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[NA][GoM][PvX] Unity [UNIT] recruiting for all modes and experience levels!


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Welcome! Unity is a growing new PvX guild based on the Gates of Madness server, with 200+ members, looking for players interested in leveling up their content, and eager to learn new things across the game.


**What we do:**

* WvW

* Fractals

* CM's

* Strikes

* Raid Training

* Static Raids

* PvP

* Guild Missions

* Training for all modes when requested

* And playing various other games together outside of Guild Wars!


**When we do it:**

* Thursday Raiding - Raids, 1 hour after daily reset.

* All Fractal tiers are run throughout the week and can be pinged in our Discord via the @Fractals role whenever requested.

* We also run these events throughout the week whenever we get enough people or if you guys request it.


_(Please note: To do WvW with us, you'll have to be on the Gate of Madness server or it's linked ally)_


**What we offer:**

Groups throughout the week running fractals, strikes, WvW, & raids whenever requested

**Discord** for voice comms and chat, we're a social guild!

Assistance to new or returning players

Training, guides, and builds for all modes

Monthly In-house PvP tournaments going against other guild members (WIP)

Gilded Hallow guild hall & guild upgrades

Movie nights in our Discord!


**How to Join**

We require all members to join our Discord server. We post important announcements, updates, news, event pings, etc. Our Discord server is the hub for our community and a way for everyone to communicate and interact outside of the game. Please join us!


Once you have joined, please go to the #guild invites channel and post @invite followed by your full in-game username and someone will toss you one as soon as possible!

You may still post here asking questions or invites too, but we do require that members join the Discord before they receive a guild invite.

_(Additionally, please read through our information channels as well, you can assign yourself game-based roles by simply reacting to role posts!)_


**Other info:**

No repping required, but always appreciated! We use Discord for voice coms and chatting with each other. We require listening to coms when doing training. However, voice activity isn't required and lurking is always welcome at any time. We are based on GoM, so if you would like to participate in WvW events you'll need to be on Gate of Madness or it's linked ally. Unity is also a cross-gaming community, meaning we play various games aside from GW2. It is important to at least join our Discord and be assigned the applicable roles so that you can be directly notified of what and when we are doing things you are interested in. We ping roles separately for events, so you won't be @'ed for everything. If you are a Free-to-Play player, you can join our Discord via the website link below. Please message _Joshiek_ once you join so he can give you permissions and an invite if needed. Don't be afraid to branch out and ask to play other games with our members as well!


We're all constantly learning and looking for new ways to improve as a guild and look forward to doing these things with you as a [uNIT]

_Feel free to PM any of our lovely leaders & officers from the list below, otherwise we will invite you from your post._

* Joshiek.4135 - Leader

* Austin.3865 - Founder

* Renzo.6183 - Leader

* Madmeandog.3512 - Leader

* LiquidSkittlez.6290 - Officer

* RandomHero.5431 - Officer

* pianoman.4532 - Officer

* Undeadcandy.4539 - Officer

* ThisClockwork.2613 - Officer

* Taylorqtee.3714 - Officer

* killerdayz.4253 - Officer


Website: https://unitygw.com/

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> @"Flavius.8902" said:

> Hey, I'd like to join up. I'm casually interested in everything, but am especially digging WvW right now. I've almost reached the limits of enjoying it solo roaming all the time, however.


We'd love to have you. I've sent you an invite!

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> @"SteezyRen.9063" said:

> I'd love to join.


> New to the game, got to lvl 40 and decided to use my booster. Currently learning as much of the game as possible. Doing wvw, fractals and pvp regularly. Want to get into raids in the future.


Invited. And welcome to guild wars!

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Would love to join, been playing for a while but never step foot into a raid.

I main a Warrior/DPS (Berserker- Zojja), and just finished gearing a Ranger/Healer (Druid -Harrier).

Both are fully ascendant / Legendary geared.

I have pretty good with DPS, but never really learned how to be heal, just watched videos... If your guild is looking for a healer apprentice, please send an Inv my way.

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