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Will PoF Shake up the meta? Should it?


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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Coffietire.2783 said:

> > One thing to take note of is that HoT raids we're balanced in favor of using your espec (with some exceptions I know).

> > We are going to have people who have PoF but not HoT, meaning it would be in the raid designers' best interests to balance these encounters assuming people have access to PoF specs and not HoT specs. What this means, I have no idea, but it's something to think about.


> This is true. The new Raids should be balanced around not having Chronomancers, Druids and Berserkers. What this means for the game, we'll find out soon enough. All the more reason to have alternatives to those three in the new elite specs.


No. Instead, the advantages of these specs should be spread out more, so you can use alternative compositions without gimping the group.

There are multiple classes that can stack might as well as cPS, but the additional utility banners bring will always make cPS superior. The same goes for druid and BoTL.


Chronomancers are impossible to replace. No class will ever be able to add this much survivability to this much utility. It is probably not possible to change this without a complete work of chrono, so we might as well accept their role.

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I think my biggest concern is that I think we'll see a lot of PoF specs will go through what the Reaper went through with HoT, where they never live up to the potential of what they were sold as. Reapers were supposed to be big, slow, greatsword-wielding powerhouses, but the devs were too slow to buff this spec into being viable. The result was that many players who jumped into HoT with the intention of playing the GS Reaper that ANet advertised quickly found themselves entirely out-classed in pretty much all content and had to instead switch to a condi spec that played pretty much just like core necro or reroll entirely.


I hope the devs do some serious tuning before release because the PoF elite specs are up against many HoT specs that are performing so well that there many not be much place for anything else. Of course, some specs like Spellbreaker will probably never be meta in PvE since they have more of a PvP-centric style, but most of the PoF specs should have some chance to be strong in the meta early on, even if that means that they start off a little OP and need to be nerfed.

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