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[Top priority] High heels system

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> @KrHome.1920 said:

> > @Selfrighteous.2931 said:

> > That crime is commited by cutting off (shortening) the lenght of their legs, when equipping "boots" gear with high heels or similary used costume, which happens due to game's lack of high heels system. Such brutal act is against right of all females and ruins the immersion.

> The GW2 character models are disproportional in genereal. The legs are too long and heads are too small. Even a female character with the maximum head size and in high heels gear is far away from reality.


> Your high heels issure just fixes the weird proportions a bit - which is nice!



No idea what you are talking about : / everyone's body is different sized ...

[https://imgur.com/a/VceAE](https://imgur.com/a/VceAE "https://imgur.com/a/VceAE")

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> @Selfrighteous.2931 said:

> > @KrHome.1920 said:

> > > @Selfrighteous.2931 said:

> > > That crime is commited by cutting off (shortening) the lenght of their legs, when equipping "boots" gear with high heels or similary used costume, which happens due to game's lack of high heels system. Such brutal act is against right of all females and ruins the immersion.

> > The GW2 character models are disproportional in genereal. The legs are too long and heads are too small. Even a female character with the maximum head size and in high heels gear is far away from reality.

> >

> > Your high heels issure just fixes the weird proportions a bit - which is nice!

> >


> No idea what you are talking about : / everyone's body is different sized ...

> [https://imgur.com/a/VceAE](https://imgur.com/a/VceAE "https://imgur.com/a/VceAE")


That head looks mighty small for that body in my opinion. Or very squashed vertically.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> They should just remove high heels from all armors. Only a maniac would use them to walk in rocky areas, in the desert, in the swamps and 100 other areas of the game where decent boots would be an advantage.


This. No high heels. They're a cringeworthy idea in any setting, including real life.

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> @Torzini.1523 said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > They should just remove high heels from all armors. Only a maniac would use them to walk in rocky areas, in the desert, in the swamps and 100 other areas of the game where decent boots would be an advantage.


> This. No high heels. They're a cringeworthy idea in any setting, including real life.


There's always the option of focusing on your own life, rather than letting how some stranger you don't know or "care" about impact your feelings. It's really not anyone's concern how others choose to dress either in person or in a virtual world. "Realism" also has no place in a world like GW2 where just about everything is based on magic, stats aside, having no armor is essentially the same defense as being fully armored, you only have them on for visual pleasure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The real crime is that all the shoes with non-kitten heels (edit: This is not censored, I do mean kitten heels) are ugly. Ugly heels. In Fashion Wars. Unacceptable!! Of course, the ancillary issue here is that heels lop off a few inches of our legs, and have no rigidity so they morph and bend in unfortunate ways. This is why my elementaliste runs around in huge stompy goth boots.

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> @Selfrighteous.2931 said:

> > @KrHome.1920 said:

> > > @Selfrighteous.2931 said:

> > > That crime is commited by cutting off (shortening) the lenght of their legs, when equipping "boots" gear with high heels or similary used costume, which happens due to game's lack of high heels system. Such brutal act is against right of all females and ruins the immersion.

> > The GW2 character models are disproportional in genereal. The legs are too long and heads are too small. Even a female character with the maximum head size and in high heels gear is far away from reality.

> >

> > Your high heels issure just fixes the weird proportions a bit - which is nice!

> >


> No idea what you are talking about : / everyone's body is different sized ...

> [https://imgur.com/a/VceAE](https://imgur.com/a/VceAE "https://imgur.com/a/VceAE")


Compared to "classic" proportions (Which are already quite a bit elongated from what humans really are) GW2 human models are extremely stylized. Almost 10 heads is NOT a standard proportion, not even in art.

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Everyone, this is a GAME not real life! If you like to have your character wear flats, that is fine. If you want your character to wear heels, that's fine too! Don't forget that there are way more flats than heeled footwear in the game as it is. Most outfits also have flats, not heels so really anyone in my opinion who says "NO heels because I don't like them!" doesn't speak for those who would like heels in the game and vice versa.


I just wish medium armor had heels that weren't locked behind having to do raids! Just one pair that is all!

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I'm in favor of more heels because I think they're pretty. I also would like to see the feet adjust for height, but that's unlikely. To the people who are against heels existing in the game, I think the player should have a choice between the men and women versions of armors, then everyone can be happy except the people who judge what other people do.

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