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A month and still no word on the new raid


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Give them time, it's only been a month.. let the new Expansion at least lose some shine. I would wager you will har word in around 3 months, or right after Wintersday.. or maybe right before, that way all the casuals will farm the holiday event and not fuss about the raid being the only new content during a dry spell.. maybe they learned not to do that from HoT.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @Redfeather.6401 said:

> > Maybe it is living story related. I would like to think it is. :astonished:


> It won't be. People cried really hard about lazarous for no reason so i don't even want to be on these forums to witness the storm that would happen if it was LS related.


Inb4 new raid is a dumbed down story raid about braham and his crusade. "Everyone" is happy.

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Since ANet never promised a particular release window and since there are all sorts of factors, this seems well with what any of us could have predicted.


* HoT launched on 23 October 2015. Forsaken thicket was introduced 17 November 2015.

* PoF launched on 22 September 2017. New raid launching on Oct 17 would be equivalent.


If the new raid comes out on Tue 24, it would be only a week longer between launch and raid.



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Weeks ago, before the PoF release I heard rumors on twitch that the new raid would be launched 6 to 8 weeks after the release, now there's another one going around that it will come after Halloween and it seems legit in my opinion, it doesn't sit that well releasing the new raid during a festival.

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You know this new raid requires testing by actual players. Players using the PoF elite specs that are not very well balanced.

I don't want the new Raid to be balanced around these un-balanced elite specs, I'd rather they fix them first and then release the Raid.

But I guess fixing the specs would take decades so a compromise is needed

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> There's Halloween now. No way they will release a new content during a festival - after all, festivals are one of the ways for them to get an additional breather. So, either it will be released somewhere inbetween Halloween and Wintersday, or past Wintersday.


I vote for 2018 to be honest. After they release at least one huge balance patch for the elite specs

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > There's Halloween now. No way they will release a new content during a festival - after all, festivals are one of the ways for them to get an additional breather. So, either it will be released somewhere inbetween Halloween and Wintersday, or past Wintersday.


> I vote for 2018 to be honest. After they release at least one huge balance patch for the elite specs

I agree. Would love to see a proper balance patch (that doesn't break as many things as it fixes ...) before a new, imbalanced raid comes out.

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> There's Halloween now. No way they will release a new content during a festival - after all, festivals are one of the ways for them to get an additional breather. So, either it will be released somewhere inbetween Halloween and Wintersday, or past Wintersday.


You say this, but they very well could do a low-entry one off Raid for Wintersdays. I could see this happening as a fun / yearly thing that comes and goes to get newer players into raids. It would give them something do enhance festivals with which we've seen they're keen on for Halloween already as well as a chance to bring back some GW1 related content like https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Secret_Lair_of_the_Snowmen

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> There's Halloween now. No way they will release a new content during a festival - after all, festivals are one of the ways for them to get an additional breather. So, either it will be released somewhere inbetween Halloween and Wintersday, or past Wintersday.


HoT wasn't content confirmed.


I believe with the start of the next LS. Balance changes are more related to the PvP seasons, than new raids. And if we look back to HoT the W1 got published around month after the release of HoT. That's why I don't they will wait for next year with the next wing.



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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Give them time, it's only been a month.. let the new Expansion at least lose some shine. I would wager you will har word in around 3 months, or right after Wintersday.. or maybe right before, that way all the casuals will farm the holiday event and not fuss about the raid being the only new content during a dry spell.. maybe they learned not to do that from HoT.


Its actually close to 10 months since the release of wing 4 i thing they had enough time.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> You know this new raid requires testing by actual players. Players using the PoF elite specs that are not very well balanced.

> I don't want the new Raid to be balanced around these un-balanced elite specs, I'd rather they fix them first and then release the Raid.

> But I guess fixing the specs would take decades so a compromise is needed


We all saw ho well balanced was w4 even aftwr almost 2 years of hot.

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I think they just have more immediate concerns with the fact Path of Fire is such a barren expansion in terms of content and rewards. The PoF maps are deserted by now outside the few bounty trains, which is just terrible considering the expansion hasn't even been released for more than a month.


They seem to have real troubles with pumping out content at a decent rate. 3 new fractals in 2 years is terrible compared to FFXIV or WoW who publish 10+ dungeons in a 2 year cycle and 3+ entire raid tiers per expansion cycle.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> I think they just have more immediate concerns with the fact Path of Fire is such a barren expansion in terms of content and rewards. The PoF maps are deserted by now outside the few bounty trains, which is just terrible considering the expansion hasn't even been released for more than a month.


> They seem to have real troubles with pumping out content at a decent rate. 3 new fractals in 2 years is terrible compared to FFXIV or WoW who publish 10+ dungeons in a 2 year cycle and 3+ entire raid tiers per expansion cycle.


Irrelevant because its different teams. It actually was i believe 3 fractals in 1 year. Is also unfair to compaire a b2p game with subbased ones.

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> @zealex.9410 said:

> > @Zenith.7301 said:

> > I think they just have more immediate concerns with the fact Path of Fire is such a barren expansion in terms of content and rewards. The PoF maps are deserted by now outside the few bounty trains, which is just terrible considering the expansion hasn't even been released for more than a month.

> >

> > They seem to have real troubles with pumping out content at a decent rate. 3 new fractals in 2 years is terrible compared to FFXIV or WoW who publish 10+ dungeons in a 2 year cycle and 3+ entire raid tiers per expansion cycle.


> Irrelevant because its different teams. It actually was i believe 3 fractals in 1 year. Is also unfair to compaire a b2p game with subbased ones.


Oh, please, B2P and F2P bring even more money than sub games. There's a reason the popular model has moved to F2P. Cash shops and gamble boxes produce far more for the average F2P game than if they tried a sub model. Look at how Overwatch was designed vs. WoW from the same company. Videogame companies understand the appeal of a casino model for game monetization.


The different teams point is exactly what's the problem with GW2. They have these fragmented teams that each do their own thing, fractals separate from raids for some reason when in other MMO's the battle content designers are one and the same for raids and dungeons.

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> @zealex.9410 said:

> > @Zenith.7301 said:

> > I think they just have more immediate concerns with the fact Path of Fire is such a barren expansion in terms of content and rewards. The PoF maps are deserted by now outside the few bounty trains, which is just terrible considering the expansion hasn't even been released for more than a month.

> >

> > They seem to have real troubles with pumping out content at a decent rate. 3 new fractals in 2 years is terrible compared to FFXIV or WoW who publish 10+ dungeons in a 2 year cycle and 3+ entire raid tiers per expansion cycle.


> Irrelevant because its different teams.


Actually it's not. Because when raid is created, dedicated raid team uses universal resources from whole game - artists, sound designers, model designers, coders etc. It's very possible they have good reasons to push back new raid in the queue. All in all, you are just a minority.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @zealex.9410 said:

> > > @Zenith.7301 said:

> > > I think they just have more immediate concerns with the fact Path of Fire is such a barren expansion in terms of content and rewards. The PoF maps are deserted by now outside the few bounty trains, which is just terrible considering the expansion hasn't even been released for more than a month.

> > >

> > > They seem to have real troubles with pumping out content at a decent rate. 3 new fractals in 2 years is terrible compared to FFXIV or WoW who publish 10+ dungeons in a 2 year cycle and 3+ entire raid tiers per expansion cycle.

> >

> > Irrelevant because its different teams. It actually was i believe 3 fractals in 1 year. Is also unfair to compaire a b2p game with subbased ones.


> Oh, please, B2P and F2P bring even more money than sub games. There's a reason the popular model has moved to F2P. Cash shops and gamble boxes produce far more for the average F2P game than if they tried a sub model. Look at how Overwatch was designed vs. WoW from the same company. Videogame companies understand the appeal of a casino model for game monetization.


> The different teams point is exactly what's the problem with GW2. They have these fragmented teams that each do their own thing, fractals separate from raids for some reason when in other MMO's the battle content designers are one and the same for raids and dungeons.


Wow and ff14 are able o dish out content so fast that anet could never hope to keep up with them.

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