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anet should clean up some mess

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:


> >

> > Hate to break it to you but your opinion is semi-wrong.

> An opinion can't be "wrong". You may not agree with it and that's fine. ;)

> >Because simply put Core < The expansions/living world. The core maps literally feel like a different game which is NOT OK. They feel like they lack the quality of modern maps, and honestly I feel like cleaning them up and bringing them up to snuff would be fine and the playerbase outside of outliers like yourself likely wouldn't care.

> I disagree with your opinion.


> > Plus they could find ways to funnel people into those maps because outside of clearing the map to get the gift of exploration I NEVER set foot in those maps, because there is little need to do so anymore.

> To me, that would be backward-thinking. ANet doesn't need to funnel players back into core maps. Where would be the incentive for players to purchase new content? This might have the potential to make a dent in ANet's finances. Also, if they were to update the maps, it wouldn't take long for players to burn through them like a swarm of locusts and then not set foot in them again because there would, again, be little need to do so.

> >

> > The new maps give (Especially drizzlewood) way more benefit and reward to being there, rather than seven year old maps with nothing going for them as well they really dampen the new player experience because their build is dated.

> With most players pushing for end game content, and probably the majority of the current player base already there, it makes more sense to me to continue with new content rather than updating older content.


> >The game HAS to evolve and move forward, since they wont make new low level maps for players then they need to spruce these ones up to make the leveling/learning process more fun and less dated. Implement the new mechanics and teach players, or we will always have the disparity of which they've tried to fix. Strikes wont teach players mechanics and help them unlearn mechanics and playstyles they've learned from over HOURS upon HOURS of playtime. No the learn curve will simply either A make them ignore the game mode, like raids OR B simply quit and move on and that does not help the reputation of the game as a whole.

> This is already being done with expansions and new maps. Could it be done better? Absolutely.

> >

> > There is more at stake than confusing people with the narrative (Which most of us seem to not care about anymore? Like honestly the story has become jumbled, most lore is retconned when needed and nothing is 100% tied to anything. If you go from personal story to living world you skip ALL of the content leading to S2 and the little missions they added in Eye of the north doesn't solve anything. Case and point my friend went and did them recently, and told me she still didn't understand who the heck these characters are or why she should care; She personally wants all of dragons watch dead because she has no connection to them. If that can be allowed to exist, then I dont know what to tell you. That is a NARRATIVE point which guild wars 2 prides itself on being a narrative driven game, if you can allow that level of confusion and misunderstanding to exist for players than how is changing the map going to do worse? Modern graphics and the things they have learned will make those maps 100% better. And likely will make them utilized far more than they currently and likely are~

> Experiences are different for different people as well as expectations. My spouse is playing through the personal story several years behind when I did it and not having the issue that your friend had. /shrug






Good for you, I dont really care about your experiences. So let me be blunt, I disagree with your mind-set as A-nets design of core is clearly problematic and other games have taken the time to update or are updating their core game to help make it easier for new players to understand and get more vets in those regions. To top that off as it stands now outside of farming gifts of exploration I likely will NEVER go back to core, as an individual (I know I dont matter, like no one ever really does lol?) unless they added a new player race. Which will never happen so for me its all dead content thats there to just be a time sink of a few days or weeks given what time I may have, to farm for a piece of my legendary weps and stuff.


I Say we agree to disagree and just go our separate ways, you wont sway me and I wont waste my time trying to sway you.

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