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Spectral Grasp adjustments proposition


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Currently, the utility skill "Spectral Grasp" is only affect by 2 of the augments the trait "Spectral Mastery" offers.

The reason for that is that it is a projectile. It is not an ability that has a duration (Aside from the chill it inflicts, if that can be counted) unlike the other 4 spectral utility skills.


I would suggest this :

Rework the ability so that instead of being a projectile, it becomes a tracking field (Comparable to the Warrior's torch skill #5, "Flames of war" if I remember correctly, or the Guardian's torch skill #4, "Zealot's flame"). It would pulse 5 times in total, each pulse applying 1.5 seconds of chill and providing 3% of life force per enemy affected.

That way, the ability still generates a reasonable amount of life force (15% if all pulses reach at least 1 opponent, 18% if the Spectral Mastery trait is being used) and is much less punishing if some pulses are dodged, blinded, or otherwise hindered.

The cooldown should either remain as it is now, 50 seconds, or be augmented to 60 seconds.

The pulses should be unblockable, but not undodgeable.

The range (or radius) should probably be 360. (For reference, the same radius as the 4th pulse of the necromancer greatsword skill #4 "Nightfall").

Either make it an instant ability or have a 1 second cast-time.


This rework would allow Spectral Grasp to be used for multiple purposes rather then only offensively.

I realize the main reason to use it is the life force generation, but should it become as I suggested, it could be used both as a way to slow down a fleeing enemy or an attacking opponent you'd rather not allow close to your person.


Feel free to comment your own opinion below! I'd love to hear everyone's ideas.

That means you too, devs. (Wink wink)


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Um the main reason to use Spectral Grasp is a 1200 range 5 target Pull that doesnt' require you to specifically target a player. It sat for years as a single target skill, they gave you the 15% life force as an apology for such a bad skill, and as a way to help you get some life force back in this new spec that uses 50% of your life force per second, but the Cooldown makes it not worth taking for Life force generation. Dessicate is 16 second cooldown for 10% so it proces 3-4 times before you get one of these off, and does Boon rip and provides might stacks. So the only reason to take grasp is to pull those dudes off the wall or to group up PVE mobs in a nice ball so you can aoe them. Its fine.

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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> Um the main reason to use Spectral Grasp is a 1200 range 5 target Pull that doesnt' require you to specifically target a player. It sat for years as a single target skill, they gave you the 15% life force as an apology for such a bad skill, and as a way to help you get some life force back in this new spec that uses 50% of your life force per second, but the Cooldown makes it not worth taking for Life force generation. Dessicate is 16 second cooldown for 10% so it proces 3-4 times before you get one of these off, and does Boon rip and provides might stacks. So the only reason to take grasp is to pull those dudes off the wall or to group up PVE mobs in a nice ball so you can aoe them. Its fine.


But what if you do not play Scourge?

I say that because there are people out there who do not play as a Scourge, myself included.

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Okay so you want us to evaluate your suggestion on base necro, when the change to spectral was for the good of all 3 specs and came out with Scourge? I still don't see how Spectral is anything but over powered. I agree that the duration doesn't really affect it, but everytime I use it in WvW i get 2 or 3 dudes in a zerg that didn't have stab and were not blocking that get pulled to me. Thats plenty strong enough right there, who else has a 1200 range 5 target pull?


The thing you should be asking for here is that they Move Spectral Trait to not compete with Vital Persistence which by the way if your not running, your doing Necro wrong. I mean Vital Persistence is so much stronger than Spectral that maybe only if you run Power Lich would you consider taking Spectral. Ever notice the animation over your head when you take fall dmg? yeah whats that about? Is that them giving necro back its shroud toughness? i don't now what it is honestly but i'm afraid to go without Vital persistence because without it you lose that animation when you go into combat.

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