no idea what you are talking about. With the masteries you open up the maps with your new skills. A player with full souped up mounts and gliding makes hot and other areas a total breeze. While newcomers can only watch as the skyscales and griffons soars above. That -IS- progression. It will take a long time for someone open the Skyscale for example, and a longterm goal to work towards and earn.


I would not call locking a mount or opening chest and doors, behind collections and boring grind, progression.

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Well I think the well is dry regarding progression. Anything significant will be deemed power creep. The movement changes have been pretty clever, but they feel pretty tapped out. A well done set of elite skills can stretch things out for quite a bit, but the clumsy focus on competitive modes will make that hard to implement.

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