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WvW Poll - World Server Links


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Just a comment about Xens post above without quoting and breaking it down.


Yes, linkings happened 6 months after Hot and there was a dry spell in wvw. But, elites were only obtainable in pve and we were faced with 3 DBLs in that 6 month period.


Some of the communities might have had a chance to recover slightly if certain changes that came along with linkings had come while we were still seperate servers (ie only 1 DBL, No barriers in the 1 DBL, Elites obtainable through Notory scrolls in wvw, REWARD TRACKS etc). Not saying all 24 NA servers would've survived, but some might have.

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> @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> Just a comment about Xens post above without quoting and breaking it down.


> Yes, linkings happened 6 months after Hot and there was a dry spell in wvw. But, elites were only obtainable in pve and we were faced with 3 DBLs in that 6 month period.


> Some of the communities might have had a chance to recover slightly if certain changes that came along with linkings had come while we were still seperate servers (ie only 1 DBL, No barriers in the 1 DBL, Elites obtainable through Notory scrolls in wvw, REWARD TRACKS etc). Not saying all 24 NA servers would've survived, but some might have.


Maybe the mid tiers. I still highly doubt any server would have gotten close to their population status before HoT, especially the low tier servers.


Elites weren't that hard to get. I got them done on all classes within the first 2-3 weeks, once I went through the maps the first time and figure out the routes to just train the hero points, I don't see a reason why that kept players out of wvw long term. Players were also out for a time because they had to pve grind out the time gated guildhall upgrades, to regain wvw bonuses. Notary scrolls and rewards tracks are personal rewards, while I'm sure they brought people back, it would have done no good on empty desert borderlands, alpines I feel did the most work in bringing back players.


A good part of a community is usually involved with defense and upkeep of their home borderland, you have the scouts, the mothers, the roamers, the guilds and commanders you can call on for defense, they are all part of that community. Desert borderland is the major reason why players stayed away, it was a complete mess that screwed with community defenses. Sentries and watch tower took away the need for multiple scouts, keeps were now complicated with multiple breach points and walls (old keeps have 2 walls, outer and inner both much easier to siege and refresh, desert bl keeps are mini mazes), auto upgrades that no longer required mothers input, players unwilling to go defend a borderland they hated and all sat in queue for ebg.


One bad thing the links did bring was a mini exodus from T4 when the glicko walls were forming, and some didn't want to get caught being stuck in T4 for however long, which eventually got hit with the lopsided monster 4 link.


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Day 4 results.

No - 65 - 53%

Yes - 37 - 30%

Don't care - 20 - 17%


> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> I already voted in the pole, but I wish there was an option for unlink and remove the bottom half of the servers. Also, I've noticed that the polls on the forums have very few votes, so it's not a great sample size, unfortunately.


That would go under No remove links, but would like to try something else, what you mentioned is basically a merge which is try something else. I'll update the original post about this, I can't update poll options but I hope people are reading the explanations before voting.


I wasn't expecting big numbers since there is no notification to players in game like the official ones, which is why I mentioned to notify players in game if you wish to get more involved with voting. A lot less players are active in the wvw forum subsection than general, even more so it seems since the forum update.



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Stop with the links.

In all fairness i dont think EU even needed the linking in first place. I know NA's matchups were all over the place but prior to linking i think at least in the top 10 servers (apart from #1 spot) EU was finding its own feet. I think any official polls should be done per region and not as a whole, if the game mode has been split in 2 region then so should any future fixes.


Personally I think that if linking was removed, now that we have a 1 up 1 down ladder everything will fall in place nicely and we wont have as much of an issue as it was prior to linking. But Anet needs more control over transfers to avoid it getting out of hand again, perhaps a different way to calculate WvW population etc.

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